Measurement error Flashcards
what are the two types of measurement error?
- Measurement error in the dependent variable: observe y instead of y∗
2 Measurement error in an explanatory variable: observe x instead of x∗
What are implications for bias and consistency if we have measurement error in DV and the measurement error is uncorrelated with the IV?
As long as measurement error e0 is uncorrelated with the explanatory variable x1, the OLS esimator of β1 is unbiased and consistent.
what happens to standard error if we have measurement error in DV and the measurement error is uncorrelated with the IV?
greater variance in the OLS estimator (larger standard errors).
what happens to standard error if we have measurement error in IV and measurement error e1 is uncorrelated with the observed measure x1?
larger standard errors
classical measurement error
e1 is uncorrelated with the unobserved
measure x1* . This would arise when the observed x1 is the sum of the true explanatory variable and random noise: “classical measurement error”.
Then there is necessarily correlation between x1 and e1
we then have attenuation bias
what is attenuation bias?
The estimator is biased toward zero. The amount of bias depends on the variability in x1∗ (signal) versus the variability in e1 (noise).