Module 5 Flashcards
Why phosphorylate?
- Changes the glucose molecule so it is unable to leave the cell through glucose transporters in the cell membrane.
- Maintains the glucose concentration gradient for diffusion of glucose out of the blood and into the cell, as it doesnt affect the glucose concentration
- Takes the glucose to a higher energy level. This makes it unstable and therefore more reactive, so it is easier to split.
Why is the mitochondria the location of respiration?
cristae have large SA for oxidative phosphorylation
matrix as has enzymes needed for krebs cycle and link reaction
outer mitochondrial membrane seperates contents from rest of cell and creates cellular compartment for conditions ideal for aerobic respiration
inner mitochondrial membrane contains electron transport chains and ATP synthase
intermembrane space has protons pumped into it. small space so concentration builds up quickly
- Building larger molecules from smaller molecules (using energy – endergonic).
- Breakdown of larger molecules to smaller molecules (releasing energy – exergonic).
Metabolic pathway
Metabolites/ intermediates
- A sequence of metabolic reactions.
- The individual molecules in the pathway.
- The net result of anabolism and catabolism.
Occurs in cytoplasm of all cells where glucose is broken down into pyruvate. Does NOT need oxygen.
Link reaction
Occurs in matrix of mitochondria. Pyruvate is dehydrogenated (hydrogen removed) and decarboxylated (carboxyl removed) and converted to acetate.
Krebs cycle
Occurs in the matrix of mitochondria. Acetate is decarboxylated and dehydrogenated.
Oxidative phosphorylation
Occurs on the folded inner membrane (cristae) of mitochondria. This is where ADP is phosphorylated to ATP.
What is CoA made of and what is its function?
- Made from pantothenic acid (B-group vitamin), adenosine (ribose + adenine), 3 phosphate groups and cysteine.
- CoA carries the acetate (ethanoate) groups made in the link reaction into the Krebs Cycle.
What is NAD?
What is is made of?
What does it do?
- Organic, non-protein coenzyme called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)
- Made of 2 linked nucleotides.
- Made in the body from nicotinamide (Vitamin B3), 2 ribose, adenine and 2 phosphate groups.
- It is the nicotinamide ring that can accept hydrogen atoms.
- When NAD accepts two hydrogen atoms it is known as reduced NAD.
- The reduced NAD transports the hydrogen to the inner mitochondrial membrane, where it will be used to generate more ATP in the electron transport chain.
- Once it has dropped off the hydrogen in the mitochondrion the NAD is in its oxidised form again and free to accept more hydrogen
Why does reduced NAD and FAD actually contribute less ATP?
- Some of the ATP produced is used to actively transport pyruvate from the cytoplasm of the cell into the matrix of the mitochondrion.
- Some ATP is used to bring reduced NAD from glycolysis in the cytoplasm into the mitochondrion.
- Some energy is used to transport ADP from the cytoplasm into the mitochondrion.
- Some H+ ions leak back across the mitochondrial membrane reducing the proton motive force that generates ATP.
Electron transport chain stages
- Reduced NAD delivers 2 hydrogen atoms to Complex I. These atoms split into 2H+ ions and 2e-. The electrons are passed on to Complex II and this process releases enough energy to pump the H+ ions against their concentration gradient from the matrix into the intermembrane space of the mitochondrion.
- The electrons from NAD continue from Complex II to Complex III. The energy released at this stage is NOT enough to pump H+ ions from the matrix into the intermembrane space.
- Reduced FAD from the Krebs Cycle drops off 2H atoms directly to Complex II (bypassing Complex I). Again, these hydrogen atoms split into 2H+ and 2e-. The electrons are passed onto Complex III but the H+ ions remain in the matrix due to lack of energy for pumping at this stage.
- The four electrons (the 2 from the NAD and the 2 from the FAD) pass from Complex III to Complex IV. The energy released is enough to pump H+ions from the matrix into the intermembrane space.
