Palliative care E-book Flashcards
The symptoms that
often present in palliative care include:
- Pain
- Nausea and vomiting
- Constipation
- Anxiety
- Breathlessness
- Secretions
According to WHO, palliative care:
• provides relief from pain and other distressing symptoms
• affirms life and regards dying as a normal process
• intends neither to hasten or postpone death
• integrates the psychological and spiritual aspects of patient car
• offers a support system to help patients live as actively as possible until
• offers a support system to help the family cope during the patients illness
and in their own bereavement
• uses a team approach to address the needs of patients and their families,
including bereavement counselling, if indicated
• will enhance quality of life, and may also positively influence the course of
• is applicable early in the course of illness, in conjunction with other therapies
that are intended to prolong life, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy,
and includes those investigations needed to better understand and manage
distressing clinical complications.
The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP)
Developed in 1997, the LCP was designated as a model of best practice (2001) and
incorporated into the National End of Life Care Programme in 2004 (see section 2.2).
Its use was controversial; some relatives had complained that the LCP was used to
hasten the end of life of patients to relieve bed pressures within hospitals. The LCP
was not intended to be used for this purpose; its intended use had been to ensure
that during the last few days and hours of a patient’s life they received appropriate
and consistently high quality care.
In response to public concerns about the use of the LCP an independent review
panel found that among issues highlighted were the use of the LCP as a generic
protocol (“sometimes a tick box exercise”) rather than its use focused around the
individual’s care. Issues around lack of training and lack of review of the pathway
appropriate to the individual patient’s condition were also identified. The LCP has
been phased out as of July 2014.
National End of Life Programme
1) “The possibility [that a person may die within the next few days or hours] is
recognised and communicated clearly, decisions made and actions taken in
accordance with the person’s needs and wishes, and these are regularly reviewed
and decisions revised accordingly.”
2) “Sensitive communication takes place between staff and the dying person, and those identified as important to them”.
3) “The dying person, and those identified as important to them, are involved in decisions about treatment and care to the extent that the dying person wants”.
4) “The needs of families and others identified as important to the dying person are
actively explored, respected and met as far as possible”.
5) “An individual plan of care, which includes food and drink, symptom control and
psychological, social and spiritual support, is agreed, co-ordinated and delivered with
The Gold Standards Framework (GSF)
• Communication
o There should be a register of patients who have end-of-life needs
within each primary care team which should be used to plan and
monitor patient care on a regular basis
• Co‐ordination
o There should be a Gold Standards Framework co-ordinator appointed
within each primary care team to ensure that the GSF is implemented
and used appropriately
• Control of symptoms
o There should be an anticipatory approach to prescribing, particularly
out of hours
• Continuity
o All professionals involved in a patient’s care should have access to all
relevant information about that patient
• Continued learning
o There should be a commitment to learning and development by all
members of the primary care team. Specialists within palliative care
should play a lead role in delivering education to other members of the team
• Carer support
o The needs of carers are as important within high quality palliative care
as those of the patients
• Care in the dying phase
o Patients in the last few days of life should receive treatment and
support based upon appropriate protocols and guidelines. All aspects of patient and family care should be considered at this time
When considering medicines for symptom control, NICE NG31 recommends the
following are taken into account:
• the likely cause of the symptom
• the dying person’s preferences alongside the benefits and harms of the
• any individual or cultural views that might affect their choice
• any other medicines being taken to manage symptoms
• any risks of the medicine that could affect prescribing decisions, for example
prescribing cyclizine to manage nausea and vomiting may exacerbate heart
For administration of meds NICE does not recommend
does not recommend IM injection and prefers either SC or IV injections.
If a patient takes more than 2-3 doses of any ‘as required’ medication within a
twenty-four hour period then NICE NG31 recommends that
the use of a syringedriver pump is considered
The WHO pain ladder
Mild pain may be controlled by
paracetamol or an NSAID, moderate pain by codeine phosphate or tramadol
hydrochloride and severe pain by morphine. Alternative strong opioids include:
transdermal buprenorphine, transdermal fentanyl, hydromorphone hydrochloride,
methadone hydrochloride, or oxycodone hydrochloride. These should be initiated by
those with experience in palliative care.
Bone metastases
Bone metastases can cause significant pain. In addition to analgesia, radiotherapy,
bisphosphonates, and radioactive isotopes of strontium chloride may be used.
Palliative care treatment with opioids
NICE CG140 recommends (for patients without renal or hepatic issues) a starting
total daily dose of 20-30mg morphine as either oral immediate release or oral
sustained release depending on patient’s preference. NICE CG140 also
recommends 5mg oral immediate-release morphine for breakthrough (rescue) doses
during the titration period.
The dose should then be adjusted upwards until there is a balance between pain
control and side effects.
‘Once their pain is controlled, patients started on
‘Once their pain is controlled, patients started on 4-hourly immediate-release
morphine can be transferred to the same total 24-hour dose of morphine given as
the modified-release preparation for 12-hourly or 24-hourly administration. The first
dose of the modified-release preparation is given with, or within 4 hours of, the last
dose of the immediate-release preparation. For preparations suitable for 12-hourly or
24-hourly administration see modified-release preparations under morphine.
Increments should be made to the dose, not to the frequency of administration. The
patient must be monitored closely for efficacy and side-effects, particularly
constipation, and nausea and vomiting. A suitable laxative should be prescribed
should be avoided for breakthrough pain
NICE CG140 states that fast-acting
fentanyl should be avoided for breakthrough pain.
patients who cannot tolerate morphine.
The BNF recommends oxycodone
Transdermal patches are ‘not
suitable for
acute pain or in patients whose analgesic requirements are changing
rapidly because the long time to steady state prevents rapid titration of the dose
Indications for use of syringe pumps
Persistent nausea, vomiting, dysphagia, severe weakness or unconsciousness
leading to patients who can’t swallow medication;
Patients unable to absorb oral medications;
Patients unwilling or unable to take medicines by mouth;
Malignant bowel obstruction where surgery is inappropriate;
Head and neck lesions or surgery
Advantages for use of syringe pumps
Increased comfort as repeated
injections are not required
Control of multiple symptoms with a
combination of drugs
Round-the-clock comfort because
plasma drug concentrations are
maintained without peaks and troughs, giving constant therapeutic drug levels over a 24-hour period
Mobility maintained because the device is lightweight and can be worn in a holster under or over clothes
Generally needs to be loaded only once every 24 hours
Disadvantages for use of syringe pumps
Staff training
Possible inflammation and pain at
the infusion site and potential source
of infection
In emaciated patients or those on
long-term infusions skin-site
availability may become a problem
Lack of reliable compatibility data for
some mixtures of medications
Certain medications are contra-indicated for use in subcutaneous infusion
chlorpromazine hydrochloride, prochlorperazine, diazepam due to skin reactions.
The following medications can cause skin reactions at the injection site to a lesser
extent and are not necessarily contraindicated:
- cyclizine
* levomepromazine.