Paragraph 2 Flashcards
Paragraph 2 Points
Bystander effect.
Latane and Darley - 5 stage model of intervention.
Bystander intervention/diffusion of responsibility.
Latane and Darley.
Philpot et al.
Latane and Rodin.
Abbat et al.
Grietmeyer and Mugge
Cox et al
Despite much research…
Piliavin et al. - Bystander Calculus Model
Urban overload hypothesis
Levine et al.
Bystander Effect
People are less likely to help if others present.
Effect increased if victim stranger/decreased if victim friend.
Latane and Darley - 5 Stage Model of Intervention
People only intervene in bystander situations if they meet each stage and make decision to provide aid.
Bystander intervention/diffusion of responsibility
Individual breaks their role of bystander to step in and help/responsibility is transferred to others in situation.
Latane and Darley
The more people there were the less likely to help.
Philpot et al.
9/10 public conflicts - at least one but usually more would help.
Latane and Rodin
Pairs of individuals less likely to help - 40%.
70% chance of helping of alone.
If passing confederate suggested that situation was not critical helping dropped to 3%.
Abbat et al.
Priming people helped to increase prosocial behaviour and effect remained when bystanders present.
Greitmeyer and Mugge
Bystander effect present when only one helper required, reversed when many helpers required.
Cox et al.
Individual differences influence bystander intervention - male and females received help equally but men more likely to help than women.
Despite much research…
Does not provide a complete picture - fails to explain reasons why decisions are not made at each step, does not consider emotional factors or underlying reasons of why people help.
Piliavin et al. - Bystander Calculus Model
Combines cognitive and physiological processes.
Weighing up costs and rewards of helping.
Not helping comes with costs - guilt/personal blame.
Urban Overload Hypothesis
People living in cities less likely to help as they are bombarded with stimulation and need to keep to themselves to prevent becoming overloaded (Milgram).
50% would help limping collapsed man in rural areas, 15% in cities.
Replicated in some countries, not all.
Levine et al.
Population density more related to helping behaviour than population size.