- The 4 electrons move from Complex IV into the matrix where they combine with 4H+ ions and O2 to form H20. The energy released at this stage IS enough to pump H+ ions into the intermembrane space.
- The pumping of H+ ions into the intermembrane space generates a electrochemical gradient and a proton (pH) gradient. This generates a proton motive force that should lead to the diffusion of H+ ions back into the matrix.
- However, the membrane is relatively impermeable to H+ ions, and the only way they can return to the matrix is through the ATPsynthase enzyme complex.
- As the H+ moves through this complex it catalyses the formation of ATP from ADP and Pi.
- It is this stage that is known as oxidative phosphorylation. You are phosphorylating the ADP to form ATP by using oxygen as the final electron acceptor (gets reduced) of the electron transport chain to form water
Respiratory substrates definition
- A respiratory substrate is an organic molecule that may be used in respiration to release energy.
- Different substrates release different amounts of energy when respired.
Glucose as a repsiratory substrate
- Glucose is the main respiratory substrate (the brain can only use glucose).
- starch and glycogen can be broken down into glucose and other carbs can be changed to glucose by isomerisation
- carbs release 16 energy KJ g-1
Protein as a respiratory substrate
- When starving, protein can also be used.
- Protein is hydrolysed to amino acids.
- It can be converted to pyruvate, acetate or enter the Krebs cycle directly.
- 17 KJg-1 energy
- There is a little more energy released as the number of hydrogen atoms accepted by NAD per aa is slightly more than for a molecule of glucose
Lipids as respiratory substrates
- Lipids are an important respiratory substrate (especially for muscles).
- They are first hydrolysed to glycerol and fatty acids.
- Glycerol can be converted to glucose and join the glycolysis pathway.
- Fatty acids combine with Acetyl Co-A used in krebs cycle. This is called the beta oxidation pathway which produces reduced NAD and reduced FAD
- 39 KJg-1 energy
- lots of ATP as lots of H atoms, so lots of reduced NAD and greater proton motive force/gradient. most ATP comes from oxidative phosphorylation in repsiration
- Also use more oxygen to respire as produce more water
How much energy is needed to produce 1 molecule of ATP?
lots of energy is lost as heat instead of producing ATP
What is the equation for respiratory quotients?
How do you get the values?
what are the values for carbohydrates, lipids and proteins?
Co2 released/ 02 uptake
using a respirometer
carbs: 1 (6CO2 molecules required to completely repire 1 molecule of glucose producing 6CO2)
proteins: 0.9
lipids: 0.7
What values do aerobic, anaerobic and combination respiration produce?
normally 0.8-9 showing a mixture of respiratory substrates used
a combination of anaerobic and aerobic produces a RQ greater than 1 but its hard to tell when anaerobic starts
purely anaerobic has a infinity
only aerobic is less than 1
Explain the method for the respirometer (measures volume of oxygen used in living organisms)
1. carefully weigh out 5g of soda lime pellets (absorb co2 so o2 taken up can decrease the volume and cause dye to be drawn up equivalent to volume of O2 used) and add to tube A and B
- fill the wire basket for tube A with 5g of maggots and place into tube A, being careful the maggots dont touch the soda lime pellets as they are very corrosive
- fill the wire basket for tube B with 5g glass beads and place into tube B. This is as a control with the same mass/vol as the maggots so that any external factors affecting 1 side will affect the other the same without respiring. dead maggots would be better. increase in temperature would would increase gas volume but will happen in both tubes no overall effect- valid measurements
- the repirometer U-tube has already been filled with manometer fluid. connect the respirometer to the two tubes making sure the 3 way taps are both turned to the upward position so the equiptment is open to the atmosphere while setting up the experiment
- turn both taps to the downward position and note the position of the manometer fluid and start the timer
- after 10 minutes record the distance the manometer fluid has moved. use formula to see how many cm3 1 division is
- calculate volume of oxygen comsumed in min-1g-1 for the maggots- pier2
beaker of water can control temperature but not all equiptment in water
syringe for repeats
What happens to the lactate formed in anaerobic respiration?
