PAPER 1: christianity past paper questions Flashcards
What is the christian belief that jesus returned to heaven at the end of his life on earth
one belief about jesus’ crucifixion
Jesus was crucified to forgive/attone the sins of humanity
another belief about jesus’ crucifixion
we was given a crown of thorns to wear to mock his actions as a ‘false king/god’
how beliefs about creation influences christians today
justify gods omnipotence because it is believed he created the earth out of nothing- ex nihlo- therefore he is worthy of worship and full respect due to his power
belief about creation and how it influences christians today (#2)
gods created humans in his image (imagio dei) and due to his benevolence gave them home on earth- encouraged humans to be good stewards and protect the earth lovingly given to them by God- sustain/preserve the natural environment as it was given to them by God
one christian belief about sin
humans are born w a tendency to commit sin- adam and eve tempted by devil seen as the original sin and through st augustines doctrine- humanity are now viewed as inherently evil with inherent desire to commit sins on earth (jesus restored humans relationship w god through crucfixion- able to be forgiven for sins) (‘god so loved the world he gave his one and only son that who ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’
christian belief about sin (2)
sin is a result of humans being given the gift of free will from God- due to his benevolence (‘God is love’) he has given humanity thir own free will and that comes with the responsibility to make their own good choices. therefore sin is a human choice and therefore punishable by god in hell because you abuse your rights
impossible to understand the nature of god (1)
God is viewed as a all loving/all poweful however suffering occurs in the world so how can we view these things to be gods nature when the suffering occuring still is present- therefore the ways humans view god dont actually match whats going on in the world so its hard to understand the ways in which god is viewed in the bible if they dont match up to human experiences
‘exhalted in power’
‘abounding in love’
impossible to understand the nature of god (2)
(counterargument)- without suffering in the word there is nothing to overcome- god is viewed as all powerful/all loving meaning he has the power and the compassion towards humanity to try and change them and make them better people- temptation and suffering exists to attempt to make people ACTIVELY good (otherwise there is nothing to reward in heaven as if there is no evil- there is nothing to prove righteousness
‘suffering produces perseverance’
therefore Gods nature is clearly understood through his omnipotence and benevolence however suffering exists not only to demonstrate his power at trying to change/improve the morals of humans
impossible to understand nature of god (3)
the concept of the trinity is hard to understand and that is what is said to make up god- there is no logical explanation for god being 1 but having 3 parts that are all god but not, therefore if there is no way of understanding the FUNDAMENTAL FOUNDATIONS of christian faith it is therefore impossible to understand the true nature of God
impossible to understand nature of god (4)
nature of trinity is a spiritual truth, not based on logical science however is supported by your faith fundamental belief of the christian faith as they believe that God created the world,Jesus was brought to earth to forgive sins of humanity and the holy spirit is always watching over us therefore it doesnt matter if we can not scientifically define religion- we can apply this complex belief in order to create a sense of comfort in christian lives
‘baptise them in the name of the father, son and holy spirit’
‘father, son and the glory are yours’
‘ the word was with god’
impossible to understand nature of god (conc)
that the concept/nature of god is hard to literally define but that is because god defies the understandng of humanity- it is hard however dont need it ot be a complete definition when faith creates knowledge
which is the saint most associated with lourdes
st bernadette
why is prayer important for christians
unites christian community, worshipping together
why prayer is important for christians (2)
strengthens the connection between people and god- talking directly to him through prayer
one way christians can support food banks in local community
donate money to local charities who organise food banks, food stocks able to be maintained for thos who need them
one way christians can support food banks in local community (2)
voluteer to sort and package food then able to distribute it to local food banks so it can be given to the people that need it
1 reason why christian churches help people being persecuted
parable of the sheep and goats teaches christians how they should be treating others (visiting those in prison) and therefore focuses on how christians should be compassionate towards others, since that is surely how they would wish to be treated in the same circumstance
‘love thy neighbour’
one reason why christian churches help people who are being persecuted (2)
christians believe that they are all united by faith therefore this must include helping those who are being persecuted who are also members of the christian faith
celebration of eucharist is most important part of christian life (1)
memorial of jesus christs’ sacrifical death, and without his death there would be no salvation therefore showing your gratitude towards jesus sacrifice for humanity is therefore more important otherwise humanity would remain with no chance of salvation from sins/no chance of ‘eternal life’
strengthens connection with god- TRANSUBSINATION (actually becomes blood and body of christ)
celebration of eucharist is most important part of christian life (3)
holy communion creates a sense of community for all christian worshippers- all worship in solidarity/unity therefore not only shows its importance but it is a collective outward show of grace and strengthens relationship w christ
‘do this in rememberace of me’ message to all christians therefore unites them
celebration of eucharist is most important part of christian life (2)
some denominations (such as quakers) do not practice these overt depictions of grace- instead they chose to demonstrate their devotion to god/christ through commiting good actions in life and instead focus on being a good christian (parable of the sheep and the goats) and then god will see your grace/devotion if you’re willing to follow jesus’ teachings- also clearly not so important if christians survive withhout it eg. COVID (unable to practice in community church)- however showing acts of kindness can exist no matter the circumstance
celebration of eucharist is most important part of christian life (4)
believe that instead baptism may prove more important than eucharist because it washes away sins of humanity and therefore allows them to live an honest life devoted to jesus- this is the first sacrement you must do and therefore this devotion to god and washing away sins means you are also thanking him in a more personal way for the same things in wucharist- because without gods sacrifice humanity would be stuck w their sins and no chance of eternal life
‘freed from sin and reborn as sons of god’
celebration of eucharist is most important part of christian life (conc)
which is not a means of salvation
one belief about the trinity
There is only 1 God
one belief about the trinity (2)
consists of the father, son and holy spirits- 3 parts all of which are God
one way christian belief in judgement influences christians
Christians believe that the reward is heaven, to be in God’s presence / so they will aim not to sin,
to lead a good life so that they are judged fit for heaven.
