Paediatrics Flashcards
Developmental Milestones Gross Motor:
-3 months
-7-8 months
-9 months
-12 month
-13 to 15 months
-2 years
-3 years
-4 years
-lying on abdomen and good head control
-Sits without support
-Cruises + Walks with one hand
-Walks unsupported
-Rides a tricycle + walks upstairs
-Hops on one leg
Developmental milestones speech and hearing:
-3 months
-6 months
-9 months
-12 months
-12 to 15 months
-2 years
-2.5 years
-3 years
-4 years
-turns towards sound
-double syllables
-Mamma/Dadda and understands no
-Responds to own name
-Knows 2 to 6 words
-combines two words
-Vocabulary of 200 words
-short sentences + counts to 10
-Asks ‘How’ ‘when’ and ‘why’
Developmental milestones behaviour
-6 weeks
-3 months
-6 months
-9 months
-laughs/enjoys gentle handling
-not shy
-Shy + Takes everything to mouth
Developmental Milestones Feeding
-12 to 15 months
-2 years
-3 years
-5 years
-drinks from cup and uses spoon with help
-competent with spoon
-uses spoon and fork
-knife and fork
Developmental milestones Play
-9 months
-12 months
-18 months
-2 years
-4 years
-peak a boo
-waves bye bye
-plays contently alone
-plays near others, not with them
-plays with other children
when do you refer a child who is not smiling yet?
10 weeks
when do you refer a child who has a vocabular of less than 6 words?
18 months
when do you refer a child who cannot sit without support?
12 months
when do you refer a child who cannot walk unsupported?
18 months
Whooping Cough
-Causative agent
-school exclusion
-what gestational age should pregnant women be offered the vaccine?
-Bordetella pertussis
-Macrolide (Clarithromycin, Azithromycin, Erythromycin) within 21 days of symptoms
-until 48 hrs after starting antibiotics
-16 to 32 weeks pregnant
Causes of pathological jaundice (within 24 hrs of birth)
-Rhesus Haemolytic Disease
-ABO haemolytic disease
-Hereditary spherocytosis
-G6P deficiency
Patau Syndrome
-microcephalic, small eyes, cleft lip, polydactyly
Fragile X Syndrome
-Learning difficulties, Macrocephaly, Long face, large ears, Macro-orchidism
-CGG trinucleotide repeat in FMR1 gene on chromosome X
Edwards Syndrome
-Micrognathia (small, low jaw), low set ears, rocker bottom feet, overlapping fingers
Noonan syndrome
-Inheritance pattern
-Most common abnormal gene
-Webbed neck, Pectus Excavatum, Short stature, Pulmonary stenosis
-Autosomal dominant
Posterior displacement of the tongue (may result in upper airway obstruction)
Cleft palate
Piere-Robin syndrome