- carried away in the blood to the liver
- when more oxygen is avaliable the lactate is converted back to pyruvate to enter the kerbs cycle or its recycled back into glucose and glycogen
- muscle fatigue is not caused by a build up of lactic acid but actually the reduction in pH from lactate dissociating into lactic acid that reduces enzyme activity in the muscle cells
- reduces amount of ATP cannot mainatin vital processes for a long period of time, as only 2 ATP from glycolysis
Facultative anaerobe
Obligate anaerobes
Obligate aerobes
- can live without oxygen, but uses it when is present eg. yeast
- cant survive in the presence of oxygen
- need oxygen eg mammals as O2 is eventually required and products of anaerobic need to be broken down by O2
Why can anaerobic respiration occur in yeast?
How is yeast grown for alcohol?
The enzyme pyruvate decarboxylase is only in yeast
Yeast grows faster in aerobic conditions so in the brewing industry the yeast is first grown with oxygen then grown under anaerobic conditions for alcoholic fermentation to take place
How does the lack of oxygen cause anaerobic repsiration and how does anaerobic respiration allow us to continue respiring?
- No O2 to act as final electron acceptor at the end of the electron transport chain in oxidative phosphorylation so flow of electrons stops and synthesis of ATP by chemiosmosis stops
- As no flow of electrons, reduced FAD and NAD can no longer be oxidised as there is nowhere for electrons to go so NAD and FAD cant be regenerated so so the decarboxylation and oxidation of pyruvate and kerbs cycle comes to a halt
- fermentation allows glycolysis to continue by providing NAD in glycolysis
Be familiar with the names of these proteins in the electron transport chain
Complex 1: NADH Coenzyme Q (oxidoreductase)
Complex 2: succinate coenzyme Q (oxidoreductase)
Complex 3: Coenzyme Q Cytochrome C (Oxidoreductase)
Complex 4: Cytochrome C (oxidase)
Complex 5: ATP synthase
Investigating dehydrogenase activity in anaerobic and aerobic respiration of yeast
A- yeast
B-yeast (boil after to check boiling isnt affecting colour)
C- dead yeast (boiled)
D- yeast with layer of oil to make anaerobic
- 10cm3 of yeast in alll tubes
- boil C using bunsen burner and large beaker for 5 mins then cool under cold running tap
- add 1cm3 of methylene blue to each tube and oil to D
- rubber bung on each tube and gentyl shake to mix to uniform colour
- put other tubes in 40oC water bath and check using thermometer for 10 mins. make observations
- boil B then allow to cool
- shake tube A vigourously and note observations. this adds o2 so reoxidises methylene blue
- shake tube B and note observations
methylene blue acts as NAD, taking H and being reduced (arificial hydrogen acceptor)
enzyme controlled as affected by temperature
methylene blue is reduces to colourless and reoxidised to blue
Homeostasis definition
maintaining conditions constant within a normal range despite external factors changing
What is the external environment?
the air, soil or water around an organism
any changes must be monitored and respond (behavioral or physiological) to in order to reduce stress
The internal environment
- conditions inside the body
- the environemnt influencying cells is tissue fluid
- it may change due to products of metabolism diffusing into tissue fluid EG. CO2 waste product of respirtaion can change pH of environment and enzyme action
- blood helps maintain internal environment by removing wastes or toxins, preventing them accumulating in the tissue fluid.
Why are communication systems needed?
Features of a good communication system?
