Paediatrics Flashcards
What if you need to attend to the child urgently during the history?
At this stage I would like to assess the patient or check whether there is medical support with the child at the moment.
“I’m sorry to stop you but I’m going to look after your child now and I will come back as soon as I can to talk further”
I will call for help and manage the patient with a systematic A to E approach according to hospital protocol.
What is your structure for paeds Hx?
PC, HPC \+ systems review - behaviour - neuro: seizures/fits, headache - cough, sore throat, noisy breathing - GI vom, pain, diarrhoea/constipation - GU wetting nappies, stinging, going more or less often
BFG Birth Feeding Growth + development - red book
Drug Hx
- immunisation
- allergies
How would you manage this child with DKA?
A to E assessment of the child and take a stepwise approach using the trust protocol for DKA management and ask for senior support.
This would include a full set of observations
HR, RR, temp, O2 sats
Urine dip, Capillary BG, Capillary ketones,
Baseline bloods
RESUS shocked - 20ml/kg, otherwise 10ml/kg/60 mins -
CALC MAINTENANCE - weigh the child and use the severity of DKA to determine deficit(-10ml/kg)/48 + maintenance
Complications: hypokalaemia, cerebral oedema
If the patient was not responding to this management or there was any sign of developing cerebral oedema (headache, confusion > dec conscious, abnormal breathing, eye palsies/pupils) I would escalate to my senior, with consideration of IV hypertonic saline or mannitol and transfer to PICU.
How would you manage this child with an acute asthma exacerbation?
Alongside my A to E management I would take a stepwise approach and follow the trust protocol for acute asthma and ask for senior support. This would include assessing the severity of the attack and a CBG would be useful to look at O2 and CO2.
Salbutamol via pressurised metered dose inhaler + spacer, up to 10 puffs every 30 secs with 5 deep breaths.
(Children less than three years of age are likely to require a face mask connected to the mouthpiece)
I will give the patient salbutamol via an air or O2-driven nebuliser, adding ipratropium bromide if there is a poor response.
I would also prescribe oral prednisolone.
I would reassess the patient and repeat salb every 15 minutes if needed.
If the patient was not responding to this management I would escalate to my senior for consideration of Mg sulphate. If the patient was deteriorating or their CO2 rising I would seek immediate help from an anaesthetist/PICU.
Discharge when child is reliably spacing 4 hours between inhalers, with a asthma action plan and review with the GP within 2 days.
What’s the long term management of a child with asthma?
- assess Sx, PEFR diary, check inhaler technique, trigger avoidance, update self-management plan, Asthma UK website, tell school
+/- very low ICS
*move up if 3 or more doses a week - SABA PRN
+ very low ICS
OR LTRA <5yrs - SABA + vl ICS
>5yrs + LABA or LTRA
<5yrs + LTRA - inc ICS to low
OR >5yrs + LABA or LTRA - Specialist care
What’s the long term management of a child with diabetes?
This patient will be managed by an specialist paediatric diabetes MDT including a consultant, specialist nurse, dietician and psychologist support.
In hospital - the team will visit you to support and train in insulin injecting (basal/bolus) + BG monitoring + CHO counting + ?pump therapy if hypoglycemic unawareness
On discharge - appt in clinic in 1 week, OOH telephone line, regular F/U monitoring for control and complications
How would you investigate and manage this child with constipation?
Look out for red flags in the Hx - from birth, delayed mec (Hirschsprung’s), leg weakness, abdo distention + vomit (obstruction)
Relative - ftt (?hypothyroid)
Ix: full examination, growth chart, may test for coeliac disease (Fe, B12, folate) and hypothyroidism if ongoing
Conservative - inc fluids, inc fibre, staying active, regular toileting w/star chart, any need psychological or dietician input, inform school nurse
*Faecal impaction - overflow diarrhoea
movicol escalating disimpaction regimen for 2 weeks
*Maintenance 2 sachets/day
*Anal fissure - simple analgesia, refer to specialist
How would you investigate and manage this child with fever?
NICE traffic lights
Red flags - COLOUR (pale/mottled/ashen/blue), ACTIVITY (unresponsive, weak/HP cry), RESP (grunting + indrawing), HYDRATION (dec skin turgor), <3M >38
*non-blanching rash, bulging fontanelle, neck stiff, neuro
Ask about ICE!!!
