Paper 1 Flashcards
What comes under observational research?
Observational research consists of watching people to see what they do.
This method doesn’t really involve coercion or manipulation and changes are rarely made.
What comes under experimental research?
Experimental research is scientific research that includes either lab experiments (in a controller environment) or field experiments (where external factors play a part)
What comes under self report?
Surveys, asking people and using voluntary focus groups often come under the use of self report. This method is quick and an easy way to get information from people.
What comes under secondary research?
Secondary research is looking at research that already exists and putting it all together.
What comes under animal research?
Animal research is research using animals where it may be unethical to use humans.
Research methods Paper 1:
Experimental methods
Experimental methods:
• lab experiments
• field experiments
• quasi/natural experiments
Research methods paper 1:
Non-experimental methods
Non-experimental methods:
• observation
• correlational study
• self-report
What is an independent variable?
An independent variable is the variable that is manipulated by the experimenter.
What is a dependent variable?
The dependent variable is what the experimenter measures.
What are features of a science?
Predictable - can predict future behaviour from findings.
Objectivity - all sources of bias are minimised.
Replication - can it be repeated and the results are similar.
Standardisation - is everything the same for all participants?
Control - all extraneous variables need to be controlled.
Hypothesis testing - testing a statement.
Empirical evidence - data being collected through direct observation/experiment.
What is an extraneous variable?
An extraneous variable is any variable (other than the IV) that might potentially affect the dependent variable and therefore affect the result.
What are features of a lab experiment?
Features of a lab experiment include:
• highly controlled conditions
• usually artificial environments but do not have to resemble a science lab.
• An example would be Pavlov’s Dogs
What are the features of a quasi/natural experiment?
A quasi/natural experiment is when the independent variable occurs naturally and is not manipulated by the researcher.
It can be controlled and scientific.
What are the features of a field experiment:
A field experiment is an experiment that occurs in the real world/the ‘field’.
Usually participants are not aware that they are participating.
An example of a field experiment is The New York Subway Study.