Page 2 Flashcards
________________ is the result of your natural temperament modified by childhood training, education, and basic attitudes, beliefs, principles, and motivations.
___________________ is the outward expression of ourselves, which may or may not be the same as our character.
The “___________ __________” which comes through Jesus Christ is the only escape from the control of our natural temperament.
Divine nature
Satan’s greatest delight in regard to Christians is to see them defeated by their own ____________.
The reason some Christians do not have a complete change in ______________ is because they do not regularly experience the __________ of the Spirit-filled life.
temperament; power
Hippocrates propounded the theory that there are _____ basic types of temperament.
Who propounded the theory that there are four types of temperament?
No person is a __________________________ type although one type usually predominates above the rest.
The danger of this study/the 4 types of temperament is in the temptation to _____________ our ___________, which is a demoralizing and precarious practice.
analyze, friends
An ____________ of the temperament categories can be particularly helpful to __________________ persons who tend to exaggerate and dwell on their own weaknesses.
understanding; analytical
Sparky Sanguine is a thrilling storyteller because his warm, ________________ almost makes him relive the experience in the very telling of it.
emotional nature
Sparky Sanguine’s noisy, blustering, friendly ways make him appear more _____________ than he really is.
Who is a thrilling storyteller because his warm, emotional nature almost makes him relive the experience in the very telling of it and noisy, blustering, friendly ways make him appear more confident than he really is?
Sanguine (Sparkly Sanguine)
_______________ make excellent _______________, actors, ______________, and ___________.
Sanguines; salespeople; entertainers; preachers
Rocky __________________ is the hot, quick, active, practical, and strong-willed temperament.