Parasitology (Exam 1) Flashcards
There are 3 types of parasites but we will only study the 2 that live inside the body. What are these 2 types?
1) protozoa
2) metazoa
What is the difference between protozoa and metazoa parasites?
protozoa are single celled organisms whereas metazoa are multicellular organisms
What are these?
1) sarcodina (amoeboids)
2) ciliophora (ciliated protozoans)
3) mastigophora (flagellated protozoans)
4) sporozoa (sporozoan)
the 4 groups of protozoa
Which protozoa group has pseudopod formation?
sarcodina (amoeboids)
What is the 1 sarcodina (amoeboids) organism we learned?
entamoeba histolytic
Where does entamoeba histolytic live in the body?
GI tract
Which protozoa group has cilia?
ciliophora (ciliated protozoans)
What is the 1 ciliophora (ciliated protozoan) we learned?
balantidium coli
Where does balantidium coli live in the body?
GI tract
Which protozoa has flagella?
mastigophora (flagellated protozoans)
What are these?
1) giarida lamblia
2) trichomonas vaginalis
3) trypanasoma gambiense, trypanasoma rhodesiense, and trypansoma cruzi
4) leishmania donovani, leishmania tropica, leishmania mexicana, and leishmania braziliensis
the 4 mastigophora (flagellated protozoans)
Where is giarida lamblia found in the body?
GI tract
Where is trichomonas vaginalis found in the body?
vagina and prostate
Where is trypanasoma gambiense, trypanasoma rhodesiense, and trypansoma cruzi found in the body?
Where is leishmania donovani, leishmania tropica, leishmania mexicana, and leishmania braziliensis found in the body?
cutaneous tissue like skin
Which protozoa has no external organs of locomotion?
sporozoa (sporozoan)
Which protozoa makes spores?
sporozoa (sporozoan)
What are the 3 sporozoa (sporozoans) we learned in class?
1) plasmodium
2) toxoplasma gondii
3) cryptosporidium parvum
Which parasite is acarpomyxea (amoeba like)?
naegleria fowleri
What is the fancy word for flatworms?
What are the 2 classes of flatworms?
1) cestoda (tapeworms)
2) trematoda (flukes)
What are these?
-taenia saginata
-taenia solium
-echinococcosis granulosus
-hymenolepsis nana
cestoda (tapeworms)
What are these?
-schistosoma mansoni
-schistosoma japonicum
-schistosoma haemotobium
-fasciolopsis buski
-clonorchis sinesis
-fasciola hepatica
-paragonimus westermani
trematoda (flukes)
What trematoda/fluke is this?
-schistosoma mansoni and schistosoma japonicum
GI tract
What trematoda/fluke is this?
-schistosoma haemotobium
urinary tract
What trematoda/fluke is this?
-fasciolopsis buski
intestinal fluke
What trematoda/fluke is this?
-clonorchis sinesis and fasciola hepatica
liver fluke
What trematoda/fluke is this?
-paragonimus westermani
lung fluke
What is the fancy word for round worms?
What are these?
-ascaris lumbricoides
-enterobius vermicularis
-trichuris trichura
-trichinella spiralis
-strongyloides stercoralis
-necator americanus
-ancylostoma duodenale
-wucheria bancrofti
-onchocerca volvulus
-loa loa
-dracunculus medinesis
nematoda/nemahelminthes/ round worms
Where are these nematodes found?
-ascaris lumbricoides
-enterobius vermicularis
-trichuris trichura
-trichinella spiralis
-strongyloides stercoralis
-necator americanus
-ancylostoma duodenale
gi tract
Where are these nematodes found?
-wucheria bancrofti
-onchocerca volvulus
-loa loa
-dracunculus medinesis
lymphatic and cutaneous tissue
What diseases are caused by entamoeba histolytica?
amebiasis (amebic dysentery) and liver abscess
What is the route of transmission for entamoeba histolytica
ingestion of cysts in fecally contaminated food or water
What organism causes a flask like lesion?
entamoeba histolytica
What organism would cause an anchovy paste like pus from liver abscess?
entamoeba histolytica
What is the treatment for entamoeba histolytica?
metronidazole or tinidazole
What are the diseases caused by balantidum coli?
balantidiasis, ciliary, or balantidal dysentery
What is the largest protozoan that infects humans?
balantidum coli
What is the only ciliated protozoan that causes human disease?
balantidum coli
What is the main reservoir for balantidum coli?
What is the transmission route for balantidum coli?
fecal oral route
What disease is caused by giarida lambila?
What is the transmission route for giarida lambila?
fecal oral route
Who frequently gets infected by giarida lambila?