Top to toe - further tests to seek out causes • FBC, U&Es, CRP • Cultures (urine, blood, +/-CSF) • CXR • VBG/CBG LP if under 1/meningitis suspected
Head - meningitis, otitis media
ENT/resp - tonsillitis, croup, pneumonia
Abdo - acute abdomen, UTI
Bones/joint - septic arthritis, osteomyelitis
> 5 days fever ?UTI, Kawasaki, pneumonia, leukaemia
Kawasaki disease Particularly <2 • Conjunctivitis • Rash – mac pap • Adenopathy - cervical • Strawberry tongue/red lips • Hands – palmar erythema and peeling skin • BURN - 5-7 days fever
Rx: IVIG + high dose aspirin
Complications - HEART DISEASE
• Myocarditis, pericarditis responds to IVIG
• CAA – dilation, aneurysms
Sudden death, long term IHD disease
Meningitis - GET SENIOR SUPPORT! RX ACCORDING TO HOSPITAL GUIDELINES GP - IM benzylpen A to E, give O2, IV access <3M - IV cef + IV amox >3M - IV cef + dex if not shocked
CIs - raised ICP, shock, local infection, coagulopathy
?bolus if shocked, transfer to PICU
Ongoing Rx - +/- NGT, catheter, CXR 2 hrly U&Es/gas + BM Fluid balance - contact infection control - Abx prophylaxis for household - leaflets
F/U - hearing test, OPD appt, vaccines
What would you offer a child with high BMI?
MANAGEMENT OPTIONS (building in patient concerns)
Cutting down on snacks and sugary food, decreased portions, eating together
Increasing exercise - fun activities, family participation (limiting screen time)
MDT management School nurse Dietician input - Starting a food diary - Weight management program - Support group (for mum and child)
What’s your approach to differentiating causes of abdo pain?
Abdo Hx
• Acute or chronic?
- Acute = UTI, DKA, surgical (appendix, intussusception, torsion)
- Chronic = constipation, IBD, coeliac, malignancy, abdominal migraine, psychological
• Serious cause?
Eating and drinking
• Passing urine
• Opening bowels
DDx not to miss
- UTI/pyelonephritis
- Bowel obstruction
- Appendicitis
Rare but serious
- Wilm’s tumour
- Neuroblastoma
What’s your approach to suspected NAI?
Suspected if:
- unexplained injuries
- subdural haematoma
- neglect
- failure to thrive
1st step
- make sure child and siblings are in a safe place i.e. ADMIT the child
- discuss with senior and named safeguarding lead
- > referral to social services
- bloods - bone profile
- skeletal survey
- CT head
“Whenever we have a case where we don’t know why an injury has occurred, we have to
involve some other people. This includes social services and the child safeguarding team (and maybe the police). This is a routine requirement for all children in these situations, and our aim is to keep your child safe. Sometimes when children have similar injuries, they do not happen by accident and they are caused by someone else.”
What is your differential for limp/joint problems in a child?
Differentials • Developmental dysplasia of the hip • Perthes • Slipped Upper Femoral Epiphysis = posterior migration of the epiphysis (obesity >10y/o M>F decreased abd & int rot, Ix with frog leg lateral X-ray - Rx = int pinning&fixation) • Irritable hip
• Trauma (eg toddler’s fracture)
• Infection (septic arthritis, osteomyelitis)
• Inflammation (Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Osgood-Schlatter)
• Malignancy (leukaemia, ewing’s, osteosarcoma)
What is your approach to neonatal jaundice?
HPC: exact day of jaundice, symptoms (lethargy, poor feeding, drowsy, stupor, hypotonia, fever, high-pitched cry, seizures)
Antenatal Hx: anything picked up on blood tests or scans?
infections, blood group incompatibilities, anti-D
Birth Hx: weeks, delivery, weight, how long was the stay, meconium, vit K, heel prick
Neonatal period: breastfeeding? how often, wet/dirty nappies (colour of stool), sleeping
other - drowsy, floppy, fever, vomiting, rash, weight now % change (RED BOOK)
*any other concerns from health visitor?
FHx: inherited blood diseases in family
SHx: who’s at home, smokers, social worker
full neonatal exam, obs plotted on PEWS, weight plotted in red book, urine dip
*transcut bilirubinometer
serum bili - plot on nomogram
If ?pathological
?haemolysis - FBC, blood film, enzymes, blood group, coomb’s test
?sepsis - SEPSIS 6 = cultures i.e. blood, urine, LP, CXR
?liver - LFTs, HIDA scan
Jaundice differentials
<24hrs = pathological
- haemolysis (HDON)
- infection (antenatal, sepsis)
24hrs - 2wks = physiological - p. jaundice - breast feeding - breast milk OR pathological - haemolysis, sepsis, hypothyroidism, metabolic
>2wks = prolonged - biliary atresia - choledochal cyst /prolonged breast milk /hypothyroidism /infection
Explain diagnosis of physiological jaundice
Explain diagnosis = physiological jaundice
What is it? New babies process their red blood cells quickly to produce bilirubin and their livers are not quite mature enough to remove all the bilirubin from the blood just yet. It’s a normal process and we’ve found no evidence of infection or any other causes so nothing to worry about.
Why did this happen? This could also be because she appears dehydrated at the moment, which worsens jaundice. We often find that it is more common in babies who needed help from the ventouse during delivery and babies who are breastfed. It is likely to be a combination of normal jaundice, ventouse, dehydration and the breastfeeding.
Epidemiology? This is very common. Up to 60% neonates.
Risks? There is a risk that the bilirubin can enter the brain and cause long term problems but at the moment Satia’s levels aren’t high enough for that.
Prognosis? Baby’s liver will soon mature and the jaundice will begin to disappear over the next 2 weeks.