Paper 2: Cold War Flashcards
Why did Khruschev put missiles in Cuba?
- NATO had weapons based in Turkey (short distance from USSR) - threat to Khrushchev, believed that it was time for USSR to display their power.
- Possible that Khrushchev’s real aim was to have missiles in Turkey removed.
- The building of the Berlin Wall portrayed by many Soviet critics as failure for Khrushchev - if he could outwit Kennedy over Cuba, it would restore his prestige.
13 days of Cuban missile crisis
16th Oct: Kennedy called together ExComm to discuss how USA should react
22nd Oct: Kennedy decided not to launch attack - set up naval blockade around Cuba (prevent ships passing through w/o US permission)
24th Oct: Soviet ships turned around. Dean Rusk, US Secretary of State, told Kennedy, “I think the other guy just blinked!”
26th Oct: Khruschev sent Kennedy telegram offering to remove missiles if US did not invade
28th Oct: Kennedy ignored Khruschev’s 2nd telegram, sent agreement in response
Consequence of Cuban missile crisis
P: Hot line set up - June 1963
Ev: Direct communication link between Moscow & Washington - way for leaders of two major CW countries to negotiate directly to prevent future crises/misunderstandings
Ex: Significant as prevented further conflicts when 2 nations were dangerously close to resorting to NW
P: Test Ban Treaty - August 1963
Ev: Signed by USA, USSR & Britain - three agreed to prohibit testing of nuclear weapons in atmoshphere, outer space & under water
Ex: Important step towards the control of nuclear weapons, prevent other countries from potentially obtaining nucelar weapons, which would increase international tensions & pose threat to both USA & USSR.
Consequence of Berlin wall for USSR
- Showed USSR had to forcefully ‘lock’ people in East Germany
- Clear that they preferred capitalism over communism
- Stopped refugee crisis as prevented East Germans from escaping to West
Consequence of Berlin wall in USA
- Kennedy believed this was better than Khrushchev uniting Germany under Soviet control - ‘a wall is a hell of a lot better than a war.’
- Khruschev had closed borders w/o consulting Kennedy
When was Berlin wall set up?
1961 (lasted until 1989)
Reforms of Prague Spring
- Cencorship was relaxed
- Political criticism of gov allowed
What did Brezhnev do in response to Prague Spring?
20th Aug 1968 - 500,000 Warsaw Pact troops & Soviet tanks invaded Czechoslovakia, put end to PS
Consquences of Prague Spring
- USSR had greater power/control over members of Warsaw Pact (partly due to Brezhnev Doctrine)
- USA outraged & protested against USSR, increasing tensions
What was the Brezhnev Doctrine?
Sep 1968 - stated actions of any commmunist country affect all communist countries. All communist countries prevented from introducing reforms to make their country more liberal.
What was detente?
Period of peace, genuine attempt at forming co-operative/stable relationship (1970s)
Why did USA & USSR follow detente?
- Reduced spendings on weapons, increase money towards social problems (inequality)
- Pressure from Europe to improve relations - 1969, Willy Brandt, Chancellor of West Germany followed policy of Ostpolitik (building better relations between East & West)
- Avoid nuclear war
When was SALT 1 signed?
May 1972
3 main agreements of SALT 1
- Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
- The Intermis Agreement
- The Basic Principles Agreement
What was the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty?
Arms control treaty between USA & USSR on limitation of ABMs. Stated ABMs were only allowed at 2 sites (100 missiles each).
What was the Interim Agreement
Restrictions on no. of ICBMs (Inter-continental ballistic missiles) & SLBMs (Submarine-launched ballistic missiles).
Not all weapons limited: MIRVs, SS-20 missiles, pershing cruise missiles
What was the Basic Principles Agreement?
Established rules for conduct of nuclear warfare - steps for avoiding NW. Both countries agreed that if war looked likely they would “make every effort to avoid this risk”
What was Moscow Summit?
SALT 1, 1972 - code of conduct on how superpowers should act (cant interfere in other global affairs)
Weaknesses of SALT 1
- In reality, unrealistic to expect NW could be avoided simply bc countries had signed a piece of paper, especially as both countries still owned more than enough nuclear weapons to destroy the other many times over.
- Did not cover latest technological development - Multiple Independently Targeted Re-entry Vehicles (MIRVs) which carried out multiple nuclear warheads on a single mission
Consequence of SALT 1
Improved international relations - both USA & USSR showed willingness to reach agreement & demonstrate better relations publicly
What was SALT 2?
Signed by US President Carter & Brezhnev - further restrictions on missile launchers & strategic bombers - banned testing/deploying of new types of ICBMs
Weakness of SALT 2?
was never ratified by US Senate due to USSR involvement in Afghanistan
What was Vienna Summit?
SALT 2, 1979 - Limited more arms ICBMs, SLBMs, MIRVs, cruise missiles
Causes of Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 1979
Although Amin was communist, USSR did not trust him as Soviet Secret Police reported he was an American spy.