Parasitology I and II - Study Questions Flashcards
List the protozoa spread from human-to-human and animal-to-human
List the vector-borne protozoal diseases with its vector.
List the protozoa acquired from inadequate preparation of meat
List the diagnostic method to detect infection for the following protozoa
a. Plasmodium falciparum
b. Leishmania tropica
c. Trypanosoma cruzii
d. Giardia lamblia
e. Cryptosporidium
f. Entamoeba histolytica
g. Toxoplasmosis
List protozoa indigenous to the U.S. Mainland and those imported.
For which of the protozoal diseases are chemoprophylactic medications prescribed to either prevent infection or interrupt maturation and replication
Which malaria species can persist in the liver and relapse in the blood after treatment.
SX- Fever is associated with schizont rupture
Name the organs most severely affected in fulminant falciparum malaria
Which malaria species accounts for the majority of chloroquine resistance throughout the world
P. falciparum
- RBC Receptor: Glycophorin A*
- can in fect all types of RBCs*
- NO hepatic dormancy*
- Rarely seen in P. vivax (RBC receptor Duffy antigen) and NOT SEEN IN P. ovale and P. malariae*
The sexual phase of the malaria life cycle in which gametocytes mature to the sporozoite is known as ___________________________.
occurs in the MOSQUITO
gametocyte (male and female; fuse in the gut of mosquito) –> zygote —> oocyst –> sporozoite (in the saliva
(sporozoite is located in the salivary secretion of the mosquito –>infectious form)
It is not important to differentiate malaria species on the basis of blood smear morphology. True or False?
•P. vivax and P. ovale Schuffner’s dots - caveole -vesicle complexes
•P. falciparum - electron dense knobs
–Facilitate binding to endothelium and uninfected RBCs
Name the human cell in which babesia species are found.
Which morphologic stage of leishmania is seen within macrophages in skin biopsy in the cutaneous form or in the liver or spleen in the visceral form
Which morphologic stage of trypanosome circulates in the blood of people infected with Trypanosoma cruzi or Trypanosoma brucei gambiense?
Which protozoan causes megaesophagus or megacolon?
The insect vector of Trypanosoma cruzi is the __________________________.
The sexual phase of the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii takes place in the ___________________________.
How do humans acquire infection with Toxoplasma gondii?
What is the most common manifestation of toxoplasmosis in persons with AIDS?
How is the specific diagnosis of Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia established?
Name the infective form of Entamoeba histolytica
The organ most commonly involved in extra-intestinal amebiasis is the _______________________________.
What cells are often found in vacuoles within amebic trophozoites seen in clinical specimens from patients with invasive dysentery caused by Entamoeba histolytica?
The major site of infection with Giardia lamblia is ___________________________.
Giardia lamblia causes diarrhea by _________________________________________.
The clinical manifestation caused by cryptosporidium if it is acquired by healthy people is ____________________________________
Cryptosporidia have caused large outbreaks of waterborne diarrheal disease in the U.S. True or False?
Cryptosporidium causes chronic debilitating diarrhea in people with ___________________________________.