Par 2 - Dealing with Difficult Patients Flashcards
What is level 1 in trauma-informed care?
patient centered communication skills
What is level 2 in trauma-informed care?
understanding the health effects of trauma
What is level 3 in trauma-informed care?
collaboration & understanding of professional’s role
What is level 4 in trauma-informed care?
understanding one’s own history of trauma
What is level 5 in trauma-informed care?
What is the ALERT technique?
A – Acknowledge the existence of a difficulty
L – Listen first, as you begin the discussion
E – Establish the facts
R – Recap the facts – Reflect facts and feelings
T – Take Action
What are the 5 skill sets of EQ?
Self - self awareness, self mgmt, motivation
Others - empathy-social awareness, relationship management
What is NURS?
N - name the emotions
U - understand
R - respect
S - support
T/F? TN ranks high in prescription drug abuse & accidental poisoning from prescription drugs.
Prescribers are required to report undisclosed Dr.Shopping to the local law enforcement agency within ___ business days.
A civil penalty of $__ per day on any dispenser who may
potentially dispense a controlled substance and who does not provide access to the TN controlled Substance Database.
What is CSMD?
Controlled Substance Monitoring Database
TN practitioners required to check before:
- prescribing opioids, BZDs, other Schedule II-V drugs
- new course of tx lasting more than 7 days
- at least annually during an episode of tx unless it falls under an exception
What are some examples of schedule II drugs?
codeine, vicodin, methadone, hydromorphone, meperidine, morphine, opium, oxycodone, fentanyl
What are some examples of schedule III drugs?
combo drugs w/ <90mg of codeine (tylenol w/ codeine), ketamine, anabolic steroids, testosterone
What are some examples of schedule IV drugs?
Xanax, Soma, Darvon, Darvocet, Valium, Ativan, Talwin, Ambien