-hikers who drink untreated water
What organism would have trophozoite that causes inflammation and weight loss due to malabsorption of fat, lactose, and vit A?
giarida lambila
What disease is caused by trichomonas vaginalis?
How is trichomonas vaginalis transmitted?
any parasitic flagellate protozoan that lives in the bloodstream
What are the 2 genera of hemoflagellates?
trypansoma and leishmania
What disease is caused by trypanasoma brucei grambiense and trypanasoma brucei rhodesinse?
African trypanosomiasis (African sleeping sickness)
What is the vector for trypanasoma brucei grambiense and trypanasoma brucei rhodesinse?
tse tse fly
What is the reservoir for trypanasoma brucei grambiense?
What is the reservoir for trypanasoma brucei rhodesinse?
humans and animals
What organism causes coma from demyelinating encephalitis?
trypanasoma brucei grambiense and trypanasoma brucei rhodesinse
What are the disease progression differences between trypanasoma brucei grambiense and trypanasoma brucei rhodesinse?
trypanasoma brucei grambiense= low grade chronic course over a few years
trypanasoma brucei rhodesinse= more acute, rapidly progressive disease that if untreated is fatal
What organism would cause this?
-initial ulcer at site of bite
-intermittent weekly fever and lymphadenopathy
-enlargement of posterior cervical lymph nodes= winterbottom’s sign
trypanasoma brucei grambiense and trypanasoma brucei rhodesinse
What would early labs show for someone infected with trypanasoma brucei grambiense and trypanasoma brucei rhodesinse?
trymastigotes in blood, lymph nodes, and CSF
What disease is caused by trypanosoma cruzi?
South American Trypanosomiasis (Chagas’ disease)
What is the vector for trypanosoma cruzi?
reduviid bug (kissing bug or also known as assassin bug)
What muscle in the body is most frequently and severely affected by trypanosoma cruzi?
cardiac muscle
What organism would cause this?
-chagoma/nodule near bite
-bite around eye can result in unilateral swelling called romana’s sign
trypanosoma cruzi
What disease is caused by leishmania donovani?
visceral leishmaniasis, also known as kala-azar
What is the vector for leishmania donovani?
What organism would cause this?
-organs of the RES system severely affected (liver, spleen, BM)
-LD bodies found within macrophages
leishmania donovani
(LD bodies stands for leishmania donovani bodies)
What disease is caused by leishmania tropica?
old world cutaneous leishmaniasis (this is in Middle East, Africa, and India)
What is the main reservoir for leishmania tropica, leishmania mexicana, and leishmania braziliensis?
What is the main vector for leishmania tropica, leishmania mexicana, and leishmania braziliensis?
What disease is caused by leishmania mexicana?
new world cutaneous leishmaniasis (this is in central and south america)
What disease is caused by Leishmania braziliensis?
mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (espundia)
Who is most likely to be infected by leishmania braziliensis?
forestry and construction workers
What disease is caused by plasmodium malariae, P. ovale, P. falciparum, P. vivax?
What is the number 1 killer of all the parasitic diseases?
What are the 4 species that cause malaria in humans?
1) P. vivax
2) P. falciparum
3) P. malariae
4) P. ovale
note: P. vivax and P. falciparum are most common
What is the most pathogenic malaria species?
P. falciparum
What is the vector for malaria?
female anopheles mosquitoes
Who is the definitive host for malaria?
female anopheles mosquitoes
Who is the intermediate host for malaria?
What cell in the body is destroyed when someone is infected with malaria?
What is the drug of choice to treat malaria?
What disease is caused by toxoplasma gondii?
How is toxoplasma gondii transmitted?
undercooked meat or being in contact with cat feces
In US, kitty liter is the most common source of exposure to what for humans?
toxoplasma gondii
What is the definitive host of toxoplasma gondii?
Some toxoplasma gondii infections resemble what in clinical findings?
What are the torch infections?
T= toxoplasmosis
O= others (syphilis, hepatitis B, etc.)
R= rubella
C= cytomegalovirus (CMV)
H= herpes simplex
Congenital infection with _______________ is a leading cause of blindness in children
toxoplasma gondii
What disease is caused by naegleria fowleri?
primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) also known as brain eating amoeba
How is naegleria fowleri transmitted
swimming in warm bodies of water
What is the most deadly disease of CNS? 2nd most deadly?
1st= rabies
2nd= brain eating amoeba
Where does naegleria fowleri enter the human body?
nasal cavity and migrates along olfactory nerve
What is the fancy word for beef tapeworm?
taenia saginata
What disease is caused by taenia saginata?
How is taenia saginata transmitted?
eating raw or undercooked beef containing larvae
What is the intermediate host of taenia saginata?
