paper one: beliefs and values Flashcards
origin of the universe in christianity
genesis 1: a poem based on a seven day format. written in about 450BC and reflects God’s omnipotence
what did god create on the first day
the heavens and the earth, light and darkness.
what did god create on the second day
the water and the sky.
what did god create on the third day
the land and seas
vegetation and plants and trees and fruit
what did god create on the fourth day
stars, sun and moon
what did god create on the fifth day
fish and birds
what did god create on the sixth day
livestock and living creatures, and humans
big bang theory def
the scientific belief that the universe began with an explosion that makes up the universe came into being
how did the big bang theory arise
falaxies are getting futher away from us
the universe is getting cooler
same noise at every part of the universe
when did the big bang happen
15 million years ago
steady state theory
changes in the universe are always happening and that matter and energy are different forms of the same thing.
other scientific theories about the origins of the universe
it will just keep growing until it evaporates to nothing
keep growing until maximum expansion and then collapse in on itself which will lead to the next big bang.
the sun will become a red star and life on earth will become unsustainable
negative implications of darwinian theory of evolution
humans are just another more advanced form of animals
creation of humans was just a lucky genetic mutation
humans have no more right on earth than any other animal
positive implicaitons of evolution
evolution leading up to me - self-acknowledgement
the way you act is therefore important because you should recognise the value of the human race as a whole.
imago dei
humans are made int he image and likeness of god, which means that the qualities that make humans different are reflctions of gods qualities e.g. love and knowledge
do humans have the command from God to fill the earth
yes “be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it”
god’s relationship given to humans and animals
humans are given free will unlike other animals
humans have power over animals (adam named them)
humans have stewardship
humans are the only animal God has made a covenant with
chrisitans for environmental stewarship quote
“the bible says that God expects, even demands, that we be stewards of His creation”
encironment quote as declaration of bartholemew I
“to commit a crime against the natural world is a sin,”
“…to cause species to become extinct and to destroy the biological diversity of God;s creation… for humans to contaminate the earths waters, its land, its air, and its life with poisonous substances-these are sins”
what did pope john II write about the misuse of the natural world
that is a kind of blasphemy - destroying the world God created
indiviual responses to the envionment
reccling and reducing unnecessary packaging
home energy conservation and insulation
community responses to the environment
non-polluting forms of transport
buy local
christian community reponses to the envrironemtn
the crediton methodist church in devon was awarded the eco-congregation award in august 2007 for making the church premises and garden energy efficient etc.
what does the bible say about the power of humans over animals
“…fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” (Genesis 1:28)
what have laws made illegal to mistreat an animal
neglect or ill-treat an animal, including when being transported or slaughtered
keep some animals without a special licence, eg those which are dangerous or a rare breed
stage the fighting of animals, such as dog or cock fighting, to bet on the outcome of such a fight or to be present at a fight
use animals in the research and development of cosmetics
god is above all
god is all powerful
god is all knowing
god is everywhere at the same time
god is all loving
god is wihinall
holy trinity
god who is father - transcendent creator
god who is son - jesus who is immanent and personal who came to earth and lived a human life
god who is the holy spirit - immanent but impersonal
ontological argument
put forward by st anselm of canterbury (1033-1109)
god is the most perfect being imaginable, and he must exist otherwise we could not produce this description.
cosmological arguemnt
universe must have come form somewhere, everything must have a cause to exist and this can be traced back to the first cause - god, so god is a necessary being.
st thomas aquinas put this forward and its backed up with the big bang theory
teleological argument
the universe has to have been designed by something or someone
william paely explains this with a watch
atheist def
someone who doesnt believe in god
theist def
someone who believes in god
agnostic def
someone who doesnt actively believe in or not believe in god, and isn’t persuaded by theories for either argument
goldilocks effect
if physical properties were minutely different then we would not be here, they are just right.
