Paintings- Artist/year Flashcards
Birth of Venus
Botticelli, 1480
Mona Lisa
Da Vinci, 1500
The Arnoldini Wedding
Eyck, 1434
The Thinker (sculpture)
Rodin, 1900
Hopper, 1942
Persistence of memory
Dali, 1931
Picasso, 1937
David (sculpture)
Michelangelo, 1504
The third of May, 1808
Goya, 1814
Last supper
Da Vinci, 1495-1498
Starry night
Van Gogh, 1889
Gates of hell (sculpture)
Rodin, 1880
The Kiss (sculpture)
Rodin, 1886
Perseus with the head of medusa
Cellini, 1563
School of Athens
Raphael, 1509
Death of Marat
David, 1793
Bird in Space (sculpture)
Brancusi, 1919
Ecstasy of Saint Teresa (sculpture)
Bernini, 1646
Las Meninas
Velasquez, 1656
American gothic
Grant wood, 1930
Venus of Urbino
Titian, 1538
Liberty leading the people
Delacroix, 1830
Christina’s world
Wyeth, 1948
Liberty enlightening the world (sculpture)
Bartholdi, 1886
Pieta (sculpture)
Michelangelo, 1499
Nude descending a staircase, no. 2
Duchamp, 1912
Garden of earthly delights
Bosch, 1500
Luncheon on the grass
Manet, 1863
Arrangement in grey and black: the artist’ smother
Whistler, 1871