Paper 1 Section B: The Living World Flashcards
What are the causes of deforestation in the Amazon?
1) Subsistence farming
2) Commercial farming
3) Logging
4) Road building
5) Mineral extraction
6) Energy development
7) Settlement
8) Population growth
Give me the description of subsistence farming in the Amazon rainforest
1) Small-scale farmers growing crops for family
2) Land is cleared by burning it and cutting down trees
Give me the description of commercial farming in the Amazon
1) 250,000 km² cleared to produce soy
2) 70% of all deforestation in the Amazon TRF
3) Growing crops or rearing cattle for money
Give me the description of logging in the Amazon?
1) 3% of total deforestation
2) Hardwood trees legal and illegal loggers
Give me the description of road building in the Amazon
1) Trans-Amazonian highway is being made so forest is more accessible, but trees are cut down to make way for roads
Give me the description of mineral extraction in the Amazon
1) Extraction of bauxite
2) Over 50,000 hectares used for gold mining
Give me the description of energy development in the Amazon
1) Hydroelectric power floods the forest
2) Balbina Dam flooded 2400km² of forest
Give me the description of settlement in the Amazon
1) Rainforest destroyed to build buildings and houses
Give me the description of population growth in the Amazon
1) Population growth by 25%
2) Forest is cleared so cities are less overcrowded
3) Land is offered to poor people from overcrowded cities
What are the impacts of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest?
1) Loss of biodiversity
2) Soil erosion
3) Contribution to climate change
4) Decline of indigenous tribes
5) Economic change
Give me the description of loss of biodiversity in the Amazon
1) 137 species lost in the Amazon each day
Give me the description of soil erosion in the Amazon
1) Exposes previously shaded ground to wind and rain
Give me the description of the contribution to climate change in the Amazon
1) More CO2
2) Reduces photosynthesis, transpiration and cooling effect of evaporation
3) Higher temp
Give me the description of the decline of indigenous tribes in the Amazon
1) 1 million indigenous people forced out due to land being used for settlements and road building
Give me a description of the impact of economic change in the Amazon
1) Medicines extinct
2) Tourism decreases
3) Loss of rubber trees is causing rubber tappers to lose jobs
4) 8000 jobs lost in the mineral industry due to mineral depletion
What are the 4 opportunities in the Thar Desert ?
1) Tourism
2) Energy
3) Farming
4) Mineral extraction
How is tourism an opportunity in the Thar Desert
1) Attracts 1000s of tourists each year
2) Provides jobs for locals
3) Popular attractions include desert safaris, annual desert festivals
How is energy an opportunity in the Thar Desert?
1) Large oilfield in the Barmer district
2) Jaisalmer Wind Park has 75 wind turbines
3) Sunny cloudless skies provide optimal conditions for solar power
4) Huge coal deposits
How is farming an opportunity for the Thar Desert ?
1) Indira Gandhi canal provides irrigation
2) Has allowed commercial farming to occur as plants like wheat and cotton can now be grown in a scrubby desert
How has mineral extraction been an opportunity for the Thar desert?
1) Has mineral reserves with minerals used across India like feldspar( used for ceramics), phosphorite( used for fertilisers) and gypsum ( used for cement)
What are the 4 challenges in the Thar Desert ?
1) Extreme temperatures
2) Water supply
3) Inaccessibility
4) Subsistence farming
How is extreme temperature a challenge in the Thar desert ?
1) Temp can exceed 50°C
2) So working outside can be very hard, especially for farmers
3) Makes life harder for tourist guides, mine workers, meaning fewer people want to work there
How is water supply a challenge for the Thar desert ?
1) Only 120-140 mm of rain
2) Farming, tourism, mining hindered due to a lack of water, growth in the economy hindered
3) Water pipes are expensive to install
4) Demand for water is in conflict with the water provided by the Desert
How is inaccessibility a challenge for the Thar desert ?
1) Limited road network to middle of desert make it harder for services to be provided to remote communities in the desert
2) Oil,water and gas pipelines are therefore very expensive to build
3) Beyond certain cities like Jaisalmer, development is limited