what argument did darwins natural selection theory of evolution challenge
the teleological arguement
argument from experience
religious experiences causing devotion to god
moral arguemnt
knowledge of bad and good must have come from god, conscience comes from god
why do people think god doesnt exist
arent persuaded by evidence either way or argue that everything can be explained without god.
religious experince
an ecperience where one feels great sense of wonder and spiritual connection or awe. ‘wholly other’. some see god.
christian worship
sundays are holy church services eucharist the bible quaker meetings rosary prayer beads
imago dei translation
in his own image
what separataes humans from animals
our soul
which philoshopher believed that animals have a soul
st francis of assisi
original sin
when adma and eve ate fruit from the garden of eve
physicalism def
real world consists simply of the physical world, and we do not have souls that live on after we die
dualism def
we have souls that live on after we die
what is purgatory
where christians are waiting to either go to heaven or hell
funeral rites in christianity
funeral service
burial or cremation
candles to represent the soul and prayers going up to heaven
natural evil
natural disasters (uncontrollable bad things)
moral evil
man-made ecil - deeds and behaviour of people (preventable bad things)
inconsistent triad
if god is all loving, all knowing and all powerful how do bad things exist
Christian texts
old testament: jewish scriptures, 39 books
new testament: early christian writings, 27 books
authority of the bible in catholiccism
church has authority over the bible to choose what people should believe
authority of bible in literalism
you cant take the bible literally, ‘pick and choose’
problems with catholic authority over the bible
everyone has different views and followings (inconsistencies)
‘pick and choose’ approach is sometimes not possible
scholars can be hampered in exmaination of difficult issues
verbal inerrancy
every word was inspired by gods guidance of the writers through the holy spirit
liberal view of authority of bible
it is an indiviuals duty to choose what they believe in teh bible
conservative view of authority of bible
it came from god, and bible should have authority over church
cosmology meaning
origins of the universe - based on science not religion
where does genesis describe the soul
“the lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life, and the man became a living being”
church of england on treatment of animals
‘developments in science, medicine, and technology; should be monitored ‘in light of christian ethical principles’
methodist church on treatment of animals
‘the universe as a whole is a product of god’s creative and imagninative will. men and women are to be stewards and curators, not exploitors of its resources, material, animla and spiritual.’
quakers on treatment of animals
‘believe that the air, sea, earth, forests, animals and ourselves are all intimatelt connected, and the way in which we treat all of those things relects on ourselves and consequently on God.’
1998 european christian environmental network was established to help churhes of england to
share information and common experiences
reflect a wide variety of church traditions
engage in a broad range of environmental work
encourage eachother in being a united witness to caring for god’s creation
waht does genesis say about the creation of eve
“then the lord god made a woman from the rib he had taken out fo the man, and he brought her to the man.
what does peter say about the role and treatment of women in marriage
“treat them with respect as the weaker partner… so that nothing will hinder your prayer.”
how long have there been women ministers
methodists: 1880
why is marriage importatn
gift from god
help and support one another
bringing up children
marraige in christianity
ring giving
new testament paul view on homosexuality
“men committed indecent acts with other men, and receibed in themselves the due penalty for their perversion”
Christian church on homosexuality
doesnt consider it acceptable
church of england beliefs on divorce and remarriage
its permitted and they should be allowed to marry someone else
roman catholic church views on divorce and remarriage
accepts people that get a divorce, but does not change their status according to th e church so they still receive communion. but if they remarry they will stop receiving communion as they now see it as a sin
annulment in christinaity
acceptable if they qualify (have a basis that the marriage was flawed) this also doesnt make any children illegitimate
does christianity accept cohabitation
not usually - “sexual acts outside marriage always constitutes a grave sin and excludes one from sacramental communion”
what did jesus say about marriage on the sermon on the mount
“do not commit adultery. but I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” matthew
who thought that everyone should remain celbiate
st paul
christian views on contraception
most feel that its okay and the bible should be adapted for this age, but the roman catholic church follows “be fruitful and multiply” from genesis
why do christians follow the sanctity of life
imago dei “so god created man in his own image”
description of god planning each human life, ““you knit me together in my mother’s womb”
“you shall not murder”
christianity on abortion
roman catholics opposed
protestant churches accept it
church of england opposes
biblical teaching on abortion
“before i fomed you in the womb i knew you,” jermiah
absolute morality
something moral in all circumstances”
types of fertility treatment
IVF artifical insemination (by donor or husband)
roman catholic view on fertility treatment
“life is gods gift and we do not have a right to children”
why would chrisitanity be against fertility treatment
women can have babies after menopause
they think lesbian couples shouldnt be able to have a child together
does the anglican church support fertility treatment
yes “be fruitful and increase in number”
chrisitan views on cloning
sanctitiy of life
meaning of sex and marriage
biblical teaching on caring for others
“love thy neighbour” jesus says this is the most importatnt commandment
can christians be rich when others are poor?
