Pancreatitis Flashcards
During the first two weeks of pantreatitis, what issues do we see?
What about after two weeks?
First two weeks: (SIRS), organ failure
–>SIRS: two or more abnormalities in the temperature, heart rate, respiration, or white bloodcell count not related to infection
After two weeks: sepsis and its complications
Causes of ACUTE panreatitis
Gall stones, alcohol, scorpion venom, Hyperlipidemia, cholesterol, viruses, trauma, pancres divisum, CFTR, or other genetics
3-7% of patients with gallstones develop acute pancreatitis (AP), responsible for _____ of cases of acute pancreatitis
Alcohol use and Acute pancreatits
• Alcohol
10% of alcoholics develop AP
30% of cases of AP in the United States
Usually after many years of alcohol abuse
TG and acute pancreatitis
> 1000 mg/dL
1-4% of AP cases
What is pancreas divisum?
Embryologic defect, pancrease forms ring aound the small intestine and blocks passage of food
The main and small duct dont fuse together
Genetic cause of Acute Pancreatitis
Serine protease 1 (PRSS1)
• Hereditary pancreatitis, recurrent AP in childhood/early adolescence
• Present in up to 80 % of with hereditary pancreatitisunrelated to CF
• Primary defense against pancreatitis is to control trypsin
activity, either by prevention of premature activation of
trypsinogen to trypsin, or by the destruction, inhibition,
or elimination of trypsin from the pancreas
Mutation impairs above step
Serine protease 1 (PRSS1)
• Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) defect can lead to Acute Pancreatits
Mutation may result in production of :
Leads to ductal obstruction or _______ function
more concentrated or acidic pancreatic juice
altered acinar cell
Genetic cause of acute pancreatitis
Encodes a pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor
Binds and inhibits about 20 % of trypsin activity
Serine protease inhibitor Kazal type 1 (SPINK1)
• Inflammation of the pancreas; different etiologies but all same after?
after inciting event or pancreatitis begins
• Inciting event (varies) => early acute changes (similar) => systemic response
Early acute changes in acute pancreatitis:
•______ activation of proteolytic enzymes
IN acute pancreatitis:
We get Intraacinar activation of proteolytic enzymes: this leads to
• Generation of large amounts of active______ within pancreas
What causes pancreatic autodigestion
• Vacuoles containing active trypsin rupture
Leads to activation of further trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastase
• Pancreatic autodigestion from intrapancreatic release of active enzymes
Key pathogeneis is acute pancreatitis
MIcrocirculatory injury
Inflammatory cytokines produced
Leukocyte chemoattraction (PMN)
increased vascular permeability and injury (leads to hemorrhage and necrosis)
–> overwhelms normal protective mechanisms