Paeds Flashcards
newborn Mx immediately after birth
skin to skin contact clamp umbilical cord dry baby keep baby warm - hat & blankets vit K (babies are born with deficiency vit K - IM vit K in thigh) label baby weigh baby
newborn Mx - out of the delivery room
newborn examination within 24hrs
blood spot test
hearing test
newborn resusitation (rapid action needed for a baby who doesn’t breathe within 30 seconds of birth or who exibits slow gasping. Bradycardia also indicates hypoxia. What is the Mx
warm, vigorous drying
(babies under 28wks placed in a plastic bag and go under heat lamp)
APGAR score
if gasping / unable to breathe consider aspiration using suction catheter
can also give inflation breaths - give O2 with bag-valve mask
still no responce - chest compressions, consider intubation & IV drugs
If baby near or at term and has prolonged hypoxia therefore at v high risk hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) what is Mx
theapeutic hypothermia
salmon patch - aka nevus simplex - very common what is Mx
usually fades by age 2
haemangionmas - blood vessels that form a raised red lump on the skin - usually shrink by age 7 but when is Tx indicated
if they affect vision, breathing or feeding
mouding = change of head shape during delivery - what is Mx
its common & resolves in a couple of days
heart mumurs are very common in babies & most relate to transition from foetal to neonatal circulatory pattern - what is Mx
disappear after first few days
Mx neonatal jaundice
exchange transfusion - excahnge of babies blood with donated blood / plasma in order to decrease circulating levels of bilirubin
mongolian blue spot (blue / grey lesions in the sacral area) Mx
do not require Mx
cafe au lait spots Mx
are themselves benign but may indicate neurofibromatosis type 1,
neonatal milia (tiny white bumps) Mx
clear by themselves & no Tx is needed - parental reassurance
erythema toxium (small erythematous papules & vesicles) - can appear & disappear quite rapidly - Mx?
capillary haemangiomas (raised red lump on the skin, get bigger up to 1 year in age and then shink & diappear by age 7) - require Tx if affecting vision, breathing or feeding - what is Tx
steroid injection
port wine stain - type of birth mark that grows as child grows & therefore stays into adulthood (sometimes associated with genetic diseases) what can improve lesions?
laser therapy
caphalohaematoma (subperiosteal haemorhages - does not cross the midline). Mx
most resolve spontaneously
(but do monitor for signs of jaundice & anaemia)
CT FU a few months later
haemolytic disease (maternal IgG antibodies cross the palcenta & reacts with foetal blood & antigens e.g ABO incompatibility + rhesus incompatibility) - Mx
antiD at 28 wks - prevention
if it does occur - wash out maternal antibodies by series exchange transfusion
aggressive phototherapy
intravenous immunoglobulin
initial Mx of premature bith happens antentally - what can be given
mag sulphate
prematurity - respiratory Mx e.g RDS, surfacatnt lung disease, bronchopulmonary dysplasia
exogenous surfactant intubation & mechanical ventilation high flow O2 intubators caffine administartion for apnoeas
prematuraity - cardiovasuclar Mx e.g hypotension, perfusion abnormalities, patent ductus arteriosus
inotrope infusion (e.g adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine) fluid Mx
prematurity neurological Mx - intraventricular haemorrhages, seizures, developmental delay
survelliance with CrUSS
regular head circumferance measurements
antiepileptic drugs e.g phenobarbital, phenytoin
neurodevelopmental FU
prematurity GI Mx - e.g immature gut causing feed intolerance, necroising enterocolitis
ABx therapy
surgical r/v if necrotoising enterocolitis suspected
prematurity - renal Mx e.g immature renal funstion
fluid management
electrolyte supplements
catheristaion if needed
prematurity - metabolic Mx e.g jaundice, hyper/hypoglycaemia
phototherapy exchange transfusion, insulin transfusion
prematurity complictions - sepsis Mx
septic screen
prematurity - skin & thermoregulation Mx - immature skin barrier leading to infection, water loss & decreased thermoregulation
incubator use
aseptic tecnique
prematurity - eyes Mx e.g retinopathy of prematurity
avoid XS oxygen exposure
optahlmology input & laser therapy if needed
RDS (antenatally steroids are given) postnatal Mx?