“it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god”
jus ad bellum
whether it is right to go to war
jus in bello
correct conduct during war
jus post bellum
conduct after war
war is always and will always be wrong
biblical teachings on violene”
“blessed are the peacemaekrs” matthew
“you shall not commit murder” exodus
“prepare for war! rouse the warriors!” joel
aims of punishment
justice def
maintenance or administration of what is just by the impartial adjustment of confliciting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments
jesus and the treatment of criminals
“then neither do i condemn you. jesus declared. go now and leave you r life of sin” a woman committed adultery and jesus did not apporove but taught her and everyone else that they and himself were unfit to judge her
christian teaching against social injustice
“when a foreigner lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him”
christian views on equality
“you are all one in jesus christ”
however the crusades thousands were killed in the name of christianity
christian views on gender roles
“women should remain silent in the churches”
“great priscilla and aquila, my fellow workers in christ jesus”
attitudes to religion
missonary work - ‘christian duty and obligation to convery as many people to christianity as possible.’ - catechism of the roman catholic church
evangelism - spreading of the teachings of jesus
ecumenism - minor differences between the many branches of christanity but the share the same essential beliefs
forgiveness and reconciliation in Christianity
“love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”
“forgive us our debts”
“how dare you turn my fathers house into a market!”
Area of thought
Intrinsic value
In and of itself
Instrumental value
Aristotle’s four causes
Well-being/good souled
total opposition to war regardless of circumstances
idea of caring and taking responsibility for a paticualr thing
belief humas only have a body and not a soul
pre-determined by genes
what is capital punishment
the death penalty
what is corporal punishment
punishment designed to cause physical harm
what is restorative justice
rehabilitation and reconciliation
something to discourage crime
someone who commits a crime repeatedly
biblical quote supporting capital punishment
“Show no pity. Life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth.” - Deuteronomy 19.21
biblical quote opposing capital punishment
“neither do I condemn you” - John 8:2 - 11
a punishment designed to discourage others from comitting a crime
the act of comitting a crime repeatedly
the process of restoring a criminal to a useful and constructiveprocess in society
restorative justice
an organised meeting between an offender and victims
mitigating circumstances
a situation that can reduce the severity of the charge/punishment
biblical quote supporting capital punishment (vengeance)
“show no pity. life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth” deuteronomy
biblical quote against capital punishment (right to judge/hold a grudge)
“neither do I condemn you” john
biblical quote for capital punishment (command)
“thou shalt not kill”
quote against capital punishment (sin in allowing it)
“all evil is either sin or the effects of sin” st augustine
when was the same sex marriage act
same sex couples able to get married in religious serivces in england and walex. the governments new law received royal approval in july 2013
quaker view on homosexuality
“it’s wonderful to see same sex marriage achieve legal recognition, quakers see the light of god in everyone so we respect the inherent worth of each indiviaual and each loving relationship”
catholic view on homosexuality
being homosexual is not a sin
homosexual relationships are a sin adn they should be celibate
homophobia is wrong
why do catholics have the view they have on homosexuality
“do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman: that is detestable” Leviticus 18.22
sex should be procreative
people cannot help their sexual orientation but they can control their sexual behaviour
evangelical view of homosexulaity
it is a sin and there shoudl be no active homosexuals
the salvation of christ ccan remove homosexuality.
