Parasitic Diseases - Malaria, Schisosomiasis, Trpanosomiasis/Chagas disease, Amebiasis Flashcards
-causative organism
Parasitic flatworm living in freshwater snails
Acute infection
-swimmers itch
-fever, arthralgia, myalgia
-urticaria, angiodema => eosinophilia
Chronic infection - worms deposit egg clusters in bladder => inflammation and calcification
-bladder calcification
Asymptomatic - schistosome AB
Symptomatic - urine/stool MCS for eggs
1 dose of praziquantel
-species causing infection
-protective factors
Severe malaria - plasmodium falciparum (MOST COMMON)
Benign malaria - plasmodium vivax, ovale, malariae
Sickle cell
G6PD - high oxidative stress has antimalarial action
GOLD STANDARD - thick and thin blood films
-low PLT
-normochromic normocytic anemia
-normal WCC
-high retics
Malaria falciparum
48hr cycle of fever + chills + sweating
GI - N+V, abdo pain, mild jaundice and itch
MSK - aches and pains
Resp - cough
Neuro - headache
Severe features
-schizont on blood film
-parasitemia 2%+
-acute renal failure
-cerebral malaria
Uncomplicated - artemisin combination therapy (ACT)
Severe - IV artesunate
Malaria - non-falciparum
-causes and location
General features - fever, headache, splenomegaly
Vivax + ovale - 48hrs
-have dormant stage in liver (hypnozoite) => may relapse
Malariae - 72hrs + nephrotic
ACT or chloroquine
-ACT should not be used in pregnancy
Ovale + vivax - primaquine should be given in addition to destroy liver hypnozoites
Trypanosomiasis - African/Sleeping sickness
-cause and location
Trypanosoma gambiense - West Africa
Trypanosoma rhodesiense - East Africa
Spread by tsetse fly
Early disease
-trypanosoma chancre - painless SC nodule at infection site
-intermittent fever
-enlargement of posterior cervical LN
Late disease - CNS involvement
-mood changes
Light microscopy of blood (thick and thin) or other fluid samples
Early - IV pentamdine/suramin
Late/CNS involvement - IV melarsoprol
Trypanosomiasis - American/Chagas diseases
-cause and location
Trypanosoma cruzi - majority of cases in Latin America
Acute phase - majority asymptomatic
-chagoma - red hardened lesion at insect bite site
-periorbital edema
Chronic phase
-myocarditis => dilated cardiomyopathy, arrythmias
-megaesophagus and megacolon => dysphagia, constipation
Acute - -azoles or nitroderivatives
Chronic - treat complications
-cause and location
Entamoeba histolytica
Poor sanitation, crowded => fecal-oral spread
India, Indonesia, Mexico
Dysentery - profuse bloody diarrhoea
Stool microscopy within 15mins/kept warm - trophozoites
Amebic liver abscess - fever + RUQ pain + systemic upset + hepatomegaly
-often in right liver lobe -supplied by portal vein
-anchovy sauce
Liver US
Management for both - PO metronidazole + luminal agent (diloxanide furoate)
-causative organism
Aedes mosquito
Africa, Southeast Asia, Central and South America
Fever + JOINT PAIN + rash
Serum PCR
Symptomatic management