Panel data-FE Flashcards
The model for fixed effects is
yi = β0 + β1xi + ci + ui
What are some examples of what ci could be?
ci could represent the effects of ability, health, motivation, intelligence, parental resources, managerial quality, organizational culture, state/local policies or regulations, etc.
What does the regression of the de-meaned y on de-meaned x look like, mechanically?
yit −y ̄i =β1(xit −x ̄i)+(uit −u ̄i)
What does it mean to de-mean in the context of fixed effects?
within each panel unit i, take the average over t on both sides and subtract the average from each it observation:
What are some examples of time-invariant explanatory variables that fall out of the fe model?
gender, race
Why do time-invariant explanatory variables fall out of the fe model?
They all equal their within-group mean, so the within-transformation equals zero
write out first difference model
∆yi =β1∆xi +∆ui
How do OLS assumptions apply to first difference model?
The new error term ∆ui is uncorrelated with the new explanatory variable, ∆xi .
This requires that we have no cross-period correlations between u and x: called strict exogeneity
The xi must vary over time for at least some i, else they difference out (same as the within transformation)
What does strict exogeneity require?
no cross-period correlations between u and x
In theory, what happens to constant when you estimate first difference model?
Differences out–if you want, you can include it to allow for year-to-year trend
What happens when you apply first difference model to multiple years?
each year of data is differenced with previous year, so you lose the first year in your dataset
True or false: In the one-way fixed effects model, we treat ci as a parameter to be estimated
Mechanically, what are we doing when we estimate ci?
Effectively we are allowing for a unique intercept for every cross-sectional
unit i. This is feasible to estimate since each i is observed multiple times.
model for fixed effects?
yit = β0 + β1xit + ci + uit
What paramaters are we estimating when using fe?
intercept (B0), slope(B1), and fixed effects (which are n-1 intercepts)
what does the LSDV (least squares dummy variable) model do?
includes (n-1) dummy variables in the regression