PAPER 3 Globalisation And The Digital World Flashcards
relationships between globalisation and digital forms of communication
What is globalisation?
The process which the world becomes more connected through business, technology, trade etc. But is an ambiguous term as it has many different interpretations.
relationships between globalisation and digital forms of communication
What are problems with defining globalisation?
1) It assumes that globalisation is a positive thing.
2) It assumes that globalisation occurs everywhere at the same time.
3) It assumes that globalisation results in cultural homogenisation.
developments in digital forms of communication in a global society.
What are the two categories of digital revolution?
1) The new media, for example satellite TV and online newspapers.
2) New media through mobile phones and laptops.
developments in digital forms of communication in a global society.
What is the global village?
The idea that time and distance shrink due to an increasing volume of communication. For example, people can search for particular online communities and interact with others who share
developments in digital forms of communication in a global society.
What are virtual communities?
Where individuals create an online community which may or may not reflects their offline lives. For example, message boards and chat rooms.
developments in digital forms of communication in a global society.
What is Boellstorff study?
He did a study called second life ands observed aspects of virtual life.
developments in digital forms of communication in a global society.
What is a networked global society?
The ide that in the post-industrial society, the focus on information as a result of new forms communicatio.
developments in digital forms of communication in a global society.
What is media convergence?
Refers to the way that a whole range of different kinds of information can be combined and delivered in one format.
developments in digital forms of communication in a global society.
What does Boyle say about media convergence?
He explains the process of digitalisation allows for media convergence. He also explains that these once separate forms of media can now be accessed through one device.
developments in digital forms of communication in a global society.
What is big data?
Big data refers to extremely large sets that may be analysed digitally, and non-digitally to reveal patterns.
developments in digital forms of communication in a global society.
What are the factors of big data which make it different to other forms of data that exist?
1- volume
2- velocity
3- variability
4- complexity
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What do Marxists believe about digital communication?
They argue that media is able to shape people’s ideas which encourages people to accept capitalism. Therefore this approach argues that new forms of digital communication reinforce and maintain inequalities in society and ideologically control people in new and subtle ways.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
what is deregulation of the media and digital communication?
Due to the fact digital communication is owned by private companies, there are few laws governing moral responsibilities.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What does it mean by digital communication providing new forms or surveillance?
There have been recent concerns over the monitoring of personal digital communication between individuals by the state.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What is the Snowden report?
In 2013 the US national security agency specialist Edward Snowden revealed widespread misuse of surveillance of digital forms of communication. The government claimed it was in the interest of ‘national security’.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
How can the Marxist view of digital communication be evaluated?
- They are pessimistic but digital communication has brought about good change.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What statistics on there which reveal facts about gender and digital communication?
- Women use social media slightly more than men.
- Only 13 percent of the contributions to Wikipedia are by women.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What does Haraway say?
She wrote an article titles ‘A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and socialist feminism in the late twentieth century’ she argued that feminists must not be excluded from the technological advances that are taking place. She also says that cyborgs might allow people to transcend or rise above gender-bound ideas. So Haraway suggests technological advances allow women to create new forms of identity not bound to traditional ideas.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
How are women exploited through globalisation?
Women and children are at a larger risk of exploitation due to globalisation as they are at risk of being bought and sold. Those in power have not made protecting women and children a priority. Feminists argue this is because men largely control legal systems.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What does Arlaccki say?
He led the United Nations efforts to fight organised crime and stated that protection for women was not considered a priority in any country.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What statistics show the exploitation of women and children through new forms of digital communication?
- 790 children were subject to safeguarding due to a result of CEOP activity.
- 192 people suspected of online child exploitation were arrested.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What are some of the negative impacts of exploitation do women face?
- Physical, sexual and emotional abuse
- Women being bought and sold
- revenge porn
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What do the fourth wave of feminism say about new forms of digital communication?
gives women tools to create strong movements online such as the girl guides organisation introducing a campaigning and activism badge.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What examples of activism have women done using digital communication?
Larasi- campaign to address sexist and racist stereotypes in music videos.
Younis- founded a feminist society in school and her article went viral.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What is the post modernist perspective on digital communication?
They believe new forms of digital communication are emerging as a part of a post modern society, rather than taking a negative or positive position, they explore what is possible with digital communication and how it is being used.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What does post modernist, Collins say about digital communication and identity?
He says that by looking closely at the way individuals construct their identity through social media, it may be possible to learn about how people see the world around them.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What did Bjorklund find?
Digital communication offers an ongoing autobiography which can be continually manipulated and updated, she suggests Facebook is like an autobiography as it keeps a record of how people see their lives.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What does Hart say about Facebook?
people are writing and rewriting their autobiographies on a daily basis which reflect their own values of their particular society.
He also says that there is a tendency for people to post superficial things.
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What does Case say about Facebook?
