PAGS Flashcards
Biuret test
What does is test for?
What do you do if the sample is coloured and incompletely dissolved?
what can a control be?
test for proteins
as it can be hard to see the colour change if the test solution is mixed fully with the sample, it can be easier to see a colour change if the test solution is layers on the sample and looking for a colour change at the interface where they touch- buret agent slides down at 45* angle . can shake to mix it after
distilled water into of protein suspension
How does the emulsion test work?
dissolve any lipid present in ethanol. let any solid settle at the bottom then pipette the ethanol into a new tube
then add water causing it to precipitate out and form an emulsion
Benedicts test for reducing sugars:
record observations with Benedict’s reagent
record observations after 2 mins in water bath
record observations after another 2 mins in water bath
Benedict’s test for non reducing sugars:
What are the observations?
carry out reducing sugar test
if negative add HCl
put in water bath for 2 mins
let them cool
neutralise acid with sodium hydrogen carbonate until no more effervescence
repeat neutralisation until pH is 7 or higher
add Benedict’s reagent and record observations
record observations after 2 mins of water bath
record observations after 2 more minutes of water bath
if there are more copper 2+ ions reduced to copper then the solution will be less blue (more colourless) therefore more red light is transmitted (less absorbed)
How can the Benedict’s test be improved?
How could you make it semiquantitative?
How could you make it fully quantitiave?
How would you distinguish between maltase and glucose?
pH probe
graduated glass pipette for volume fo solution and benedicts
look at speed of colour change
have standard colour to compare against
more precipitate= more reducing sugar so weigh mass
once hydrolysed, the maltose will have 2x the amount fo glucose so twice the amount of precipitate/ more concentrated
How do you determine glucose concentration using a colorimeter?
Why must you centrifuge the sample before taking colorimeter readings?
What would you do if the unknown didn’t fall within readings?
do serial dilution
add Benedict’s reagent to each tube plus an unknown
incubate for 15 minutes
put 2cm3 in centrifuge for 2 minutes ensuring each tube has a balancing partner
set colorimeter to red light and use distilled water in a cuvette to set 100% transmission
pipette supernatants into cuvettes and measure transmission %
create calibration curve to find unknown
solid precipitate could affect transmission readings as it would cause light rays to scatter and give falsey low reading
repeat but start at higher concentrations if unknown is too low transmission
in folder
How do you do a serial dilution?
10cm3 graduated pipette to draw up 10cm3 of solution to first tube
now take 1cm3 pipette and add 1cm3 of first dilution to the second tube. add distilled water to make up to 10cm3 and shake - concentration is 10-1 of original
use clean pipette draw up 1cm3 of the second dilution and add to tube 3 and make the solution up to 10cm3 with distilled water and mix.
effect of substrate concentration on rate of enzyme controlled reaction:
what is the word equation? why do cylinders need to be the same size?
What are the limitations and how can they be overcome?
do serial dilution with hydrogen peroxide
add 5cm long potato cylinders to conical flask with hydrogen peroxide - catalase enzyme
add bung and measure volume of oxygen produced in.a measuring cylinder and water trough very 30 secs for 3 minutes
calculate mean and standard deviation for each concentration and rate of gas production
hydrogen peroxide + catalase - oxygen + water
same SA of catalase
catalase concentration wast controlled exactly - measure SA
temperature could have changed so use water bath
Investigating affect of temperature on enzyme activity- what observations will you see?
once all starch has been broken down by amylase the iodine will no longer change colour
Affect of enzyme concentration on ROR:
create serial dilution with trypsin (protease enzyme)
add milk powder to each and time how long it takes for writing to become visible
Affect of temperature on membrane permeability
Explain results
How does ethanol affect permeability?
Limitations of procedure?
warm distilled water in water baths of different temperatures
cut 5mm beetroot cylinders and rinse and pat dry
add them to water baths for 15 mins
swirl once then remove cylinders
poor liquid in cuvette
use colorimeter to measure absorbance (AU) arbitrary units
absorption increases slowly until 40* as little pigment (beta cyanins) leaks out tonoplast
Then it increases rapidly as phospholipids gain kinetic energy so gaps appear as fluidity increases. phospholipids melt and proteins denature at 50*
levels of at 60* when membrane can’t break much more
dissolve membrane as phospholipids dissolve so permeability increases a lot. cholesterol also dissolves even though its meant to maintain membrane
beetroot not accurately cut- different SA, no of cell exposed so amount fo pigment
different beetroots was he and dried different amounts
beetroot varies with age and type, different areas of beetroot
took time to get out and put in cuvettes so some were in longe the others
investigating osmosis in an artificial cell
why do you compare % mass not change in mass?
why are they not comparable to real cells?
What other solutions could be used?
cut dialysis tubing the same length and tie it
fill them all with 0.4moldm-3 sucrose solution
tie knot at other end
weigh them
place them all in different concentration sucrose solutions and reweigh after 20 mins
blot any excess solution from outside the cell
calculate % change in mass
may have started at different masses even if lost the same amount so not comparable
don’t have phospholipid bilayer and carrier or channel proteins
do have selectively permeable membrane but is depending on size of molecule
no active transport as no ATP
salt solutions, protein solutions, more intervals, water
What does standard deviation show?
o Measurement of variability
o Shows how much variation there is from the mean or expected value
o A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be very close to the mean
o A high standard deviation indicates that the data are spread out over a large range of values
o Useful in comparing data with the same mean but with a different range
word doc??
How do you calculate standard deviation?
- Calculate the mean of the sample
- Subtract the mean from each value of X to calculate the difference between the value and the mean
- Square each difference to remove any negative values
- Calculate the sum of all the squared differences
- Divide the sum by the degrees of freedom (df) which is the total sample size minus 1 (n-1)
- Take the squared root to calculate the standard deviation for the sample