surfactant replacement therapy
assisted ventilation - mechanical ventilation, CPAP, supplementary O2
talipes (club foot) Mx - postural talipes
talipes (club foot) Mx - structural talipes - talipes equinovarus
orthopaedic referral for splitage or surgery
talipes (club foot) - strucutral talipes - talpies calcaneovalgus Mx
usually self corrects
bacterial meningitis Mx
IM benzypenicillin in GP under 3 months - cefotaxime + amocillin IV over 3 months - ceftriaxone IV steroids - dexa - to avoid hearing loss notifiable disease
viral meningitis Mx
usually milder than bacterial
aciclovir can be used
septicameia Mx
A to E
children are patricularly prone to hypoglycaemia when unwell therefore can give bolus dextrose)
chicken pox (VZV) Mx
supportive & avoid pregnant women until crusted over
aciclovir - immunocompromised pt, adults & adolescents over 14yrs presenting with 24hrs serious infection
viral conjunctivities Mx
usually self limiting
bacterial meningitis Mx
food allergy Mx
exclude the allergen form the diet
eduaction on allergica attcak - epipen
for mild reactions
infectious mononucelosis Mx
usually slef limiting
but can cuase fatigue for several months
no contact sport for 8wks - risk spenic rupture
limit spread by not kissing / using utensils
kawaksaki disease Mx
IV immunoglobulins
high dose aspirin
reyes syndrome - progressive encephalopathy - aitiology not fully understood but known assoication aspirin. what is Mx
measles Mx
paracetamol / ibuprofen to relieve fever, aches & pains
drink water
stay off school for at least 4 days
periorbital cellulitis Mx
oral co-amoxiclav
prophylaxis Tx baby HIV is mums viral load is less than 50 copies per ml
zidovudine for 4 wks
high risk babies mums viral laod is more than 50 copies per ml
lamivudine and
nevirapine for 4 wks
rubella - mild diseaes in childhood. Typically occurs in winter & spring Mx
rubella antentally less than 12 wks Mx
high liklihood defects - reasonable to consider TOP
rubella infection Mx 12-20wks antenatally
12-20 wks - TOP or suvelliance of pregancy by USS to identify features of congentital rubella syndrome
rubella infection Mx more than 20 wks antenatally
no action requires
acute asthma Mx
1st line - oxygen
salbuatmol nebs
ipratropium bromide (can be added to neb)
stetoids (3 days) oral pred
2nd line - IV salbutamol, mag sulphate
chronic Mx asthma (stepwise approach adding more in if not well controlled)
short acting beta agonist - salbutamol
ICS - e.g beclomathasone
LABA - salmetrol
then can add LRTA - montelukast
epglottitus Mx (life threatening infection caused by haempophilus influenzae - swelling of eppiglotis)
if suspect epiglottitus don’t examine throat
blood cultures
& IV ceftriaxone
tonisllitus - meets the centor criteria
benzlypenicillin then swtch to oral penicillin V when can swallow
paracet / ibuprofen for pain relief
tonsillectomy if meet criteria for recurrent tonisllitus
quincy (collection of pus in peritonsillar space) Mx
incision & drainage
croup Mx - admission depenedent on how severe. If severe group what is Mx
single dose oral dex
might need nebulised adrenaline
bronchioloitis - most cases can be managed at home with supportive measures e.g fluids, nutrition, temp control. Hospital admission if severe / underlying condition e.g CF. Mx?
consider CPAP if reduced oral intake
airway suctioning if secretions
pneumonia Mx
(can add erythromycin if atypical)
CF Mx is by an MDT approach - airway clearance & sx mx
uf chest infection - ABx, and prophylactic ABX needed in infants up to 3 yrs
regualr azithromycin to reduce exacerbations & improve lung function
CF Mx is by an MDT approach - nourishment & excercise
creon when eating meals
vit d & e supplements as these are fat soluble vitamins
build up milkshakes as children with CF have poor wt gain
Mx of acute inhaled foreign body
encourage to cough
back blows / chest thrusts
beguin CPR
Mx inhaled foreign body with late presentation - wheeze, stridor, infection
laryngoscopy / bronchoscopy for confirmation & retrieval
acute otitis media Mx - usually resolves itself & supportive Mx. However if child has discahrge or systemicall unwell or bilateral OM then the Mx
amoxicillin 5 days