!! Paradise Lost quotes Flashcards
Serpent sly
“The serpent, subtlest beat of all the field”
Earth heaven
“O earth, how like to heav’n”
“For only in destroying I find ease,
to my relentless thoughts; and find him destroyed”
“I in one night freed… half Th’ angelic name”
lying, only had 1/3 on his side
“This new favourite of heaven”
“this man of clay”
“Let us divide our labours”
“Sole Eve, associate sole”
only eve
“for nothing lovelier can be found In woman, than to study household good, and good works in her husband to promote”
miltons views sneeking on in there <3
“malicious foe”
“who could seduce angles”
“as we are not capiable of death”
Free will
“and Eden is no Eden thus exposed”
Test and faithfullness
“And what is love, virture unassayed Alone, without exterior help sustained?”
if they are not tested, are they truly faithful?
“Seek not temptation then… trail will come unsought”
Eves femininity
“her Heav’nly form Angelic, but more soft, and feminine, her graceful innocence”
Satan good
“One abstarcted stood From his own evil, and for time remained Stupidly good”
shes so beautiful he forgets hes evil
Satan enemy
“so spake the Enemy of mankind”
Satan stupid
“Stupidly good”
Satan Husband
“Her Husband… whose higher intellectual more I shun”
Satan Godess
“A Goddess among gods”
Adam trial
“trail will come unsought”
Eve friendly
“Friendly to man, far from deceit or guile”
Eve greedy
“Greedily she engorged without restraint And she knew not eating death”
Eve deflowered
“Defaced, deflow’red, and now to death devote”
Adam charm
“not deceived, But fondly overcome with female charm”
Adam evil
“O Eve, in evil hour”
Satan first in Paradise
- the space of seven continued nights he rode with darkness (line 64)
- thrice the equinoctial line He circled, four times crossed the car of night…by stealth Found unsuspected way p77
- in one day to have marred what he Almighty styled, six nights and days
Satan’s ability to shapeshift
- Satan involved in rising mist
- the serpent subtlest beast (implies wit, slippery, ominous, unsettling
Satan on why he destroys
- For only in destroying, I find ease for my relentless thoughts
- Revenge, at first though sweet, Bitter ere long back on itself recoils
Satan on why he thinks God created mankind
- to spite us more
- to repair his numbers thus impaired
Satan on becoming serpent
‘O foul descent! that I, who erst contended with gods to sit the highest, am now constrained into a beast, and mixed with bestial slime’ (he feels imbruted (made into a brute) and fallen)
Satan’s emotions before entering Paradise
‘Fearless unfeared he slept’ (antithesis, prelapsarian harmony)
Eve to Adam first argument
- till more hands aid us, the work under our labour grows….let us divide our labours
- what wonder if so near Looks intervene and smiles…which intermits Our day’s work brought to little..and the hour of supper comes unearned (too much flirting and distraction to work, which Milton, as Protestant, thought work should be done for a living)
Adam Misogyny to Eve in argument
- nothing lovelier can be found In woman, than to study household good’
- The wife…safest and seemliest by her husband stays (could be Milton’s own words and is dramatic irony, as we know what will happen)
Adam saying that God has not given much work
not so strictly hath our Lord imposed Labour
Adam on why their loving smiles are fine p67
for smiles from reason flow, to brute denied (smiles show they are not like other animals)
Adam on why love helps them reason p67
but to delight He made us, and delight to reason joined (love helps reason, helps them learn and grow)
Adam on how Eve should not go out because of Satan p67
other doubt possesses me, lest harm befall thee…for thou know’st
What hath been warned us, what malicious foe
Envying out happiness…
seeks to work us woe and shame (violent language is unusual for Adam, implies extremity of Satan’s threat)
Adam on Satan’s motive p68
withdraw our fealty (divine trust) from God, or to disturb Conjugal love
Eve is angry that Adam should doubt her loyalty p68
But that thou shouldst my firmness therefore doubt
To God or thee, because we have a foe
May tempt it, I expected not to hear.
