Paeds & Congenital Flashcards
Causes of bowel obstruction in an older child?
Inguinal hernia
Midgut volvulus
Meckel’s diverticulum
On hepatoblastoma:
“the commonest primary liver tumour in children”
- Associations?
- Presentation?
- Appearance on CT/MR?
- Two key points to check?
- BWS, hemihypertrophy, prematurity, and many others…
- Abdominal mass/distension + raised AFP
- Well-defined, heterogenous, mainly low attenuation mass; often coarse calcification; may be haemorrhage and rim enhancement
- Is it multifocal? Is there vascular invasion?
On left-sided isomerism:
“aka polysplenia”
- Most common features?
- Cardiac defects?
- Other features?
- Abnormal spleen, abnormal IVC - interrupted with continuation of azygous or hemiazygous
- Less than in right-sided isomerism. ASD much more common
- Bowel malrotation; truncated pancreas; biliary atresia
On right-sided isomerism:
“aka asplenia”
- Most common features?
- Other features?
- Asplenia, severe cyanotic heart disease (TAPVR)
- Bowel malrotation; horseshoe kidney
Liver mass in <3, with raised AFP and possible precocious puberty, coarse calcifications and vascular invasion?
Liver mass in <3 with raised EGF, low platelets and signs of congestive cardiac failure?
Liver mass in <3 which is cystic, AFP negative and lacks calcifications?
Mesenchymal hamartoma
T1 - variable due to cyst content
T2 - hyperintense
T1 +c - septae and stromal components can enhance
Solid renal mass in <1, hypoechoic on US with involvement of sinus fat but no herniation into renal pelvis and hypoenhancement on CT?
Mesoblastic nephroma
“Most common solid renal tumour of infancy”
May have cystic spaces
Cystic renal mass in neonate with no functioning renal tissue?
Multicystic dysplastic kidney
- on US
- on CT
- small nodules of varying echogenicity, may be enlarged kidneys if diffuse
- peripheral parenchymal nodules that enhance less than adjacent tissue; if diffuse, homogenous peripheral low attenuation that forms a “rind” around the kidney
Differential diagnosis for lucent metaphyseal bands?
Infection (TORCH)
Neuroblastoma mets
What kind of ASD is seen in Down’s syndrome?
Ostium primum ASD (part of spectrum of endocardial cushion defects)
Which kind of ASD has the better prognosis?
Ostium secundum - may close on its own, less symptomatic
Bone marrow transplant complications of the early pre-engraftment period (15-30 days) and early post-engraftment period (100 days)?
Interstitial pneumonitis
- infective CMV
Infection - fungi, Klebsiella
Bone marrow transplant complications of the late post-engraftment period?
Chronic GVHD
Bronchiolitis obliterans
Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia
Multilocular cystic nephroma
- demographics?
- appearance?
- differentiate from Wilms?
- differentiate from MCDK?
Under 5s, M»F
Multilocular cystic mass with thick capsule
- haemorrhage, calcification + necrosis are rare!
- often herniates into renal pelvis
- claw sign may be present
There shouldn’t be solid enhancing nodular components in a cystic nephroma
In MCDK cysts replace the entire kidney, there is no claw of functioning renal tissue; cystic nephroma does not occur in the perinatal period whereas MCDK does
Types of tracheo-oesophageal fistula
A - isolated atresia, no fistula
B - atresia with a proximal TOF
These two will have no gas in the bowel
C - atresia with distal TOF
D - double fistula with intervening atresia
These two will have lots of gas in the bowel
E - isolated fistula, no atresia
Most common associations of corpus callosum dysgenesis/agenesis?
Colpocephaly - hydrocephalus of the posterior horns lateral ventricle
Interhemispheric lipoma
Joubert syndrome?
Important associations?
Cerebellar vermis agenesis leading to “molar tooth” sign of superior cerebellar peduncles
Retinal dysplasia, MCDK, nephropthisis, hepatic fibrosis
Direction of formation of corpus callosum?
Direction of cleavage of brain?
Which structure is absent in all forms of holoprosencephaly?
Alobar holoprosencephaly?
Genu to splenium (front to back), with rostrum last
Back to front - therefore milder forms will only have fusion at the front
The septum pellucidum
Single large ventricle, fused thalami, single (azygos) ACA, no corpus callosum or falx, facial deformities
Intermediate form - absent septum pellucidum, falx/interhemispheric fissure anteriorly, thalami partly fused, monoventricle with some development of the occipital/temporal horns