PAEDs Flashcards
What is an absolute indication for a CT head in a child
GCS <14 on initial assessment
Which blood test has different normal values in children compared with adults
Which test is included on the neonatal
blood spot test?
- Cystic Fibrosis
- immunoreactive trysinogen - Sickle Cell Disease
- HPLC (high-powered Liquid Chromotography)
Congenital - Hypothyroidism
- 6 types of Inherited Metabolic Disorders:
- Galctosemia
- Maple Syrup Disease (MSUD)
- medium chan acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase defienceicy (MCADD)
- Phyenylketonuria (PKU)
- Homocystinuria (HSU)
- Glutaric Acidaemia Type 1 (GA1)
- Isovaleric Acidaemia (VA)
What blood test values stay the same in paeds + adults?
Why is ALP raised in children?
ALP raised due to bone metabolism from growth and bone marrow maturing
Indications for capillary blood gas
- Arterial blood gas analysis is indicated but arterial access is not available.
- Noninvasive monitor readings are abnormal: transcutaneous values, end-tidal CO2, pulse oximetry.
- Assessment of initiation, administration, or change in therapeutic modalities (ie, mechanical ventilation) is indicated.
- Monitoring the severity and progression of a documented disease process is desirable
Indication of urine collection
2. Or any other conditions that can be picked up in the urine.
Indication for heel prick
- Most routine blood tests requiring less than 1ml of blood
- Metabolic and genetic screening tests
- Blood glucose and Lactate analysis
- Blood gases
- Newborn Blood spot screening
Ix for septic child
- blood gas for glucose and lactate
- blood culture
- FBC ( WCC)
- C-reactive protein
- urea and electrolytes
- creatinine
- clotting screen
- Procalcitonin ( raised in bacterial sepsis)
Indication for LP in child
if aged < 2month or <3 months AND ‘appear unwell’ OR WBC <5 / >15
Classic signs of meningitis in children
- Neck stiffness
- Bulging Fontanelle
- High-Pitched cry/ Irritable
If you suspect meningitis in a child, what Ix must you do?
CT head if:
GCS <10
focal neuro
fluctuating consciousness
DDx for acute limp < 3y/o
- Fracture/ soft tissue injury
2. Developmental dysplasia of hip - where ball and socket of hip fail to develop normally
DDx for acute limp 3-10 y/o
- Transient synovitis - self limiting inflammatory hip disorder (diagnosis of exclusion - afebrile & common inboys, less likely under 3yrs)
- Fracture/ soft tissue injury
- Legg - Calve- Perthes disease - idiopathic avascular necrosis of developing femoral head (common in boys vs girls)
DDx for acute limp 10-19 y/o
- Fractue/ soft tissue
- SCFE - slipped upper femoral epiphysis - displacement of proximal femoral epiphysis from metaphysis - more common in boys
- Legg - Calve- Perthes disease
- Osgood schlatter disease - damage to patella ligament (anterior) by overuse injury - self limiting
- Chondromalacia patellae - anterior knee pain walking up or down stairs
DDx for acute limp in all ages
- Septic arthritis - infection of synovium + joint space -> joint destruction, loss of function and sepsis. Present w/ refusal to weight bear and fever. Blood cultures.
- Osteomyelitis - bone infection and lead to destruction
- Both may mimic transient synovitis (rare in <3yrs olds)
- Malignancy
- Metabolic disease - eg rickets (low vit D)
- Juvenile idiopathic arthritis - inflammatory joint disease in children
Ix for bronchiolitis
- 02 sats measurement <92%
2. No investigations required for bronchiolitis- usually a clinical diagnosis.
Ix for febrile seizures
- Clinical diagnosis- seziure with fever
- LP- to test for meningitis to consider.
- Blood culture, viral studies
- Serum sodium low–> seizures
- Glucose, iron studies and FBC
CT head within 1 hour indications in children:
- Clinical suspicion of NAI
- Post-traumatic seizure (no PMHx epilepsy)
- GCS <14 on initial assessment
- -> if <1 year, GCS <15 - GCS <15 2hrs after injury
- Suspected open or depressed skull fracture or tense fontanelle
- Signs of base of skull fracture
- Focal neurological deficit
- Aged <1 - bruise, swelling or laceration >5 cm on the head
CT head indications after observing for 4 hours
- Witnessed LOC >5 mins
- Amnesia (antegrade or retrograde) >5 mins
- Abnormal drowsiness
- ≥3 Discrete episodes of vomiting
- Dangerous mechanism of injury
if only 1 of the above:
Then CT Head if:
GCS <15