Paediatrics Flashcards
What is the other name for croup?
In what population is croup common in
6m-3.y.o., more common in males
Give the four main symptoms of croup
Hoarse voice, barking cough, inspiratory stridor, increased RR
Describe four signs of croup
Intercostal recession, tracheal tug, chest wall recession, hypoxia, tachycardia
How do we treat croup?
Dexamethasone, nebulised adrenaline if moderate/severe
Give four differentials of croup
Anaphylaxis, epiglottitis, bacterial tracheitis, inhaled foreign body, congenital abnormality
What causes bronchiolitis?
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), usually
Describe the signs of bronchiolitis
Tracheal tug, increased RR, inspiratory crepitations, wheeze, abdominal breathing, intercostal recession, apnoea, grunting, cyanosis
Give risk factors for bronchiolitis
<6wks, premature, lower weight for gestation, immunodeficiency, congenital heart disease, neurological conditions
Give differentials for bronchiolitis
Acute asthma, viral induced wheeze, pneumonia, CHF, pertussis
What bacteria most commonly causes epiglottitis?
Haemophilus influenza type B
How can you distinguish between epiglottitis and croup?
Epiglottitis can present in a similar way to croup, but with a more rapid onset.
Describe the characteristic epiglottitis pt
Unvaccinated child presenting with a fever, sore throat, difficulty swallowing that is sitting forward and drooling
What is the tripod position?
Sat forward with a hand on each knee
Describe the investigations and findings for epiglottitis
Performing a lateral xray of the neck shows a characteristic “thumb sign” or “thumbprint sign”. This is a soft tissue shadow that looks like a thumb pressed into the trachea.
A five year old comes in acutely unwell. You suspect epiglottitis. What Ix are you going to perform.
None. If the patient is acutely unwell and epiglottitis is suspected then investigations should not be performed (risk of stress causing airway closure).
How is epiglottitis managed?
Don’t distress the pt. The most important thing is to alert the most senior paediatrician and anaesthetist available. They will secure the airway, and potentially give steroids and abx
Give a common complication of epiglottitis.
Epiglottic abscess.