Paper 2 Revision Flashcards
Cognitive relaxation techniques
involving control of mental
thoughts and imagining positive
Mental Rehearsal
Male / Female calories
Consumption of 2,500 Kcal / 2,000 Kcal required.
Wide shoulders.Muscular.Lean. For sports using power e.g. 100m sprinter
Inherited, stable traits that determine an individual’s potential to learn or acquire
a skill.
A learned action/learned behaviour with the intention of bringing about predetermined results, with maximum certainty and minimum outlay of time and energy.
Affected by external stimuli e.g. opposition or environmental factors.
Initiated and performed at a time chosen by the performer.
Self paced
Developing cognitive, positive thoughts about your own performance.
Positive self talk
Positive impacts of technology on performer
Training equipment, analysis tools and monitoring systems to help development
Negative impacts of technology on official
Officials decisions could be questioned more
- Officials role reduced more as a result
Social Groups
Gender / Race, Religion, Culture / Age / Family, Friends / Disability
Barriers to participation
At…………. Acc………………. Le…………….. T……………. St………………….. R…………………M………………… M………………. C……………………. So……………………Ec……………………….St……….. Fam…………………….. C……………………………..
Bending the rules to gain advantage e.g. a block without fouling