Paradise Lost quotes Flashcards
“Bent on man’s destruction”
Narrator Book IX
“He rode with darkness”
Narrator Book IX
“The serpent subtlest beast of all the field”
Narrator Book IX
“Dark suggestions”
Narrator Book IX
“The more I see pleasures about me, so much more I feel torment within me”
Satan Book IX
“For only in destroying I find ease to my relentless thoughts”
Satan Book IX
“Man he made, and for him he built this magnificent world”
Satan Book IX
“Dark intent”
Satan Book IX
“What will not ambition and revenge descend to”
Satan Book IX
“The work under our labour grows, luxurious by restraint”
Eve Book IX
“Wanton growth”
Eve Book IX
“Let us divide our labours”
Eve Book IX
“What malicious foe envying our happiness”
Adam Book IX
“Leave not the faithful side that gave thee being”
Adam Book IX
“Safest and seemliest by her husband stays”
Adam Book IX
“The tree is not as we are told .. but of divine effect to open eyes”
Eve Book IX
Eating the fruit has caused her to grow “up to godhead”
Eve Book IX
“defaced, deflowered, and now to death devote?”
Adam Book IX
“How can I live without thee”
Adam Book IX
“Our state cannot be severed, we are one, one flesh”
Adam Book IX
“Against his better knowledge, not deceived”
Narrator Book IX
“The mortal sin original”
Narrator Book IX
“Carnal desire inflaming”
Narrator Book IX
“In lust they burn”
Narrator Book IX
“Soon found their eyes how opened, and their minds how darkened; innocence, that as a veil had shadowed them from knowing ill, was gone”
Narrator Book IX
“Our faces evident the signs of foul concupiscence”
Adam Book IX
“Why didst not thou the head command me absolutely not to go”
Eve Book IX
“Man, with strength entire, and free will armed”
Narrator Book X
“From her had I could suspect no ill”
Adam Book X
“The serpent me beguiled and I did eat”
Eve Book X
“Upon thy belly”
the Son (Satan’s punishment) Book X
“While Satan our great author”
Sin Book X
“Hell could no longer hold us in her bounds”
Sin Book X
“Of Satan (for I glory in the name, antagonist of heaven’s almighty King)”
Sin Book X
“The sound of public scorn”
Narrator (when all the devils become serpents) Book X
“Triumph to shame”
Narrator (Satan) Book X
“Bad woman”
Adam Book X
“Out of my sight, thou serpent”
Adam (about Eve) Book X
“Childless thou art, childless remain”
Eve Book X
“To die the shortest choosing”
Eve (take the power back by dying) Book X
“Our foe shall scape his punishment ordained, and we instead shall double ours upon our heads”
Adam (Satan wins if they die) Book X