Papacy Flashcards
Peter says he is in charge
Acts 15:7
Prophecy of Papacy
Isaiah 22:22
How many times is peters name said in the Bible ?
Every list of the disciples starts with Peter and ends with Judas
-Mathew 10:2
-Acts 1:13
(All throughout)
(Name change means something important)
God changed Abrahams name (Father of nations)
Genesis 17:1-5
Peters was the FIRST to know Jesus true identity
Mathew 16:16
Peter preached the first gospel message
Acts 2:14-40
Paul came to Jerusalem only visit peter
Galatians 1:18
Paul goes to Jerusalem to submit his gospel to Peter
Galatians 2:2
Mathew singles out peter “first” calling out his importance
Mathew 10:2
Jesus is the one with the keys (same ones given to Peter)
Revelation 3:7
Feed my sheep (Sheppard)
John 21:15-17
Father Abraham was also called rock
Isaiah 51:1-2
One flock one Sheppard
John 10:16
(Who did he make Sheppard ?😉)
Jesus prays for Peter and encourages him to strengthen his brethren
Luke 22:31-32
Peter speaks for the apostles
Acts 1:12-16
Acts 20:26
Peter is set apart from the “eleven” in Pentecost
Acts 2:14
James quotes 2 authorities (Peter and the OT)
Acts 15:14-15