She suggests that this can present a challenge to adolescents to in effect have an online life and an offline life. She says that it is hard to remove mistakes as every interaction is visible
Applying sociological theories to digital forms of communication
What does post modernist Foucault say about digital media and surveillance?
He argues that surveillance is effective in regulating behaviour and reducing crime in contemporary society. He says a person being watched is less likely to commit crime than a person who is not being watched as their chances of being caught are much higher.
impact of digital forms of communication in a global context
What is the impact of digital communication on identity?
People are able to access information in their own homes due to digital communication.
impact of digital forms of communication in a global context
Is identity chosen and not given?
The emergence of online identities provides people with the opportunity to decide which kinds of identify and appearance they choose. In online settings like chat rooms, identity processes are complicated because many identity cues are masked.
impact of digital forms of communication in a global context
what statistics show age and digital communication?
- More UK adults are going online using a range of devices.
- Over 8 in 10 adults ae now online.
- 2/3 of online adults say that have a current social networking profile.
impact of digital forms of communication in a global context
What are some positives of digital communication on young people?
- Children can learn valuable new skills and enhance learning and form connections with new people which increases social capital.
- Children are able to access ideas and information quickly .
- Support groups and networks which enable children to get help in ways which were previously impossible.
impact of digital forms of communication in a global context
What are some negatives of digital communication on young people?
- Cyber bullying and discrimination.
- Risk of child exploitation.
- The internet exposes children to adult content e.g. sex, violence and disturbing ideas.
impact of digital forms of communication in a global context
Older users of digital communication?
Research has found that 79% of households below the state pension age have internet access, while only 37% of households above the state pension age do so.
Evaluation- things are changing and older generation are beginning to use digital communication more frequently. They use it for shopping, lifestyle applications and so fourth.
impact of digital forms of communication in a global context
Why are people in lower social classes at a disadvantage when it comes to digital communication.
Devices are expensive and owning the latest phone has been seen as important to many. For those who cannot afford these items known as the ‘digital underclass’ have great disadvantage and less social capital.
1) social networks largely rely on digital communication.
2) Education for children also largely relies on digital communication
3) A knowledge gap is created between those who have access to the internet and those who do not.
impact of digital forms of communication in a global context
Location and digital communication
internet usage:
Asia uses 48.2% of the internet.
impact of digital forms of communication in a global context
Gender and digital communication
In the USA:
- Younger women are much more likely to use digital forms of communication to main relationships as 42% of women use social media to stay in touch media to stay in touch.
impact of digital forms of communication in a global context
What does Granovetter say about relationships through digital communication P?
He says the strength of ties between individuals can be measured through:
- The amount of time spent together.
- The emotional intensity of a relationship.
- The level of intimacy.
- The degree of reciprocity.
He argues that weak ties are in many ways more important than strong ties as weak ties create connections.
impact of digital forms of communication in a global context
What did Feld find about relationships and digital communication P?
Suggests that people use social media to evaluate both themselves and others. In other words, an individuals identity is determined by the networks of fiends people make.
impact of digital forms of communication in a global context
What did Clayton find out about Twitter and issues in relationships?
Clayton spoke to 581 twitter uses of all ages and asked various questions about there level of activity on twitter and if any conflict arose with their partners. He found that the more active an indicidual was on twitter the more likely they were to report ‘twitter related’ violence’. This included in feeling frustrated, conflict with what’s been said online, infidelity and divorce.
impact of digital forms of communication in a global context
What did Kirkpatrick find in his ‘Facebook effect’ study?
It is where Facebook became a catalyst for a popular movement in Columbia, mobilising 10 million people in streets demonstrations which curved the violence ad kidnapping by the Armed forces in Columbia.
impact of digital forms of communication in a global context
What has been happening with conflict and change in the Middle East?
role of digital communication in a global context
What evidence is there that new forms of digital communication lead to cultural homogenisation?
- Majority of information written down is in English.
- western cultural perspective.
Why are new forms of digital communication able to mobilise change from happening?
•immediate communication
• information can reach people immediately
• news presented about events that may be bias can be actively challenged.
digital communication in a global context
why is cultural homogenisation a bad thing?
Some people think it is a bad thing because western culture threatens to dominate over other cultures and create one culture that is characterised by the following world view:
- capitalist ideology.
- Patriarchal ideology.
- secular ideas.
- increased individualism.
digital communication in a global context
What does Mohammadi say about cultural homogenisation?
He pointed out that the simple image of Western media and cultural domination over all the rest of the world is exaggerated and ignores important complex interactions between different cultures.
What does Giddens say about cultural homogenisation?
He points out a process of ‘reverse colonisation’ where it is not the western powers dominating over less powerful groups culturally but the other way round. For example ‘Mexicanisation’ of California. This has resulted in Mexican food, culture and dress has become a part of Californian culture. This is interesting because Mexico is increasingly poorer which suggests it is not the powerful who impose their culture.