one way christian belief in judgement influences christians (2)
Some may be influenced to read the bible in order to learn how to avoid judgement to hell- follow teachings (such as parable of the sheep & the goats) to discover what kind of behaviour leads to heaven/hell
one belief about crucifixion of jesus
one belief about crucifixion of jesus (2)
for christians, what the bible says about creation is true (1)
for christians, what the bible says about creation is true (2)
for christians, what the bible says about creation is true (3)
what describes ill-treatment because of a persons religious beliefs
for christians, what the bible says about creation is true (conc)
one reasons why church growth is important for christians today
one reasons why church growth is important for christians today (2)
one way christians work for reconciliation (2)
one way christians work for reconciliation
one reason why christians celebrate easter
one reason why christians celebrate easter (2)
only adults should be baptised into christian religion (1)
only adults should be baptised into christian religion (2)
only adults should be baptised into christian religion (3)
only adults should be baptised into christian religion (4)
only adults should be baptised into christian religion (conc)
what is not part of gods nature
one belief about creation
one belief about creation (2)
one way beliefs in hell influences christians today
one way beliefs in hell influences christians today (2)
one christian belief about the role of jesus christ in salvation
one christian belief about the role of jesus christ in salvation (2)
the resurrection of the dead is the most christian belief (2)
the resurrection of the dead is the most christian belief (1)
the resurrection of the dead is the most christian belief (3)
which is a name for a ceremony in which adults become members of christian church
the resurrection of the dead is the most christian belief (4)
the resurrection of the dead is the most christian belief (conc)
1 type of christian prayer
1 type of christian prayer (2)
1 way pilgramage is experienced in lourdes
1 way pilgramage is experienced in lourdes (2)
1 reason why evangelism is important for the christian church (1)
1 reason why evangelism is important for the christian church (2)
christmas is the most important christian celebration (1)
christmas is the most important christian celebration (2)
christmas is the most important christian celebration (3)
christmas is the most important christian celebration (4)
christmas is the most important christian celebration (conc)
which is not a means of salvation
1 belief about jesus’ ascension
1 belief about jesus’ ascension (2)
one way trinity influences christians today
one way trinity influences christians today (2)
one belief about cause of sin
one belief about cause of sin (2)
god cannot be loving because people suffer (1)
god cannot be loving because people suffer (2)
god cannot be loving because people suffer (3)
god cannot be loving because people suffer (4)
which is one form of private worship
god cannot be loving because people suffer (conc)
1 way the church helps christians to respond to persecution
two contrasting examples of the work of the church in local community (1)
one reason why celebrating holy communion is important for many christians (1)
two contrasting examples of the work of the church in local community (2)
one reason why celebrating holy communion is important for many christians (2)
the lords prayer is the only prayer that christians need to use (1)
the lords prayer is the only prayer that christians need to use (2)
the lords prayer is the only prayer that christians need to use (3)
the lords prayer is the only prayer that christians need to use (4)
which one of the following describes the meaning of the word omipotent
the lords prayer is the only prayer that christians need to use (conc)
one christian teaching about original sin
one christian teaching about original sin (2)
one way in which jesus’ crucifixion influences christians today (2)
1 christian teaching about incarnation
one way in which jesus’ crucifixion influences christians today
a loving god would not send anyone to hell (1)
1 christian teaching about incarnation (2)
a loving god would not send anyone to hell (2)
1 way in which christians might show their commitment to church growth
a loving god would not send anyone to hell (4)
1 way in which christians might show their commitment to church growth (2)
a loving god would not send anyone to hell (3)
a loving god would not send anyone to hell (conc)
1 example of christian worship (1)
1 way in which the worldwise church works for reconilliation (2)
which one of the following is not part of the celebration of christmas
1 way in which the worldwise church works for reconilliation (1)
1 example of christian worship (2)
infant baptism is not as important as believers baptism (2)
infant baptism is not as important as believers baptism (1)
infant baptism is not as important as believers baptism (3)
infant baptism is not as important as believers baptism (4)
infant baptism is not as important as believers baptism (conc)