Page 1 Flashcards
Whence came you?
From a lodge of the Holy Saint John at Jerusalem.
What came you here to do? (Z)
To learn to subdue my passion and improve myself in Masonry.
Then you are a Mason I presume?
I am so taken and accepted amongst brothers and fellows.
What makes you a mason? (Z)
My obligation.
How may I know you to be a mason?
By certain signs, a token, a word, and the perfect points of an entrance.
What are signs? (Z)
Rights angles, horizontals, and perpendiculars.
What is a token?
A certain friendly grip whereby one brother Mason may know another in the dark as well as the light.
What is a word?
A name of a token.
What are the perfect points of an entrance?
The guttural, pectoral, manual, and pedal are illustrated by the four cardinal virtues: temperance, fortitude, prudence, and justice.
Where were you first prepared to be a mason? (Z)
In my heart.
Where next?
In a room adjacent to the body of a just and legally constituted Lodge of Free and accepted Masons.
How were you prepared? (Z)
By being divested of all minerals and metals, neither naked nor clad, barefoot nor shad, my left breast, knee, and foot bare, hoodwink and a cable -toe once around my neck, in which condition I was led to the door by a friend, whom I after found to be a brother.
Being hoodwink, how did you know there was a door?
By first meeting with resistance and after gaining admission.
How did you gain admission?
By giving 3 distinct knocks at the door from without, which were answered by a like number from within, followed by the inquiry who comes here.
You answer?
A poor, blind candidate, who desires to be brought from darkness to light; to receive and have a part of the rights and benefits of this Worshipful Lodge erected to God and dedicated to the Holy Saints John, as all Brothers and fellows have done who have gone this way before.
What was then ask?
Is this of my own free will and accord, if I was duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified, Of lawful age and properly vouched for, all of which being answered in the affirmative, I was ask by what further right I expect to gain admission into a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons.
Your answer?
By being a man, free-born, under the tongue of good rapport and coming well recommended.
What was then said to you? (Z)
That I should wait a time with patience until the Worshipful Master in the East is informed of my request, and his answer returned.
What was his answer?
Let him enter