Palubicki APWH Unit 7 Flashcards
Mexican Revolution
Def. This was a revolution fought between the northern and southern parts of Mexico. The main cause was the foreign control over oil and railroads. They wanted to reclaim local industry and redistribute the and (like communism) and it all led to the mural movement. This revolution officially began when the elected president, Modero, was imprisoned by the dictator at the time, Porfirio Diaz. This resulted in a constitutional republic in Mexico and the INstitutional Revolutionary party was set into place.
LO1- Modero was able to escape prison and began to create revolutionary offices in El Paso Texas (external factors). Internally, the fighting between Modero and Diaz caused change once the war was over.
Russian Revolution
Def: Russia was significantly far behind countries like Europe, Japan, and the US in wealth. Other countries were industrializing efficiently and promoting economic growth to grow bigger, however, Russia was not. The government didn’t call for political reforms, which was such a setback compared to other economies they lost wars such as the Crimean war and the Russo- Japanese war. With Russia falling multiple times, they decided to elect Lenin as the head of the communist government.
LO1- Internally, Russa wasn’t developing as fast as the nations surrounding them. They were very slow in expanding education systems for their workers, building transportation, and supporting others with loans and contracts. Russia was not strong at all economically and this later caused external problems, such as the wars they lost to.
Causes of WW1
Def: MANIA! The original short cause of ww1 was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The long causes of ww1 include nationalism (extreme pride in one’s nation), imperialism( countries took over nations, the shrinking available land led to tensions between nations in Europe), militarism (the mass production of deadly weapons), and alliance system ( the triple alliance and the triple entente were formed).
LO2- The cause of this war was MANIA. The consequences included the falling of many nations once they got imperialized, the US became a world power. To add, Europe faced massive economic problems and this created lots of anxiety.
Total War
Def: A strategy that was used during the war in which a nation’s entire population, including the military, was set on winning the war. This meant that civilians (such as women working in the factories), workers (workers from china helped in areas where there were labor shortages), and the government all contributed to helping the war so that winning was highly achievable. Those who were against this idea got imprisoned and the media had to be monitored.
LO3- The government contributed to this strategy by making planning boards that would help benefit the nation on winning. For example, they created boards that set production quotas, regulated the prices and wages, and controlled the food rationings and other supplies for the people.
Great Depression
Def: This started in the US when the stock market crashed and there was overproduction of agriculture. When the stock markets crashed, American investors began to take out their money from the German banks. With all the money being taken out of the German bans, german banks began to fail, causing them a very hard time during this era. To add, due to the cheap agricultural imports as well as European production, there was a severe price collapse. There were economic hardships in places like Africa and California because the production outstripped demand. This was a global event and only spread from the US, unemployment increased, trade declined, and tariffs were put into place to try and keep the jobs that were left.
LO4- The government responded to this by raising tariffs. These tariffs were imposed on the imports so that the jobs remaining could be somewhat protected. People were turning to the government in hopes of getting help from them. Other countries were lowering the values of their currencies, so our government lowered its value in response.
New Deal
Def: Roosevelt created these policies. (Three R´s) They were made for relief, recovery, and reforms. The relief was for the citizens that were severely struggling during the GD, it brought new jobs to those in need. Recovery from the GD was greatly needed, the government was able to do this by spending money. And reforms were implemented to prevent this from happening again. Due to this policy, unemployment decreased and the economy began to improve once again.
LO4- The government responded to the GD by implementing this policy. It helped to decrease the unemployment that was caused, reinforced protection for the labor unions, as well as price stability for the farmers.
Five-year plans (soviet union)
Def: After Lenin’s death, Stalin put this plan in and disregarded Lenin’s NEP. The plan that Stalin made was put into place so that they could industrialize and catch up to the west by industrializing and collectivizing agriculture. The aftermath of this was that Stalin was that the industry grew significantly, however, the collectivizing agriculture did not work and resulted in the deaths of many Ukrainians.
LO4- Once Stalin implemented the five-year plan, they had tremendous growth in their industry, however, the Ukrainian farmers refused to collectivize the land which led to them being sent to concentration camps and being executed.
Fascist Corporate Economy
Def: In Italy, Mussolini used this. This was an economy that was based on corporatism, employers, trade unions, and state officials were split into different sectors that all were connected to the same body. The sectors led to a totalitarian state, this meant that the government-controlled all the different compartments of society. PArt of Mussolini’s idea of fascism was that he needed to gain control of an inferior nation.
LO4- Governments contributed to this economic crisis by controlling aspects of society. They created the idea of fascism which was an aggressive type of nationalism, which caused many countries to conquer other nations by going to war.
Def: This was a system put into place so that the Allies through the league of nations could rule the nations and colonies within the central powers. This all started because the ottomans felt violated by the peace conference, so the allies had made a promise to the ottomans that if they fought with the allies they could have self-rule. Although due to this system, the allies had broken their promise.
LO5- Through the mandates, the allies (France, Great Britain, and Europe) began to imperialize as a new form of colonization. For instance, Cameroon (German colony) was divided and split between France and Britain as different mandates. This was a change as to what had been done before where one country would imperialize another country.
Causes of WW2
Def: The main cause of this war was appeasement. This was a policy created by Britain to negotiate with Germany to prevent a war from occurring. However, this only gave Hitler more time to prepare for the war. If there was no appeasement, there may have never been a war because Germany wasn’t prepared.
LO6- The consequences of world war 2 include the holocaust being revealed, a peace settlement being created, the marshall plan, a decline in colonialism, women being now able to work and go to college, and the start of the cold war.
New military tech in WW2
Def: Tech that was improved was the ships, tanks, planes, landing craft, radar equipment, guns, and ammunition. This allowed for them to be more prepared to fight and have a stronger military.
LO7- One similarity is how the allies together were able to create aircraft carriers that allowed for take-off and land on decks in the sea, allowing for an increased range for the military. Some differences are how the German war plants relied on prisoner of war camps to help them fight which were not very beneficial whereas the allies used only machinery to fight.
Def. A mass genocide was conducted by the Nazis in which they killed 12 million Jews, Slavs, Armenians, and those disabled. Many of them were put into concentration camps and were worked to death or starved to death. Hitler did this as a way to return traditional values which meant he got rid of the Jewish influence in Germany.
LO8- The cause of this was that Hilter wanted to get rid of the German influence in Germany. The consequences of this were that 12 million innocent people were killed by the Nazis for no reason. Hitler became a scare to Russia because they knew he hated Russia, so they signed the non-aggrassion act to try and prevent a war from occurring.
Ukrainian Genocide
Def: Peasants (farmers) resisted Stalin’s order of the collectivization of agriculture. The Ukrainian peasants began to kill land destroy the livestock rather than give it to the state. This led to a huge famine in Ukraine., the government took any crops grown that were initially supposed to be given to the workers. This resulted in the deaths of about 7- 10 million peasants, they were starved to death because of Stalin.
LO8- This was caused due to the Ukrainians refusing the collectivization of agriculture. The consequences were that 7-10 million people died from starvation.