Multicellular systems need to pas info between their parts to coordinate responses
- specific target cells complementry
- goes throughout body
- short and long term
- fast
- allows intercellular communication
Cell signalling
- the process by which information is passed from 1 cell to another
- 1 cell releases a chemical that is detected by another cell. the 2nd cell responds
- there a 2 main cell signalling systems:
- nueronal (network of neurones that signal across synapses. Rapid short term changes)
- hormonal (blood transports signals recognised by specific TT. Slower and long term effects)
Stimulus response pathway
- stimulus
- detected by a receptor
- processed by a communication system
- effector
- gives a response
monitor conditions inside the body. if a change is detected, the recpetor is stimulated to communicate with the effector
cells whcih respond to the reverse change (gland or muscle)
- information from sensory receptors is transmitred to brain and impulses sent along motor neurones to effectors to bring about changes to restore equilibrium
Negative feedback
process that results in a reversal of amny change in internal conditions away form a steady state. it ensures optimum internal conditions are maintained and is essential for homeostasis
positive feedback
the process that increases any change detected by the receptors. it is less common and doesnt help homeostasis
Positive feedback examples
- blood clotting cascade- platelets stick to damaged region and release clotting factors, innitiating clotting and attracting more platelets and enhances effect until clot forms
- childbirth- head presses against cervix stimulating production of oxytocin hormone. this stimulates uterus to contract, pushing head of baby harder against verxix and triggering more oxytocin. this continues until the baby is born (outside factor brings it to an end)
- hypothermia- low metabolic activity from old age and not moving much. this means little heat is produced and the cold means enzyme ROR slows. this means even less heat is produced so ROR slows more.
what are ectotherms?
How do ectotherms control their temperature?
cold blooded
behavioural responses to warm
- bask in sun eg lizards
- orientate body so large SA exposed to sun eg. butterfly
- extend areas of body to be exposed by sun
- conduction by pressing body to warm ground
behavioural responses to cool
- prevent enzyme denaturing by shading in rocks
- dig burrows
- press against cool earth
- water (is stable due to high specific heat capacity so little thermoregulation needed)
- light colour
What are features of ectotherms?
why is it important to be warm?
- can tolerate a wider temperature range
- have restricted behaviour
- can last longer without food as have lower metabolic rate
can move fast, catch prey, escape predators
animal that obtains most its heat from outside their body so their temperature fluctuates with the environment. they cant increase respiration rate to generate heat
eg fish, reptiles, amphibians
How do they loose heat?
organisms that can genrate heat with their bodies (exergonic reactions- release energy) to maintain body temperature
eg mammals and birds
5x faster metabolic rate than ectotherms so need more food
can loose heat by:
- evapouration of water
- conduction and convection
- radiation (reduced by clothes that trap air)
Can gain heat by:
- waste from cell respiration
- conduction from surroundings
- convection from surroundings
- radiation from surroundings
Graph of body temperature vs environmental temperature
what is human core body temperature?
endotherms can maintain temperature independent of the environemental temperature
ectotherms are more dependent on the environmental temperature
36.8- above enzymes denature and below metabolism slows down
How does the body control core body temperature?
what are the temperatures indicating fever and hypothermia?
thermoreceptors in the thermoregulatory centre of the hypothalamus detects changes in core body temperature
it also recieves nerve impulses from the peripheral thermoreceptors in the skin of the extremities
35 and 38
What physiological changes correct overheating?
- vasodilation- arterioles dilate, smooth muscle relaxes and diameter of lumen increases. increased volume of blood and blood flow to capillaries at surface- radiation. pre capillary sphincters also close
- sweating- weat glands secrete a dilute solution of mostly water, but also sodium chloride and urea. Evapouration of water leads to loss of heat by the body as waters high latent heat of vapourisation means heat is absorbed from the skin as water evapourates.
- flattening of hairs- errector muscles at base of hair relax so hairs lie flat and air doesnt form an insulating layer
What physiological changes correct overcooling?
