paper 1 Flashcards
gdp per capita
the value of goods and services produced in a year per person
gdp ppp
gdp- purchasing power parity, what the gdp will buy in other countries
human development index (HDI)
combines wealth, health and education to show how developed a country is (0-1, 1 being the best)
poverty line
the minimum income required to meet someone’s basic needs ($1.25 a day)
access to drinking water
the percentage of the population with access to a water supply within 1km
literacy rate
the percentage of the population aged over 15 who can read and write
corruption perception index
uses a scale from 0-10 (0 very corrupt) to rank how stable a government is
dependency ratio
proportion of the people below (aged 0-14) and above (65+) the normal working age
life expectancy
average number of years a person can be expected to live
maternal mortality
number of mother’s per 100,000 who die in childbirth
fertility rate
average number of births per woman
birth rate
the number of live births per 1000 people per year
infant mortality rate
the number of children per 1000 die before their first birthday
death rate
number of deathbed per 1000 people per year
high income countries
middle income countries
low income countries
newly industrialized countries
recently industrialized countries
A less powerful earthquake which follows a more powerful earthquake
The layer of Earth’s gases above the Earth’s surface
Collision Zones
Where two tectonic plates collide e.g Himalayas
Conservative Plate Boundary
Where two plates slide along each other
Continental Crust
The part of the Earth’s crust that makes up land (30-50km thick)
Convection Currents
Currents which transfer heat from one part of a gas or liquid to another
Convergent Plate Boundary
When two tectonic plates collide (see collision zone)
Centre of the Earth, made up of a solid inner and molten outer core
Coriolis Force
A strong force created by the Earth’s rotation (within 5º of the equator), can cause hurricanes and tropical storms
Cumulonimbus Clouds
Tall clouds created by the condensation of water vapour
Divergent Plate Boundary
Where two tectonic plates move away from each other
Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
The increased effectiveness of the greenhouse effect, causing global warming
The point on the surface of the Earth directly above the focus
Eye of the Storm
The centre of a storm, consists of calm, descending dense air
Ferrel Cell
Part of the globe circulation model, where Earth’s atmosphere consists of cool, descending, dry air
The force which resists the movement of one surface over another
Global Circulation Model
Theory explaining how the atmosphere operates in three cells either side of the equator
Greenhouse Effect
The way that gases in the atmosphere trap heat from the sun
Gulf Stream
A warm ocean current which begins in the Gulf of Mexico and is blown NE across the North Atlantic
Hadley Cell
Largest section of the global circulation model, caused by heating and cooling of Earth’s atmosphere
Hot Spots
Columns of heat in the Earth’s mantle found in the middle of a tectonic plate
Ice Cores evidence of climate change
Columns of ice that are extracted from ice sheets and used to construct temperature patterns
Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
Narrow zone of low pressure near the equator where northern and southern air masses converge
Embankments found either side of a river, naturally by regular flooding or built up by people to protect against flooding
The cool and brittle uppermost layer of the mantle
The middle layer of the Earth, 2900km thick, jam like consistency
Milankovitch Cycles-natural cause of climate change
The three long-term cycles of the Earth around the Sun
North Atlantic Drift
A warm ocean current that branches off of the Gulf Stream
Ocean Currents
Permanent or semi-permanent large scale horizontal movements of the ocean’s waters
Oceanic Crust
The part of Earth’s crust which is underneath oceans (6-8km thick)
Upwelling of molten rock through the asthenosphere to the lithosphere
Polar Cell
Sections of the Earth’s atmosphere found above the North and South Pole, consisting of cold, descending, dry air
Richter Scale
A scale for measuring the magnitude of an earthquake
A machine used to record the magnitude of an earthquake
Storm Surge
A rapid rise in the level of the sea caused by low pressure, strong winds
Type of volcano characterised by steep sides (Composite Cone)
Describes oceanic crust sinking into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary
Sunspots-natural cause of climate change
A dark patch that occasionally appears on the surface of the sun
Tropical Cyclone
An area of low pressure with winds moving in a spiral around calm centre point
Term given to a tropical cyclone in the western North Pacific
Bottom-up Development
Often run by NGO’s, non governmental development involving communities
Clark-Fisher Model
Explains the change in employment structure as countries develop their economies
pre industrial, industrial, post industrial
Core Region
Areas within a country that are important economic hubs
Development Indicators
Measures of how a country is improving
Emerging Developing Country (EDC)
A country with medium-high human development and recent economic growth
Fertility Rate
Average number of births per woman
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Unrestricted flow of money from one country to another
Frank’s Dependency Theory + disadvantages
Describes how the core, semi periphery and periphery rely on each other for resources and goods-cant develop since they are exploited.
india and china prove it wrong
doesn’t add any other factors
The increasing integration of economies and societies around the world particularly through international trade
Human Development Index (HDI)
A standard means of measuring human development
When an agricultural society begins to depend on industries instead
Infant Mortality
Number of children per 1000 who die before their 1st birthday
Inter-Governmental Organisations (IGO’s)
Governments and agencies working together
Low Income Countries (LIC’s)
Countries where employment is dominated by the primary sector
Multiplier Effect
- TNC’S set up factories or industry
- factory workers spend money locally
- local services receive more trade.
- more tax
- government can invest in economy.
Non-Governmental Companies (NGO’s)
Organisations which aim to improve quality of life
Roster’s Theory + disadvantages
Shows the economic growth of a country, graph showing the exponential growth of the country’s development
1. assumens countries start at same place
2. outdated
3. does not include any other factors.
inequality in development (7 factors)
- colonialism or not
- topography
- climate
- international relations
- government
- health
- education
Quaternary Sector
Employment based on specialised knowledge and skill(science,IT)
Rural-Urban Migration
Movement of people from the countryside to cities
Secondary Sector
Employment based in manufacturing
Additional cost added to the price of traded goods
Tertiary Sector
Employment based on services
Top-Down Development
When decision making about the development of an area is made and orchestrated by the government
Trans National Corporations (TNC’s)
Companies which operate across more than one country
World Trade Organisation (WTO)
An organisation dedicated to making trade within countries easier
Brownfield Sites
Former industrial areas that have been developed before
Central Business District (CBD)
The heart of an urban area
When people leave urban areas to live in the countryside
Decreased activity in manufacturing and closure of businesses
Formal Economy
An economy which is official and meets legal standards
pay taxes
Informal Economy
An unofficial economy, where no records are kept
no taxes paid
Pull Factors of Immigration
jobs, greater freedom, land
Push Factors of Immigration
economic troubles, overcrowding, poverty
Internal Migration
Movement of people within the same country
International Migration
The movement of people from one country to another
modern shops
pedestrian safety
new infrastructure
multi story car park.
dockland development
urban regeneration in CBD
1981 and 1998
social-by 2030-10000 new homes
eco-20000 new jobs-multiplier effect.
1.25 billion people
dharavi slums-cholera
high tech-opportunities to services.
Re-developing former industrial areas to improve them
When people who lived in the city and moved to the country move back to the city
Rural-Urban Fringe
The surrounding areas of an urban centre
Sustainable Development
Meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs
A rise in the percentage of people living in urban areas