Paeds developmental milestones Flashcards
6 weeks gross motor skills
- Good head control- raises head to 45° when on tummy
- Stabilises head when raised to sitting position
6 weeks fine motor/vision skills
Tracks objects/face
6 weeks speech/language
Stills, startles to loud noises
6 weeks social
Social smile (visual problem if not)
6 months gross motor skills
- Sit without support, rounded back
- Rolls tummy (prone) to back (supine) (vice versa slightlv later)
6 months fine motor/vision
- Palmar grasp (5 months)
- Transfer hand to hand
6 months speech/language
- Turns head to loud sounds
- Understands “bye bye” / “no” (7m)
- Babbles (monosyllabic)
6 months social
- Puts objects to mouth (stops at 1 year)
- Shakes rattle
- Reaches for bottle / breast
9 months gross motor
- Stands holding on
- Straight back sitting (7 ½ m)
- Crawls
9 months fine motor/vision
- Interior pincer grip
- Object permanence
9 months speech/language
- Responses to own name
- Imitates adult sounds
- Says mama and dada
9 months social
- Stranger fear (6-9 mtns - 2 yrs)
- Holds and bites food (usually weaned after 6 mnths)
12 months gross motor
Walks alone (9-18m) 18m is threshold for worry (i.e. Duchenne’s MD, hip problems, cerebral palsy etc)
12 month fine motor/visual
- Neat pincer grip (10m)
- Casting bricks (should disappear by 18m – persistence
beyond this = abnormal) - Tower of 2 bricks
12 months speech/language
- Shows understanding of nouns (“where’s Mummy?”)
- 3 words (50% at 13m)
- Points to own body parts (15m), doll (18m)
12 months social
- Waves “bye bye”
- Hand clapping
- Plays alone if familiar person nearby
- Drinks from beaker with lid
18 months gross motor
- Runs (16m)
- Jumps (18m)
18 months fine motor/visual
- Tower of 4 bricks
- Drawing to and fro (15 m)
18 months speech/language
- Shows understanding of nouns (“show me the x”)
- 1 to 6 different words
18 months social
Imitates every day activities
2 years gross motor
- Runs tiptoe
- Walks upstairs, both feet on each step
- Throws ball at shoulder level
2 years fine motor/visual
- Draws a vertical line
- Tower of 8 blocks
- Puzzles: shape matching is >2 yr skill. Random effort <2 yr
- Turns several pages of book at a time
2 years speech/language
- Shows understanding of verbs (“what do you draw with, what do you eat with?”)
- 2 words joined together (50+ words)
2 years social
- Eats skilfully with spoon (21⁄2 years)
- Plays near others but with them