- vasoconstriction- of arterioles near skin surface. little radiation as blood is diverted through shunt vessels (ateriovenus shunt vessels dilate) deeper in skin reducing the cooling effect
- decreased sweating
- errecting hairs- muscle contracts, pulling the hair up and traps a layer of warm, still air around the hair to insulate the organism and retain heat
- shivering- nervous reflex, rapid, involuntary regular muscle contraction generates heat by metabolic reaction, as more ATP needed so more respiration in muscle and warms blood from heat biproduct
- thyroxine released from thyroid gland to boost basal metabolic rate and heat production
the cerebellum of the human brain makes people feel hot or cold so they adapt their behaviour appropriately
effectors are- skin arteroiles, skeletal muscle, sweat glands
What hormones are produced in these glands?
- testes
- adrenal
- ovaries
- thyroid
- pancreas
- anterior pituitary
- posterior pituitary
- testosterone
- cortisol, adrenaline
- progesterone, eostrogen
- thyroxine
- insulin, glucagon
- growth hormone, LH, FSH
- oxytocin, ADH
Endocrine system definition
chemical messenger sysem made of glands and organs that make hormones and secrete them into blood so they can transport to TT
Hormone definition
chemical messenger transported in the blood, secreted by endocrine glands to receptors on cells in target tissue plama membrane, have an effect on one or more target tissues
Endocrine gland definition-
exocrine gland defintion-
a group of cells specialised to secrete chemical hormones directly into blood as ductless
secretes other substances through a duct not into the blood
Target tissue definition-
specific complementry receptors for a hormone
Secretion definition
process by which substances are produced from a cell, gland or organ for a particular function or excretion
Protein hormones method of action
example and its gland, cause, TT
- not soluble in cell membrane so dont enter the cell
- have to have a secondary messenger by binding to specific receptors on plasma membrane or target cells, triggering a cascade reaction
EG. adrenaline
is secreted by the adrenal glands in response to stress
target tissues include the SA node, smooth muscle in the gut wall, iris muscles in the eye, liver
Steroid hormones
can pass through the phospholipid bilayer and directly effect the DNA in the nuclues using lipid soluble cytoplasmic receptors
EG. oestrogen
Adrenaline cascade
- Adrenaline (first messenger) binds to receptor in cell membrane of TT
- this alters the receptors shape, causing a G protein molecule attached to receptor to split
- part of the G protein then binds with the enzyme adenyl cyclase, activating it
- adenyl cyclase converts ATP to cAMP (second messenger) which can activate other enzymes inside the cell
- glycogen converted to glucose
Adrenal gland structure
sit above kidney
cortex with medulla in the middle
Function of adrenal cortex
- Production of hormones is controlled by hormones released from pituitary gland in brain, mainly steroid hormones
- Releases Glucocorticoids hormones like cortisol which help regulate the metabolism, by controlling how the body converts fats, proteins and carbs to energy. Also regulates blood pressure and how the cardiovascular system responds to stress. Corticosterone regulates the immune response. The hypothalamus controls the release of these hormones.
- Mineralocorticoids like aldosterone control blood pressure by maintaining salt and water concentrations. The kidney triggers signals which control the release.
- Androgens are small amounts of male and female sex hormones that can be important in women after menopause.
- Produces hormone essential for life
Function of adrenal medulla
- Hormones released when the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated, when the body is stressed.
- Adrenaline is released which increases HR, sending blood quickly to the muscles and brain, as well as increasing blood glucose by hydrolysing glycogen to glucose in the liver.
- Noradrenaline is a hormone that also works in response to stress. It increases HR, widens pupils, widens air passages in lungs, narrows blood vessels in non essential organs (creates higher BP)
- Produces non-essential for life
Glucose cotransport
symport cotransporter
allows facilitated diffusion of glucose into a cell
Insulin secretion
beta cell
What is diabetes mellitus
Types of diabetes:
- when do you get it
- what is it
- why do you get it
- treatment
A condition where the body cant maintain steady state blood glucose concentrations leading to hyperglycaemia after a meal or hypoglycaemia after exercise or fasting
Type 1:
- starts in childhood
- not enough insulin is secreted so excess glucose isnt stored as glycogen
- possibly due to autoimmune attack on B cells, virus or genetic link
- regular injections of insulin, test blood regularly by pricking finger, insulin increases amount of glucose taken up by cells cauing glycogenesis
Type 2:
- produce insulin but as they age their body response decreases
- possibly due to decline in receptors and amount of insulin secreted
- induced earlier by obesity
- regulate carb intake through diet to match exercise
- drugs can be used to stimulate insulin production or slow rate body absorbs glucose from intestine
- insulin injections
- thirsty, hungry (cant absorb glucose for respiration and energy)
- pee more than usual
- tired
- loose weight
- blurred vision
- hyperglycaemia
- glucose in urine (excessive conc. of glucose in blood so kidneys cant reabsorb it all)
Current and future treatment for diabetes
- insulin obtained from pancreas of cows and pigs slaughtered for food.
