medicine Flashcards
young person, no other lung issues, minimal to zero smoking hx, bilateral lower lobe emphysematous bullae - most likely aetiology ?
alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency - usually associated with lower lobe panacinar emphysema
clinical features of hepatorenal syndrome
Progressive rise in serum creatinine
Benign urine sediment
Urine sodium < 10 mEq/L
Cirrhosis with ascites
May have oliguria or nonoliguria
No improvement in serum creatinine after volume expansion with IV albumin for at least 2 days and no diuretics
No current or recent treatment with nephrotoxic drugs
Absence of parenchymal renal disease/normal renal ultrasonography
Urine red cell excretion < 50 cells per high power field (when no urinary catheter is in place) and protein excretion < 500 mg/day
ADA recommendation for opthalmic examination for T2DM and T1DM
the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends an ophthalmologic screening exam at the time of diagnosis, then annually if retinopathy is present or every 2 years if there is no retinopathy.
For patients with type 1 diabetes, an ophthalmologic exam is recommended within 5 years after diagnosis or when the patient is age 10.
when are antibiotics indicated in salmonella gastroenteritis?
immunocompromised adults, children for eg those on corticosteroids. also patients requiring hospitalization for the disease due to the severity of the illness
congenital - cleft palate, boot shaped heart, tetralogy of fallot, thymus hypoplasia, hypocalcaemia/hypoparathyroidism
digeorge syndrome
cardiac anomalies (tetralogy of Fallot, truncus arteriosus, aortic coarctation), abnormal facies (low-set ears, micrognathia, hypertelorism), thymic hypoplasia, cleft palate, and hypocalcemia/hypoparathyroidism (note that the possible symptoms spell CATCH).
diastolic rumble at the cardiac apex with an opening snap
mitral stenosis
ductus arteriosus : alprostadil vs indomethacin
alprostadil - pge1 analogue - keeps the ductus arteriosus open
indomethacin - NSAID that helps to end the patency of the ductus arteriosus
in which situations does a screening CTB prior to LP is needed for suspected meningoencephalitis
new onset seizures
focal neurological deficits
GCS less than ten
hepatitis c + nephrotic syndrome
immune-complex mediated membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
treatment of porphyria cutanea tarda
phlebotomy and hydroxychloroquine
statistical measurement of the likelihood that a stastically significant difference is true
Raynaud, shiny thickened skin + oliguria, elevated creatinine, hypertensive encephalopathy
think scleroderma renal crisis
number needed to harm
inverse of the absolute risk increase (which is th number who gets the disease who was exposed - number who gets the disease who was controlled/total number of people who got the disease)
calcified cystic parasellar lesion on CT or MRI vs solid sellar masses with sellar enlargement
craniopharyngoma vs pituitary adenoma
how to minimise haemodialysis related orthostatic hypotension
ultrafiltration modeling (ie removing more fluid earlier in the dialysis), avoiding rapid fluid removal , cooling the dialysate, avoiding heavy metals during dialysis
treating hypotension during haemodialysis
stop ultrafiltration, start saline
under EMTALA unstable patients can only be transferred if one of the following conditions apply:
a. treating physician determines medical benefits of transfer outweigh the benefits
b. pt makes a written request showing informed consent
allergic bronchopulomonary aspergillosis a) characteristics b)1st line and 2nd line treatment
a) in patients with asthma/CF refractor, raised serum IgE or eosinophils, it is a hypersensitive reaction to aspergillus fumigatus
b) prednisolone then itraconazole
tx of localised prostate cancer with no further invasion (3 possibel options)
radical prostectomy OR RT with androgen depriving therapy OR active surveillance
hepatitis c can lead to ———, a condition chracterised by palpable purpura, arthritis, peripheral neuropathy and glomerulal nephritis
mixed cryoglobulinaemia
treatment of following disease: 4 week history of sudden onset diarrhoea, foul-smelling fatty stools, abdominal cramps, flatulence. 1 month and ahalf ago, was on a camping trip
this is giardia. tx is tinidazole
shy-drager syndrome
One of 3 clinical syndromes called multiple system atrophy, presents with prominent autonomic dysfunction and parkinsonism
motor and phonetic tics are present, persisting for more than a year
Tourettes syndrome