Paper 2 - Theme A Relationships And Families (Christianity) Flashcards
Give Christian views on Heterosexual relationships and use a quote
- that marriage is the only pace for them as it’s part of gods plan
- that they are against unfaithfulness “that is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh”
Give a Christian quote that doesn’t accept homosexuality
“Do not have sexual relations with a mas as one does with a woman; that is detestable”-Leviticus
From where do Christians who disagree with homosexuality come from?
Leviticus and Corinthians
What does the bible say about homosexual relationships?
There’s nothing in the bible that prohibits them specifically and many believe that in a modern society accepting homosexuality is the loving thing to do
What does the Catholic Church teach about homosexuality?
That it itself isn’t sinful but they should remain chaste
What does the Church of England think of homosexuality?
They accept homosexual Christians in a loving relationship but do not allow them to marry in a church
How did paul urge sexual restraint?
Through “flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body but whoever sins sexually sins against their own body”
What do different Christians think of unmarried sex?
Anglican and Catholic Churches teach it’s not allowed but some accept sex before marriage is a valid expression of love
What’s adultery?
Having a sexual relationship with someone not your spouse
Why do most people agree sex before marriage is wrong?
It involves secrecy, lies and betrayal of trust and can affect children and cause pain to all concerned
Why is adultery not allowed in Christianity?
- breaks the promises couples make before god in their wedding
- threatens the stable relationship needed for the children’s security
What is the bible commandment surrounding adultery?
“You shall not commit adultery”
Give a quote that shows Jesus taught lust is wrong
“You have heard that it was said “you shall not commit adultery” but anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery”
Give some methods of contraception
- the pill/ injection
- diaphragms or condom
- Spermicidal jellies kill sperm
- sterilisation: an operation that permanently prevents pregnancy
What does god call on Christian couples to do?
- be responsible parents
- be fully committed to their children’s nurture and guidance
What does the Catholic Church teach about artificial contraception? Back this up with a quote
-Goes against the natural law as gods purpose for marriage is to have a family
-the couple is sinful if they use it as they are not being open to new life
“Every sexual act should have the possibility of creating new life”
Give 2 contrasting Christian views on artificial contraception
- The Catholic church believes contraception is not allowed as the couple is not being open to new life and preventing gods plan yet think natural methods should be used to space out children instead
- others believe it is allowed as long as they don’t cause abortion as natural methods are unreliable
Give a quote that shows the Christian church approved of contraception
“The conference agrees that other methods may be used provided that this is done in the light of Christian principles
Why did same sex marriages become legal?
Because homosexuals felt that civil partnerships were not as valid as heterosexual ones
Why did many Christians oppose legal same sex marriages?
Because it seemed to be changing the nature of marriage and so marriage was redefined to a committed relationship by the government
How do Christians view marriage?
A unique relationship between a man and a woman that involves their ability to create new life
Give quotes that describe marriage in Christianity
- “that is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife and they become one flesh”
- “be fruitful and increase in number”
Give a Christian quote that shows marriage is a spiritual bond that reflects the love of god
“The church sees marriage between a man and a woman as central to the stability and health of human society”
What is the purpose of marriage for Christians?
To provide a stable,secure environment for family life
What is cohabitation?
Where couples live together without being married
Give a Christian argument for cohabitation
Anglican’s and Protestants will say marriage is best but people may live together in a faithful and loving way without marriage
Give a Christian argument against cohabitation and use a quote
Orthodox churches and Catholic Churches say cohabitation is sinful as they are against sex before marriage
“The sexual activity must take place exclusively wishing marriage. Outside of marriage it always constitutes a grave sin”
Why can a marriage fail?
- people changing, growing apart and falling out of love
- adultery
- immaturity
- domestic violence
- inability to have children
- work and money pressures
How do Christian churches try and prevent parents growing apart?
By offering courses that prepare couples for marriage
Give a quote that shows what Jesus said about divorce and remarriage
“Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her”
What do catholic’s believe about divorce?
That it can’t dissolve a marriage between two baptised people and that they can live separately but can’t marry someone else while their partner is alive
What is marriage for catholic’s?
A sacrament that is permanent and lifelong
What is annulment
A catholic ruling that a marriage was never valid
What if a catholic’s marriage was never true?
They can obtain annulment and are then free to marry in church
How may anglicans carry out divorce if they think it’s the lesser of two evils
Anglicans can marry someone else in church with the bishop’s permission as long as the priest in that church is willing to perform the marriage ceremony.
How may Protestant churches think about divorce? Why?
They can accept it as the lesser of two evils and accept civil divorce and allow remarrying in church as the couple take vows seriously as they believe the church should reflect the forgiveness of god and allow people who have made mistakes to have a second chance
Give some Christian responses to couples who are having problems with their marriages
- Christian clergy give support through prayer and counselling
- refer couples to outside agencies like Relate
- other Christians in the church/ local community will support them
What did a report fork the grandparents plus charity find?
More people in Britain are living extended family lives as some parents can’t afford full time childcare and rely on grandparents or relatives.
Give a quote from the Catholic Church that describes the role of parents
“Here one learns endurance and the joy of work … love, generous and even repeated forgiveness
Give a Christian quote that shows importance of caring for your family
- “Anyone who does not provide for their relatives and especially their own household has denied faith”
- “Honour your father and mother” 10 commandments
What is polygamy?
The practice or custom of having more than one wife at the same time
What is bigamy?
The offence of marrying someone while already married to another person
What do Christians think of polygamy?
They don’t accept it as paul makes it clear each man should have his own wife and each woman her husband
Give an example in Christianity where family is deeply ingrained
As Christians believe God reveals himself as a father, with Jesus his son and humankind his childeren
What is an important role of christian parents and how may they carry this out?
Educating their children in Christianity by sending their children to faith schools run buy the church
Give an quote where families reflect the relationship of Christ and the church
“Husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her”
Give a quote where the church teaches both parents have responsibilities towards each other
“Listen to your father who gave you life and do not despise your mother when she is old”
Give a quote where Christians believe their children are gifts from God
“Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him”
Give a Christian quote where children have responsibilities to obey, love and respect their parents
“Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the lord”
What us sexual stereotyping?
Having a fixed general idea or image of how men and women will behave
Give an example of gender prejudice and sexual stereotyping
Where a woman who applied for a job was asked how she would cope with having 2 children and working.
When was gender discrimination illegal in the U.K.?
After the sex discrimination act of 1975
Give examples of gender discrimination that still occurs in the U.K.
- on average, women are paid less than men
- omen make up roughly half the workforce but men hold a higher proportion of senior positions
What does Christianity teach about the role of genders? Give a quote that shows this
That everyone is equal in the the image of god and “love thy neighbor” shows discrimination is wrong
Give examples of how Jesus treated women
He treated them with respect like I
Where Mary and Martha were capable of doing things other than domestic tasks
What may some traditional Christians believe about men? Where did this idea come from? Give a quote.
- That the man is the head of the family and women should mainly stay at home and care for the children.
- came from literal bible interps
- “with painful labour you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you”