Paper 2 - Theme B religion and life Flashcards
How do muslims recognise the implications of population growth?
By understanding the need for sustainable development as future generations must be considered and natural resources can’t be abused
Give an Islamic quote that shows Muslim’s believe natural resources need to be preserved
“Eat and drink (as we have permitted) but do not be extravagant: God does not like extravagant people “
Give a fact to show the extent of deforestation
An area of about 36 football pitches is being lost every minute
What are Muslim teachings on deforestation?
They are taught the importance of replanting trees as part of god’s instructions for humans and Khalifah on earth
Give a Muslim quote that shows they should only take what’s necessary from the world
“Do not seek from it more than you need”
What’s a muslims general teaching about the environment?
That as a khalifah for god, a Muslim has a responsibility to help look after the environment and not overuse the worlds resources
What’s the IFEES. What have they done, give an example of their work
It’s the Islamic foundation for ecology and environmental sciences
- has produced educational material to protect the environment, developed conservation projects and shared knowledge through organising conferences and seminars and use of media
- e,g. Price Charles praised their foundation for its successful project in Zanzibar trying to help the fragile ecosystem on island Misali by educating the fishermen
What are muslims taught about the value of animals
They are taught each animal is valuable to god and so should be treated with compassion
What are muslims taught about using animals
That they must not be abused e.g. human entertainment so animal cruelty is haram. This means many Muslims workday object to modern farming like keeping hens in cages
What are muslims views on Zoos?
Many would object as animals are being kept in cages but some would accept zoos and safari parks helping with conservation projects and breeding programs
Give an example where Muhammad was seen as very kind to animals
One Where he cut off part of his cloak rather than to disturb a sleeping cat, another occasion he told a man to return a bird’s eggs where he saw the distress of the mother bird
Give 2 Islamic quotes about kindness to animals
- “The seven heavens and the earth and everyone in them, glorify him. There is not a single thing that doesn’t celebrate his praise”
- “all creatures that crawl in the earth and those that fly are communities like yourselves”
What is involved in making meat halal?
- killing the animal in the name of god
- using a sharp knife to cut the throat, windpipe and blood vessels around the neck so the blood is drained
- it can’t take place around other animals
When is it not okay for muslims to kill animals
If they are hunting for entertainment or pleasure
What is Islamic teaching on animal experimentation
-Anything that harms an animal is haram like causing them stress or forcing them to do a job beyond their own power.
How do muslims react to experimenting on animals for human benefit
Then exceptions are made e.g. to produce medicine to protect a human life. Animals must still be treated humanely with care e.g. forcing an animal to smoke to test effects of smoking is not allowed
How does god judge actions done on animal testing?
He bases the actions on intentions so testing animals on cosmetics and things not essential to human need isn’t allowed
How do Christians believe they can help the planet?
- walking, cycling or public transport instead of a car
- turning off lights when not in use
- donating second hand clothes, toys and furniture
- recycling waste
What do the world wildlife fund do once a year?
They bring together leaders from 5 different religions around the world in Italy to discuss their faiths and how they can care for the environment
What did Christians say at the World Wildlife Fund’s gatherings?
That being in-charge of creation does not give people the right to abuse or spoil what god has made “humans are only the tenants of God’s world”
What are the three types of pollution and what causes them?
- Air pollution-fumes from factories and vehicles
- land pollution-ineffective disposal of waste
- water pollution-dumping waste into the sea
How did Pope Francis deal about pollution?
He called in everyone to act and protect the environment in a letter to his bishops titled ‘on the care of our common home’
Give two quotes to express Christians belief on protecting the environment
- “The earth is the lord’s and everything in it”
- “every human act of irresponsibility towards creatures is an abomination”
Why do Christians believe they should protect the earth?
As they believe the world is on loan to humans and so need to be responsible. In the parable of the talents, Mathew warns when god returns he will judge how responsible people have been
Give a Christian quote that says they can eat animals
“Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you”
Where does the bible teach animals should be treated kindly?
- “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain”
- “the righteous care for the needs of their animals…”
Why may some disagree with animal testing?
Because just because a product is safe for the animal, there have been cases where it was found unsafe for humans
What do most Christians believe about animal testing?
most support the animal testing ban in the U.K. of 1998 but also believe that limited animal testing is allowed providing there is no other safe way to produce the medicine
Give a quote that shows Christians have the choice of wether or not they’re vegetarian
“The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the ins who does not… for god has accepted them”
Why may some Christians be vegetarian?
They may be against killing animals or may object to animal cruelty that can occur on large farms while some think eating vegetables is healthier
What do muslims believe about the first man created?
That god made him from clay, breathed life into him and taught him the names of all things
Give an Islamic quote that shows god created humans
“You humans were lifeless and he gave you life”
For Muslims, what does the sin that Iblis lead Adam and Eve to commit teach them?
- iblis would always be an enemy for humans on earth
- the regret Adam and Eve experienced is an essential part of following and serving god