liberal views on homosexuality
god-given and not a sin
all homosexual relationships are acceptabole but may not be seen as equal.
why do liberals have this iew on homosexuality
bible teachings need re-interpreting in the light of modern morality. (this has already happened about slavery etc)
what did the church of england say about propsals to call for churches to conduct same sex marriage
“we believe that redefining marriage to include same sex relationsjops will ential a dilution in the maninf of marriage for everyone by exclyding the fundamental complemntarity of mean and women from the social and legal definiton of marriage”
christian views on family :)
in the gospels, jesus uses language of family and friends when talking about god, and this interlinking of human relationships with a divine being suggests that being in close familial relationships will bring you closer to God
basis for child bearing: “making a family a school of deeper humanity. this happens when there is care and love for the children”
humanist/opposition to Christian views on family
“i don’t belive in a god or gods to take care of me throughout my life. the love and support of my family is therefore paticularly important to me” if religion’s purpose is a family then why is religion required at all
the pope says the family is “an educational unit”, is this all family should be
christian opposition to contraception
“fill the earth and subdue it, be fruitful and multiply”
Roman catholic church teaches ‘natural’ birth control
christian allowances/support of contraception
birth control is the “lesser of 2 evils” said the pope during the Zika virus
liberal protestant accept it for health and prevention as long as they “avoid sexual immorality”
christian opposition to homosexuality
“do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a women; that is detestable”
“redefining marriage to include same sex couples will entail a dilution in the meaning of marriage for everyone by excluding the fundamental complementarity of men and women from the social and legal definiton of marriage” church of england
christian support of homosexual marriage
same sex marriage act of july 2013 by quakers “we respect the inherent worth of each indiviual and each long relationship”
the bible is inspired by God, not direct word. liberals believe they should not be taken out of social and historical context
are humans selfish by nature (yes)
first thing is genesis is humans disobeying God, the fall. original sin.
“all evil is either sin or the effects of the sin” - st augustine
are humans selfish by nature (no)
imago dei, “god created human beings, making them to be like himself”
humanist view of “existence precedes essence” born as blank slate at birth and influenced by the surroundings
arguments FOR free will and predestination
if god has allowed life to evolve then he cannot suddenly interfere and change things
unpredictability gives value to life
arguments AGAINST free will and predestination
“the heart of man plans his way but the lord establishes his steps”
“in him we have… been predestined”
arguments FOR souls and dualism
“he breathed life-giving breath into his nostrils” (and not to animals)
“before I formed you in the womb I knew you
arguments AGAINST souls and dualism
“you were made from soil, and you will become soil again”
“when we die, there are two things we leave behind us: genes and memes” - richard dawkins
ernest lucas view on science and religion
science is the how
religion is the why
cosomological argument
theory of causation and relies upon a contingent being
teleological arguement
humans are too intricate and the world is too detailed to be chance, it must have been design
parallel multiverse theory
there is a universe with every single possiblity, so there will be one with the existence fo a god
arguments FOR the problem of evil
free will/man-made/moral evil
we are tainted by original sin
“you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.” utilitarianism, dietrich bonhoeffer and his involvement in the plot to kill hitler
arguments AGAINST the problem of evil
test our faith, story of job, vale of soul making.
natural evil, volcanoes, gratitious. allows us to become technilogically advanced and and provide opportunities to those living nearby
argument in SUPPORT of religious experiences
cannot be denied, even if someone cannot put into words. davey falcus turned from a life of crime to preacher of christianity
they happen to people of all religions and social classes and many people have had them like saul “if any of you lacks wisdom, let hima sk fGod
arguments AGAINST religious experiences
no empirical evidence, davey falcus may have been on drugs
they nearly only happen to people who already know the religion (not converted, like saul who was a Jew and then saw Jesus)
christian cause of war?