- this can be difficult and expensive
- can cause allergic reactions as they are a bit different to human
- pancreas transplant
- long waiting list
- can be risky and need immunosuppresent drugs
- now made by genetically modified bacteria
- less likely allergic reactions
- can be produced in higher quantities
- cheaper to produce
- religious/ ethical issues using animal products is overcome
- research into totipotent stem cells and the signals required to promote differentiaition into B cells, either in patient or before transplanted. likely stem cells will be taken from embryos spare from fertility treatment/ terminated pregnancy. can also use preserved umbillical stem cells.
- the embryo is destroyed but often destroyed anyway
- 1 embryo does many treatments
- donor available not an issue as unlimited new B cells
- reduced likelyhood of rejection
- people dont have to inject themselves with insulin
- limited knowledge so may form tumours due to unlimted cell growth
Structure of the pancreas
exocrine role of the pancreas
- Small groups of cells around a tubule secrete pancreatic juice.
- The tubules join to form the pancreatic duct which empties the fluid into top part of the small intestine- duodenum
- Juice contains enzymes such as lipases, amylase and trypsin
- Juice contains sodium hydrogen carbonate to neutralise the stomach acid
Endocrine role of the pancreas
- Regulation of blood glucose (normally 80 -120mg/100ml blood)
- Glucose is stored in the liver and muscle cells as glycogen
- Changes in blood glucose are detected by receptors which are cells of the Islets of Langerhans
- Produces hormones and releases them into blood- beta cells secrete insulin and alpha cells (larger and less numerous) secrete glucagon
Why is it important to regulate blood glucose levels?
- all cells need glucose as a respiratory substrate
- brain cells only use glucose for respiration so its critical to maintain constant levels
- changes in blood glucose often affects osmotic potential of blood
Histology of the pancreas
islets of langerhans are circular light areas
solid white circle may be branch of the pancreatic duct or vein
What happens when there is an increase in blood concentration?
- Rise in blood glucose concentration
- detected by beta cells in islets of langerhans in pancreas
- repsonse is for beta cells to secrete insulin directly into blood as ductless
- insulin is transported to target tissues and binds to receptors to activate adenyl cyclase.
- converts ATP to cAMP activating a cascade of reactions
- increase cellular uptake of glucose in liver and muscle and converts it to glycogen (glycogenesis) through change in tertiary structure of glucose transport protein channels so they open.
- respiration increases
- glucose also converted to lipids
- inhibits the release of glucagon from alpha cells
- glucose concentration falls
What happens when there is a fall in glucose concentration?
- detected by alpha cells in iselts of langerhans in pancreas
- response is for alpha cells to secrete glucagon directly into blood as ductless
- glucagon transported to TT and binds ot receptors on liver and fat cells to innitiate a second mesenger
- glycogenolysis- glycogen stored in lover and muscle cells broken down into glucose and released into blood stream (hydrolysed)
- Gluconeogenesis- production of glucose from non carb sources like glycerol and aa
- less glucose absorbed
- eating- absorbtion of products of carb digestion
- increased levels of blood glucose
Secretion definition
Egestion definition
Excretion definition
the production of a sunstance from a gland
the expulsion of undigested food from the body
the removal of metabolic waste from the body which if permitted to accumulate would become toxic and prevent maintenance of a steady stae eg CO2 from aerobic respiration and urea from protein metabolism
Why do we excrete?
