ISLAM🔴 Flashcards
Quran affirms Torah and gospel
God can’t have a son if he has no sex
That comes from Quran 6:101
How can Mary have a sim being a virgin?
Explain trinity ?
God, his eternal word , and eternal spirit. U believe the word of god became a book and I believe the word of god became flesh
(I’m the almighty)
Revelation 1:8
before Abraham I am
John 8:58
i and the father are one
John 10:30
thou shalt not tempt the lord ur God
Mathew 4:7
He does not say directly “I am God worship me”
Surah 4:171 says Jesus is the messiah and a spirit from him . But show me where Jesus himself says any of those things .. he doesn’t.
(Quran contradiction) They or you
Hafs Quran :you
Warsh Quran: they
Quran contradictions) Feeding poor men or poor man
Quran 2:184
Hafs: a poor man
Warsh: poor men
The trinity is mentioned wrong in the Quran
The Quran reveals that seman comes from the back bone
Quran says earth is flat
Quran says Allah created seven earths
Quran says 2 women = 1 man
Your wife is your farm land do whatever u want
2:223 but now some Qurans added foot notes of consent
Quran says men are in charge of women Banish and scurge them of dis behavior
How long after Mohammed’s death were the main Hadith collections written ?
2-3 centuries later after Mohammed died
What is the earliest source of Mohammed’s life ?
Ibn Isaq . Written 100 years later
Mohammed sucks young boys tongue
Mismas Ahmad 16245 and (also on Al adab Al mufrad by bukari #1183)
The satanic verses
-history of Al tabari”
Volume 6 page 108
- watered down by Sahil bukari 4862
Where does surah 22:52 come from?
History of Al tabari Volume 6 page 108- Gabriel’s tells Mohammed that the revelation was false
Mohammed later recieves revelation 22:52
What are the 2 most popular Qurans
Hafs and warsh
Mohammed was the first Muslim
The so. Is mentioned in the Old Testament
Proverbs 30:3-4