Par 2 - Motivation Flashcards
What is better: adherence or compliance?
- ACTIVE; positive elements
- patient adherence: development of behavior that promotes optimal health
What type of motivation usu results in long term change?
Intrinsic motivation: long term change (Adherence)
- Extrinsic motivation: reinforcement (reward) or punishment; short term change
What is the basis of motivational interviewing?
uncovering patient’s intrinsic motivations
Between ___% of home health recommendations by the dentist is not followed (depending upon the study)
30-70% (non-adherent patients)
___% of practitioners reports non-adherence as a problem.
What is The Model of Health Behavior?
a model of processes which affect the development of health-related behaviors
beliefs/knowledge > attitudes > intentions > health behavior
What are 2 causes of psychomotor incompetence?
- inability due to physical limitation
2. pt has not learned proper skills
What is the opposite of paternalism?
consumerism–where pt has power & control; provider must “sell” tx
What type of client-provider relationship style do you want?
What are the levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives?
- knowledge
- comprehension
- application
- analysis
- synthesis
- evaluation
What does Rosenstock’s Health Belief Model state?
Before a pt will take action, perceive threat must be HIGH. Only then will a person analyze.
What is also known as Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behavioral change?
The “Stages of Change” ModelQ
What is your counseling approach in Precontemplation stage?
Provide Knowledge; emphasize positive.
- Precontemplation: Patients not aware of + consequences, no intention to change
What is your counseling approach in Contemplation stage?
Cost-benefit analysis, especially compared to present behavior
- Patients aware of + consequences, may have intentions to change
What is your counseling approach in Preparation/Readiness stage?
Rehearsals & demonstrations
- Patients take concrete steps to change.