What is the definitive host of taenia saginata and taenia solium?
What is the fancy word for pork tapeworm?
taenia solium
What diseases are caused by taenia solium?
taeniasis and cysticercosis
What is the intermediate host of taenia solium?
The adult form of taenia solium causes what disease?
The larvae form of taenia solium causes what disease?
What disease is caused by echinococcosis granulosus?
echinococcosis, also known as hydatid disease or dog tapeworm
What is the fancy word for dog tapeworm?
echinococcosis granulosus
What is the smallest tapeworm?
echinococcosis granulosus
What is the definitive host of echinococcosis granulosus?
What is intermediate host of echinococcosis granulosus?
human***, sheep, goats, swine
Which parasite has embryos that develop into large fluid filled hydatid cysts?
echinococcosis granulosus
What is the fancy word for fish tapeworm?
diphyllobothrium latum
What disease is caused by diphyllobothrium latum?
How is diphyllobothrium latum transmitted?
eating raw or undercooked fish containing larvae
What is the 1st intermediate host of diphyllobothrium latum?
What is the 2nd intermediate host of diphyllobothrium latum?
freshwater fish
What is the definitive host of diphyllobothrium latum?
What parasite can cause pernicious megaloblastic anemia (vit B12 def)?
diphyllobothrium latum
(fish tapeworm competes with vit B12 and auto Abs develop)
What disease is caused by hymenolepsis nana (dwarf tapeworm)?
What parasite is capable of autoinfection?
hymenolepsis nana (dwarf tapeworm)
What is the definitive host of hymenolepsis nana (dwarf tapeworm)?
(note: there is no intermediate host for this tapeworm! its the only tapeworm without an intermediate host)
What is the most frequently found tapeworm in the US?
hymenolepsis nana (dwarf tapeworm)
Schistosoma mansoni, schistosoma japonicum, and schistosoma haematobium are all known as
schistosomes or blood flukes
What is the definitive host of schistosoma mansoni, schistosoma japonicum, and schistosoma haematobium?
What is the intermediate host of schistosoma mansoni, schistosoma japonicum, and schistosoma haematobium?
What is the only parasite that can cause cancer?
schistosoma haematobium infection can lead to carcinoma of bladder
note: viruses and bacterium like H. pylori can also cause cancer
What parasite causes cercarial dermatitis (swimmers itch)?
Schistosoma mansoni, schistosoma japonicum, and schistosoma haematobium
What disease is caused by ascaris lumbricoides?
What is the largest intestinal nematode of humans?
ascaris lumbricoides
How is ascaris lumbricoides transmitted?
ingesting contaminated food or water
What disease is caused by enterobius vermicularis?
enterobiasis (pinworm, also known as seat worm or threadworm)
What parasite causes perianal pruritus?
enterobius vermicularis
What is the most common helminthic infection in US?
enterobius vermicularis
What parasite is diagnosed with a scotch tape test or flashlight test?
enterobius vermicularis
What disease is caused by trichuris trichura?
whipworm/ trichuriasis
What disease is caused by trichinella spiralis?
What is the reservoir for trichinella spiralis?
pigs or bears
How is trichinella spiralis transmitted?
eating raw or undercooked pig or bear
Eggs of what parasite develop in striated muscle cells and eventually calcify?
trichinella spiralis
What disease is caused by strongyloides stercoralis?
What parasite would have these clinical findings?
-ground itch
-watery diarrhea
strongyloides stercoralis
What is another name for nector americanus?
new world hookworm
What is another name for ancylostoma duodenale?
old world hookworm
What disease is caused by nector americanus and ancylostoma duodenale?
uncinariasis and ancylostomiasis
What parasitic infection would have these clinical findings?
-ground itch
-pneumonia with eosinophilia
-iron def anemia
nector americanus and ancylostoma duodenale
What disease is caused by wucheria bancrofti?
filariasis (elephantiasis)
What is the vector and intermediate host for wucheria bancrofti?
female mosquitos
What is the definitive host of wucheria bancrofti?
Which parasitic infection obstructs lymphatic vessels and causes elephantiasis?
wucheria bancrofti
What disease is caused by onchocerca volvulus?
onchocerciasis (river blindness)
What is the vector for onchocerca volvulus?
female blackfly
What is the definitive host of onchocerca volvulus?
What disease is caused by loa loa?
loiasis (african eye worm)
What is the vector and intermediate host of loa loa?
deer fly
What is the definitive host of loa loa?
What parasite causes calabar swellings around the eye?
loa loa
What disease is caused by dracunculus medinesis?
dracontiasis (guinea fire worm infection)
How is dracunculus medinesis transmitted?
crustaceans containing infective larvae are swallowed in drinking water