Paediatrics Flashcards
Developmental Milestones: Sits without support
7-8 months
Developmental Milestones: Crawls
9 months
Developmental Milestones: Walks unsupported
13-15 months
when to refer for not being able to walk unsupported?
18 months
when to refer for not being able to sit without support?
12 months
Developmental Milestones: turns toward sound
3 months
Developmental Milestones: Double syllables ‘adah’, ‘erleh’
6 months
Developmental Milestones: Says ‘mama’ and ‘dada’
9 months
Developmental Milestones: Combine two words
2 years
Developmental Milestones: Knows and responds to own name
12 months
Developmental Milestones: palmar grasp
6 months
Developmental Milestones: point with finger
9 months
Developmental Milestones: good pincer grip
12 months
Developmental Milestones: able to build a tower of 3 with bricks
18 months
Developmental Milestones: smile
6 weeks
Developmental Milestones: Competent with spoon, doesn’t spill with cup
2 years
Developmental Milestones: waves “bye-bye”
12 months
what does tetralogy of fallot consist of?
- ventricular septal defect (VSD)
- right ventricular hypertrophy
- right ventricular outflow tract obstruction, pulmonary stenosis
- overriding aorta
Fever initially
Itchy, rash starting on head/trunk before spreading. Initially macular then papular then vesicular
Systemic upset is usually mild
Fever, malaise, muscular pain
Parotitis (‘earache’, ‘pain on eating’): unilateral initially then becomes bilateral in 70%
Rash: pink maculopapular, initially on face before spreading to whole body, usually fades by the 3-5 day
Lymphadenopathy: suboccipital and postauricular
Prodrome: irritable, conjunctivitis, fever
Koplik spots: white spots (‘grain of salt’) on buccal mucosa
Rash: starts behind ears then to whole body, discrete maculopapular rash becoming blotchy & confluent
Lethargy, fever, headache
‘Slapped-cheek’ rash spreading to proximal arms and extensor surfaces
Also known as fifth disease or ‘slapped-cheek syndrome’
Caused by parvovirus B19
Fever, malaise, tonsillitis
‘Strawberry’ tongue
Rash - fine punctate erythema sparing the area around the mouth (circumoral pallor)
Scarlet fever- Reaction to erythrogenic toxins produced by Group A haemolytic streptococci