Angela Carter Quotes Flashcards
“Ceaselessly thrusting the train”
- immediate sexual imagery
“Extraordinarily precious slit throat”
- french revolution guillotines
- violence and foreshadowing
“I sensed in myself a potentially for corruption”
- subverts usual innocent and pure vs hyper sexual women trope
- loss of naivety
“his dark, soft, rumbling growl”
- foreshadowing turning back into a human
- animalism + atavism
“I could not go hunting, I found i had not the stomach to kill the gentle beasts”
- changed due to Beauty’s influence - becoming more human-like
- Beast dependant on her company
“It seemed December still possessed his garden”
- pathetic fallacy = snow a metaphor for loneliness and isolation
- reflection of Beasts feelings
- white snow symbolising death
“She smiled a little too often, these days”
- self-awareness leads to obsession
- Beauty becomes corrupted due to the wealth
- transformation from naivety
“I prick my finger so he gets his rose all smeared with blood”
- white = purity and red = lust
- Beauty is tainted as her father gave her away
- losing her virginity
“How pleased I was to see I struck the Beast to the heart”
- female empowerment
- “struck” like its physical harm
- role reversal
“A lamb must learn to run with the tigers”
- suggesting women must adapt to mens ideals
“My rose had lost all its petals”
- refers to losing virginity and nature
- sexuality is the only power women have over men
“its easy to lose yourself in these woods”
- loss of identity
- protag has no name and direction
- shifts in perspective
“Vertical bars of brass coloured distillation”
- imagery like a cage - entrapment and confinement
- nature
“Erl-king will do you grievous harm”
- despite being desirable, he will lead only to harm
“Pelts of black foxes”
- SC
- anthropomorphic image of sly and cunning sexuality
“Red as blood”
- SC
- count as cold and bloodied killer
- desire for a girl
“Snow” “Blood” “Raven”
- SC
- simile signifies counts wishes and desires
- coldness, blood and death
- raven = gothic symbolism
“So the girl picks up a rose; pricks her finger on the thorn… falls”
- SC
- references to snow white
- harmless gesture conceals murderous intent
- detached phrasing - countless unphased
“The countess reined in her stamping mare and watched narrowly; he was soon finished”
- SC
- countess as a spectator
- men would rather indulge dead fantasies than accept women for who they really are
“This hole is filled with blood”
- SC
- links to bloody chamber, womb, menstruation
- disturbs purity of the snow