Papers & constructs Flashcards
Mental Accounting in portfolio choice: evidence from a flypaper effect.
- Mental accounting
- Flypaper effect
Are investors reluctant to realize their losses?
- Disposition effect
- prospect theory
- alternative behaviour theory
- taxes
Do individual investors have asymmetric information based on work experience?
- Own-industry bias
- Proximity bias
- Professional close stocks
All that Glitters: The effect of attention and news on the buying behaviour of individual and institutional investors
- Retail investor
- limited attention capability
Sensation Seeking, Overconfidence and Trading activity
- Sensation seeking
- overconfidence
- trading behaviour
- active investing puzzle
Uninformative feedback and risk taking: evidence from retail forex trading
- Retail trading
- Risk taking
- Self-attribution
- Overconfidence
The role of information and social interactions in retirement plan decisions: evidence from a randomized experiment
- Social effects
- conformity in behaviour
- spill-over
Neighbors Matter: Causal community effects and stock market participation
-Community effects
Investor Sentiment in the Stock Market
- Sentiment
- Speculative
Replicating anomalies; the review of financial studies
- Microcaps; equal vs. value weighting
- Sample in/exclude Amex and Nasdaq,
Save more tomorrow: using behavioural economics to increase employee saving
Key ingredients:
- Automatic (inertia)
- Precommitted
- Always opt-out
- Only when salary raises