- to prevent the unbalancing chemical equilibria
- to prevent waste products affecting metabolic activity by acting as an inhibitor or toxin
- to regulate ionic content of body fluids
- to regulate water content of body fluids tp regulate H+ and hence pH of body fluids
Waste products
CO2 (lungs)- from aerobic respiration in mitochondria. would lower pH, damaging cells
Ammonia- deamination in liver cells. increases pH in cytoplasm affecting metabolic processes and receptors for neurotransmitters
Urea (kidneys, skin)- ornithine cycle. diffuses into cells and decreases water potential so cells absorb water and burst
bile pigments (small intestine)- breakdown of haem group in liver so accumulate in skin. jaundice
Uric acid- breakdown of purines. can form crystals in joints causing gout.
water (skin, lungs, kidneys)
Removal of nitrogenous compounds
- Excess protein in the diet cannot be stored.
- AA contain almost as much energy as carbs.
- AA transported to liver and the amino group is removed – deamination and the keto acid can be used in respiration
- The amino group dissolves to form toxic ammonia which is detoxified to urea and transported in the plasma to the kidney for excretion.
Excretion of CO2
Respiratory acidosis
- dissolved in plasma
- carbonic acid and hydrogen carbonate ions (has enzyme so faster in RBC)
- carbamino haemoglobin
•CO2 dissolves in blood plasma forming carbonic acid.
CO2 + H2O H2CO3
•Carbonic acid dissociates to release H+ ions
H2CO3 H+ + HCO3-
- H+ ions make the blood more acidic. A small change is detected by the medulla oblongata, which results in an increase in breathing rate to remove excess CO2.
- A large change can cause symptoms of acidosis – slowed breathing, headache, drowsiness, restlessness, tremor and confusion as well as changes in blood pressure and rapid heart rate.
Where is the liver located?
Facts about the liver
- top right portion of the abdominal cavity just under the diaphragm
- largest organ containing 13% of total blood volume at a time, acting as a resevoir to compensate for small changes in blood volume
- uses up 20% of bodys energy
- composed of left and right lobes enclosed by fibrous Glissons capsule
- each lobe is formed of hexagonal lobules
- recieves blood from 2 vessels- hepatic artery and portal vein (brings blood from intestines to liver along with products of digestion
How to recognise triad
- Make roughly 80% of the mass of the liver
- nuclei are distincly round
- hepatocytes are exceptionally active in synthesis of protein and lipids for export so have large amounts of SER and RER and golgi and mitochondria
- lots of glycogen granules and vesicles containing very low density lipoproteins
Kupffer cells help digest products which need removing by phagocytosis. the liver breaks down old red blood cells
- branch of hepatic portal vein largest
- artery is more muscular walls and smaller lumen
- bile duct is left over
what do hepatocyes absorb and release?
Phagocytic cells
- in between cords of hepatocytes, there are channels filled with blood called sinusoids.
- the blood passes from the hepatic artery and hepatic portal vein into the sinusoid and flows between the hepatocytes to enter the hepatic vein in the centre, where rapid exchange can occur.
- sinusoids are lined with incomplete layer of endothelial cells allowing the blood to reach hepatocytes
- hepatocyes lining the sinusoids have microvilli to increase SA
–Release: plasma proteins (prothrombin, albumin, fibrinogen), lipoproteins and cholesterol
–Absorb: insulin, glucose, minerals, vitamins, blood borne toxins for detox.
Kupffer cells in sinusoid help digest products which need removing by phagocytosis. ingest bacteria from blood and breakdown bilirubin for absorption into hepatocytes
- hepatic cells lining the canaliculus make and secrete bile
- this flows from the middle to the outside and enters branch of the bile duct.
- doesnt connect to hepatic vein