Page 8 Flashcards
If a person does not face his anger and fear as sin, his prayer ___________ will be curtailed, but he can reestablish it the moment ___________ is sought.
effectiveness; confession
The best way to accept victory–after you meet the conditions–is to _______________________ for that victory.
thank Him by faith
The depressed individual must decide either to yield himself to Christ to _________ Him or to indulge in the sin of ___________________.
serve; self-pity
Do not be surprised if you ______________ to the habit of giving in to your _______________.
revert; weakness
Once Mr. Sanguine sees the joy of the Holy Spirit using his life to draw others to the ______________, the old way of life seems very ___________________.
Savior; insignificant
A saved Choleric is often content to “do the work of the Lord” ___________________ of the Holy Spirit.
No one can realistically hear the cries of lost humanity like the __________________.
When the Holy Spirit finally gets through to the Melancholy that God wants his __________________, not his __________________, he is ready to be used.
availability; perfectionism
God is not looking for geniuses and intellectuals; He is looking for ____________ vessels that have faith enough to believe God for achieving the impossible.
All men in every age who were used of God had one thing in common–___________________.
The Apostle Thomas, according to history, was led of the Spirit into __________________, where he braved all kinds of dangers, preached Christ in power, and was ______________ for his faith.
India; martyred
Who was led of the Spirit into India, braved all kinds of dangers, preached Christ in power, and was martyred for his faith?
Apostle Thomas
Abraham, the great patriarch was dominated most of his life by ____________.
Who was the great patriarch that was dominated most of his life by fear?
God does not want us to be ______________ by our weaknesses and shortcomings.
You can enjoy the __________ and _______________ of the Spirit-filled life.
victory; power
It will take time to become ______________, but remember, you have years of habit behind you that need to be overcome.