failure to live by god’s standards
who came up with the just war theory
st thomas aquinas in the 16th to 17th century
what is jus ad bellum
motivations to go to war
what is jus in bello
methods of war
what is the just war criteria
just cause just intention proper authority and public declaration last resort probability of success proportionality
weapons of mass destructions e.g.
chemical weapons
biological weapons
smart missiles
FOR weapons of mass destruction
kept major powers from coming to war since 1955 (mutually assured destruction)
preferable to have those bombs for deterance than one to be used
AGAINST weapons of mass destruction
immense and long lasting countries with no involvement could be harmed could destroy all human life costly to develop and maintain no effective protection from them
cost of war
death and destruction displaced people economic cost the environment psychological effects tourism
current areas of conflict
syrian civil war
yemini crisis
tigray war
syrian civil war
discontent with syrian civil gov and many other participants. 2011 - now
yemini crisis
revolution against president ali abdullah salen 2011-2012. war began in 2014 until Hadi resigned
tigray war
tigray people’s liberation front vs government and ethioian national defense forces. all sides have committed war crimes
for pacifism
"blessed are the peacemakers" "love you enemies" "if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also" sanctity of life ten commandments forbid murder
against pacifism
“defend the rights… rescue them from the power of evil men”
“let him who has no sword sell his mantle and buy one”
holy/just war
humanist support for pacifism
value of human life
never last resort
oppose war but help by e.g. driving ambulances
National council for peace and order
what does the UN do for peace
security councils
general assembly
preventative diplomacy and meditation
security council
allows for parties to discuss issues
general assembly
main place for decision making and actions to take place
preventative diplomacy and meditation
aims to prevent conflict in the first place
what is sin
not living according to the will of god
what is crime
breaking laws set by the government
believe that crime is the responsibility of the person involved and they should take the punishment
believe that some people are more at risk. better social conditions will lower crime
what conditions might make someone more likely to commit a crime
political/religious beliefs desperation poverty parental neglect addiction mental illness
christian attitudes to sin
catholic sacrement of confession (easter sunday jesus )
what is walk
a christian organisation that gives men 1-2 year programmes to help them to realise their “god-given gifts”.
who are prison fellowship
they run services based on restorative justice
what services do prison fellowship provide
letter link
angel tree
chaplaincy support
sycamore tree
who are street pastors
trained christian volunteers who listen and help those out on the streets.
for punishmnet
“show no pity. life for life”
“god will destroy that person”
against punishment
“neither do I condemn you”
“all evil is either sin or the effects of sin”
“forgive those”
“pray for those who persecute you”
capital punishment: lisa montgomery
lisa montgomery had suffered abuse from a very younfgage. but people of baltimore suffer too, for the loss of bobbie stinnett
how many countries still have the death penalty
how many deaths were there in 2019 due to capital punisment
humanist opposition to capital punishment
damages victim’s recovery if they feel guilt
humanist support to capital punishment
aids recovery of victim?
ensures no reoffence
large deterrent
better than a prison life sentence?
mennionites view on peace
grew from protestant church in early 1500s
“love your enemies” prevents war in any form
change in church view on war
first 300 years strongly pacificist but in the council of arles 1314, “to forbid the sate the right to go to war is to condemn it to extinction”
religious war
the crusades, pope urban II called the first crusade because muslims took control of jerusalem
economic war
ww2, germany attacked poland to regain land after losing it in the treaty of versailles
political war
trojan war, trojan horse sent to “regain” helen of troy
who was franz jagerstatter
an Austrian farmer who refused to fight for the nazis, and was consequently killed.
what did the church say on the 75th anniversary of hiroshima and nagasaki
“as christians we reject nuclear weapons” -CND