Papers & authors Flashcards
Choi, Laibson & Madrian (2009)
Mental accounting in portfolio choice: evidence from a flypaper effect
Odean (1998)
Are investors reluctant to realize their losses?
Doskeland & Hvide (2011)
Do invidivual investors have asymmetric information based on work experience?
Barber & Odean (2008)
All that glitters; the effect of attention and news on the buying behavior of individual and institutional investors
Grinblatt & Keloharju (2009)
Sensation Seeking, Overconfidence and Trading activity
Ben-David, Birru & Prokopenya (2017)
Uninformative feedback and risk taking: evidence from retail forex trading
Duflo & Seaz (2003)
The role of information and social interactions in retirement plan decisions: evidence from a randomized experiment
Brown, IvKovic, Smith & Weisbenner (2008)
Neighbors Matter: Causal community effects and stock market participation
Baker & Wurgler (2007)
Investor sentiment in the Stock Market
Hou, Xue & Zhang (2019)
Replicating anomalies; the review of financial studies
Bianchi (2018)
Financial literacy and portfolio dynamics
Willis (2011)
The financial education fallacy
Thaler & Benartzi (2004)
Save more tomorrow: using behavioral economics to increase employee saving