Paleo-Neolithic Eras + Sources Flashcards
What is a hominid
A hominid is a descendant of an ape, they walk on two legs and were the first human-esque animal.
A lifestyle in which people hunted, and gathered.
When humans hunted animals for food (Men) and (Women) gathered things from the ground/bushes/etc… such as nuts, berries, and grubs.
Lucy the Hominid
A hominid that was discovered. Lucy was an important discovery which helped lead to many more significant discoveries.
What do we have that hominids didn’t?
Higher IQ, thumbs, way of communication, voice boxes++
How did scientists determine the age of Earth?
Carbon-dating ancient artifacts, as well as studying meteorites, the moon, and other things floating around in space.
Homo Sapiens
Humans (AKA us) - Were able to adapt to the changing environment allowing them (us) to survive until now.
People’s unique way of life. A set of beliefs/art/language/religion people follow.
Paleolithic Age
The old stone age; Ice age; Time of nomads/hunter-gatherers
Studies fossils
Studies artifacts
Studies societies
Neolithic Era
Farming era
Primary source
A first hand account
Secondary source
Not a first hand account, created after the event was over, uses primary sources.
The act of determining who, when, where, and why a document was created.
Leaning towards a certain side because of feelings/emotions/beliefs.
Historical Skill Set
Research, analysis, communication, examination, writing, problem solving.
Believing in a higher power etc… Explains certain decisions/way of life back then.
Population bottleneck
The theory that about 700,000 years ago a volcanic eruption killed a lot of humans decimating the population to 15,000 people.
Consistently good quality/performance, able to be trusted (trustworthy.)
Confirm or to give support to a theory, statement, or finding.
Giant animals that nomads hunted, went exctinct due to overhunting and long reproductive cycle.