paeds Flashcards
polyhydramnios, low birth weight , non bilious vomiting, epigastric distension, double bubble sign
annular pancreas
seizure + port wine stain + intraparenchymal calcifications
sturge weber syndrome
widespread mucocutaneous oedema (without pruritus or urticaria) especially in response to stress or trauma (particularly dental procedures)
hereditary angiodema (due to C1 inhibitor deficiency leading to excess levels of bradykinin)
common affected areas in hereditary angioedema
affects the skin or mucosal surfaces of upper respiratory or gastrointestinal tract
egosyntonic vs egodystonic
egosyntonic - others are distressed by their behaviour
egodystonic - the person themself is distressed from their own behavious
Lambert eaton myasthenic syndrome pathophysiology
autoantibody-impaired acetycholine release from presynaptic nerve terminals
pansystolic murmur heard loudest in the left lower sternal border
continuous murmur heard in the left infraclavicular area
VSDs are louder the —– the defect is
crescendo-decrescendo harsh systolic murmur best heard at the left upper sternal border
TOF murmur
Congenital heart defects that cause Eisemenger syndrome
VSD, ASD, atrioventricular canal defect, PDA. In all these cases, pulmonary pressure increases, leading to reversal of the shunt
Childhood seizure disorder characterised by bilateral myoclonic jerks worse in the morning/after sleep deprivation + 1st line treatment?
juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. 1st line tx is valproate
4 to 6 Hz irregular polyspike activity on EEG is characteristic of…?
fever, bilateral nonexudative conjunctivitis, cervical lymphadenopathy, erythema of the palm/soles, perineal erythema +/- desquamation followed by a macular/mobiliform/target-like rash
kawasaki disease
important screening in kawasaki disease
ECHO - coronary artery aneurysm may develop within a few weeks of the onset of disease
when is methacholine bronchoprovocation testing indicated?
questioning of asthma dx, developemnt of occupation or iritant0based asthma
bochdalek hernia
posterolateral defect in the diaphragm which allows abdominal contents to enter the thorax - 90% of cases are left-sided
kartagener’s syndrome
chracterised by primary ciliary dyskinesia and situs inversus