Eve on how he mistook her to be seduced by Satan in arguments p69
Thy equal fear that my firm faith and love
Can by his fraud be shaken or seduced
….misthought of her to thee so dear? (implied criticism that she would be swayed by Satan and she is trying to make him feel guilty, but it is a weak argument, as she does give into temptation) (f sound implies anger)
Adam in debate saying that it would dishonour her to converse with Satan p69
For he who tempts…asperses the tempted with dishonour foul
Eve on how their love should not be confined due to Satan p71
What is faith, love, virtue unassayed
Alone, without exterior help unsustained?
Adam on why God’s way is the best argument p71
best are all things as the will
Of God ordained them
Adam on how free will from God should not be exploited p71
free will from God should not be exploited p71
But God left free the will…..and misinform the will To do what God expressly hath forbid.
Adam on temptation to Eve p71
Seek not temptation
Milton reminds us of how Adam is the head p72
so spake the patriarch of mankind
Epithets to describe Eve when she leaves p74
much deceived, much failing, hapless Eve
Satan’s thoughts of Eve’s appearance when he first sees her and ogles her p76
- graceful innocence
-rapine sweet (he is mentally and psychologically raped by her beauty)
Satan when he sees Eve and his evil is almost taken away p76
“That space the evil one abstracted stood / From his own evil, and for the time remained / Stupidly good
Eve eats the apple p90
her rash hand in evil hour…..she plucked, she ate:
Earth felt the wound
Eve tells Adam what she did
in her cheek distemper flushing glowed
imbalance of the four humours, juxtaposes with Adam’s reaction
Adam and Eve reaction after Eve first tells him p100-101
mutual guilt
their mind how darkened….innocence…was gone ( innocence of indulgence, innocence of using sex other than for love)
strucken mute
How Adam and Eve see each other after Fall p103
anger, hate / Mistrust, suspicion, discord (start to hate each other with new feelings never felt before (asyndeton)
Adam to Eve if only you had listened to me p104
Wouldst thou hadst hearkened to my words, and stayed with me….we had then remained still happy
Eve saying Adam should have stopped her p105
Why didst not thou the head / Command me absolutely not go
Misogyny of Adam at end of Book IX
Thus it shall befall / Him who to worth in women overtrusting / Lets her will rule; restraint she will not broke (ends in profound sexism, women will make things go wrong and blame men, perhaps Milton’s thinking of women, as he envisions what will happen, by ending with Adam it gives him the moral agency over Eve)
Jesus blaming Adam’s uxoriousness p112
Was she thy God…….Thou didst resign thy manhood, and the place Wherein God set thee above her….whose perfection far excelled / Hers
Satan punishment p113 from God
Upon thy belly grovelliing ….
Her seed shall bruise thy head, thou bruise his heel
- Satan and snakes are doomed to crawl on bellies
Eve’s and women’s punishment p114
Thy sorrow I will greatly multiply
By thy conception; children thou shalt bring
In sorrow forth, and to thy husband’s will
Thine shall submit, he over thee will rule.
- women will have pain in childbirth and submit to husbands
- basis of the patriarchy, goes back to genesis and other male-dominated societies
Adam’s punishment p114
Cursed is the ground …Thorns and thistles it shall bring thee forth….in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, Till thou return unto the ground,….for dust thou art, and shalt to dust return
- he will have to work harder to harvest
-reminded that he is mortal now
All Eve says to Jesus p113
the serpent me beguiled and I did eat.
- significant that this is all she says, whilst Adam blames Eve and makes whole speech
Satan expects applause p127
-expecting their universal shout and high applause..when contrary he hears / On all sides, from innumerable tongues / A dismal universal hiss, the sound / Of public scorn (auditory imagery, amd enjambment emphasises the sudden stillness
Demons’ punishment p128
- all transformed / Alike, to serpents
- their lost shape…they resumed,/ Yearly enjoined, some say, to undergo / This annual humbling certain numbered ways (perhaps God does not give the demons as much punishment, as they already have punished themselves, reflecting his love and authority, so one a year they will have to be serpents)
Adam feeling sad after Satan, Sin Death scene
-O miserable of happy! (juxtaposition)….become Accursed of blessed
Adam blaming God for making him p137
Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay / To mould me man (blasphemy, no trust that God would look after him, despair, spoiled, ungrateful, asking why he was made)