paper 1 section b Flashcards
define skill + give characteristics
learned ability to bring predetermine results with max certainty with min time/ effort
Aesthetically pleasing
Consistently successful
Predetermined results
skill continua x6
- Open — closed (env changing?)
- High — low (sub routine)
- Simple — complex (info process)
- Gross — fine (large/small muscles)
- Self — externally paced (performer/ factors determine movement start)
- Discrete — serial — continuous (clear beginning + end/ made up of discrete)
transfer x4
- +ve
little/ no modification/apartion
same/ similar COF - -ve - hinder
Complex - time consuming - more diff
Diff tech - Bilateral - one side to oppo side
- Zero - no effect *
cause of -ve transfer
- Misunderstand
- First skill x full learn
- Practice diff to competitive
- Poor coaching
prevent -ve trnasfer
- Attention
- Well learned first skill
- Use punish/ reinforcement
- Practice similar to competitive
ensure successful transfer
- Highlight similarities
- Ensure well learnt - x -ve transfer
- Slow planned progression - break down
- Realistic
- Use reinforcement
whole practice +/-
* Time efficient
* Maintain fluency
* Mental pic
* Info overload - diff to rmb
* Fatigue = injury
* X focus/ develop new/ weak skills
progressive part
add parts gradually - chaining
learn in stages, improve specific weakness
* Low org - master each part - ↑ motivation + ↓ complexity
* Stuck with particular part - slow progress, time consuming, x kinaesthetic feel
Mass practice
Give +/-
No rest
- closed, self paced
Develop motor programme
↑ fitness
Time efficient
X time feedback = error
Fatigue = injury, -ve transfer
boring , demotivating = x focus
Distributed practice
give +/-
rest interval
- Open skill - break, explain
- complex/ externally pace = ↓ pressure
- Time for feedback/ mental rehearsal
- Time consuming - limit speed of progress
mental rehersal
going over skill in mind (FPP/ TPP) - how it feels/ looks
- Training/ warmup/ before comp
- Develop motor programme
- Control emotions - ↑ confident ↓ arousal - ↑ precision/ control
- Familiarise pressure
- Correct image stored in LTM
verbal guidance
give +/-
instruction- explain
* Highlight specific cues
* Mental image
* +ve feedback - maintain motivation
* Info overload - confuse
* Technical terms - x understand
* Struggle create mental pic - need with visual
visual guidance
give +/-
* mental pic
how to make demo effective
- Accurate
- Everyone can see it, clear
- Learners pay attention
- Highlight specific cues
- Use role model
- Broken down to sub routines
- Practice immediately after demo
mechanical/ manual guidance
give +/-
mechanical - equipment aids
manual - physically support
* Ensure safe
* ↓ cognitive load - focus on parts
* Over reliance - limit develop own kinaesthetic feel
* ↓ confident when aid removed
* Learner thinks not being challenged
feedback x6 what are they
- +ve - praise
- -ve - criticism
- intrinsic
- extrinsic
- konwledge of performance - how it feels
- knowledge of results
positive feedback +/-
↑ confidence + motivation
Too much = false success
operant conditioning
Trial + error
+ve reinforcement - praise
-ve reinforce - removal of critics
Punishment - “shaping” obtain desire results
- Stimulus response bond - strengthen/ weakened
- ↑ / ↓ chance of repeating response
observational learning
Demo - mental pic
- Need clear, accurate, highlight key area
- Attention - focus on skill
Use role model - Retention - mental pic
Mental rehearsal - Motor reproduction - physically capable?
Immediate opportunity - Motivation - desire?
insight learing
social development theory
Zone of proximal learning - ask q - builds learning in stages
* What can i do alone
* What can i do with help with more knowledgeable others
* What can’t i do yet
- sensory system - sight, hearing
- proprioceptors - touch, balance, kinesthesis
selective attention
filter out irrelevant stimuli - prevent info overload
DCR process
how does it work
- Detect stimulus present
- Compare to LTM
- Recognise relevant/ irrelevant
- Most relevant stimuli stored in STM
- Compare to wide range of experience in LTM
- Adapt motor programme
- Quicker decision making/ DCR process
how ↑ selective attention
- Key stimulus
- Optimal arousal level - stress management technique - lower arousal
- Experiences - more info stored in LTM = effective identify relevant stimuli = quicker DCR
- Training with distraction
- Cognitive - focus bigger cues
-e.g. bright ball = ↑ selective attention - focus on relevant stimuli - Autonomous - finer details
baddeley and hitch
- Central executive - select info → 3 subsystem
-Ignore noise from crowd, send coach instruction to phonological loop - Phonological loop - -sounds
- Visuospatial sketchpad - visual, spatial
- Episodic buffer - send info from phonological loop + visuospatial sketchpad to LTM
-Initiates motor programme - select most appropriate course of action
whitings info processing model
reaction time equation + definitions
Response time = reaction time + movement time
Response - onset stimulus to completion
Reaction - onset stimulus to onset action
Movement - complete task
factors affect response time
- Hicks law - number of choice ↑ = ↑ reaction time
- Psychological refractory period
- Anticipation
- Selective attention
- Level of arousal
2 type reation time
simple - 1 possible response
choice - many - time longer
psychological refractory period
define + why
delay when 2nd stimulus closely presented before 1st has processed
- Brain can process 1 stimuli at a time
- 1st stimulus must be cleared before another one can be responded (single channel hypothesis)
2 type anticipation
Temporal - when
Spatial - where/what