parasites Flashcards
name the different types of host
paratenic (harbours the parasite without it further developing)
definitive (harbours the adult stage of the parasite, or the parasite uses it for sexual reprod)
intermediate (harbours the asexual/ larval stage)
name the types of helminths
are helminths macro or microparasites?
name the types of platyhelminth
plaits are toady….
cestodes = tape worms
trematodes = flukes
name the types of nematodes
intestinal nematodes
tissue nematodes
caused by ascaris lumbricoides
areas of poor hygiene, young children… as acquired by ingesting eggs. in the intestinal phase, get malnutrition, malab, migration (to the hepatobiliary tree and pancreas), intestinal obstruction.
If it migrates to the lungs, LOEFLLERS SYNDROME (dry cough, dypsnoea, wheeze, haemoptysis, eosinophilic pneumonitis).
what is the treatment for ascariasis
albendazole (stops worm absorbing glucose)
a TREMATODE (type of platyhelminths)
common species = s. haematobium, s. mansoni, s. intercallatum, s. japonicum, s. mehongi.
causes chronic disease –> bladder cancer and liver cirrhosis!
causes swimmers itch, katayana fever, chronic schistosoma, eggs –> distant sites (heart and lungs)
schistosomiasis / ‘bilharzia’
what is the life cycle of the schistosoma genus ?
flukes sexually reproduce in human instesine –> excreted –> larvae from faeces infect snails –> asexual reproduction occurs –> skin penetration in humans
what is the urinary species of schistosoma?
s. haematobium
causes haematuria, bladder fibrosis, squamous cell CA of the bladder
what are the hepatic/ intestinal species of schistosoma ?
s. mansoni, s. intercallatum, s. japonicum, s. mekongi.
causes portal hypertension, liver cirrhosis, abdo pain, hepatosplenomegaly
how do you diagnose schistosoma?
stream microscopy + serology if urinary
stool microscopy for hepatic/ intestinal
how do you treat schistosoma?
praziquantel (increases ionic permeability of tetanic contraction)
= well absorbed and metabolites are excreted in urine
caused by echiococcus sp.
a CESTODE (platyhelminth).
definitive host = dog. intermediate host = sheep, goats, swine. –> humans become accidental hosts when they ingest contaminated meat.
causes cysts in liver and lungs, secondary bacterial infections, sometimes asymp, hypersensitivity if cysts rupture,
hyatid disease
how would you diagnose hyatid disease?
imaging and serology
what are the types of protozoa?
flagellates, amoeboids, sporotzoans, trypanosome
what are the main species of the plasmodium genus?
p. falciparum (70% malarias)
p. vivax
p. ovale
p. malariae
life cycle = anopheles mosquito –> injects gametes into human blood –> liver –> mosquito
symptoms = rupture RBCs, blocks capps, inflamm and fever, rigors, CEREBRAL MALARIA (confusion, headache), renal failure, hypoglycaemia, pulm oedema, circulatory collapse, bleeding, DIC
always suspect if returning traveller and fever
how would you diagnose malaria?
microscopy, serology, PCR (malaria DNA)
treatment of malara?
antimalarials like chloroquine + primaquine if not p. falciparum.
if falciparum, then oral/ IV quinine
supportive therapy for complications
a sporotzoan.
caused by cryptosporidium pavum/ hominus.
watery diarrhoea, faecal-oral spread by either other humans or animals, worldwide distribution.
7 day incubation.
bloating, fever, cramps, vomiting
SELF LIMITING but can be very severe in immuno comp (or very old/ young).
people most at risk = elderly/ childcare workers, swimming pool users, backpackers, consumers of infected dairy.
cryptic diarrhoea….
how would you diagnose cryptosporidosis?
faeces, acid fast staining, EIA detects Ag
what is the treatment for cryptosporidosis?
treat symptoms
treat immunocomp with paromycin to kill parasite
nitazoxanide + octreotide to decrease cramps
a flagellate
caused by trichomonas vaginalis
sexually transmitted!
incubation 5-28 days.
men are asymptomatic!
women: smelly vaginal discharge, dysuria, lower abdo pain
punctuate haemorrhage on cervix –> strawberry cervix
lives in vaginal/ prostatic secretions in urine
diagnose w genital sample
tricky vagina
how would you treat trichomoniasis ?
metronidazole (+ to partner)
a flagellate giardia intestinalis is the cause faecal-oral spread spectrum of symptoms: can be asymptomatic, or severe diarrhoea and malabsorption. nausea, vomiting. diagnose by stool microscopy. treatment = metronidazole/ tinidazole