Paediatrics Flashcards
Child in resp distress/probably bronchiolitis, what investigation do you do?
Blood culture
Blood gas
Nasopharyngeal aspirate
Unsure - maybe blood gas to know severity of resp distress…
Some argued NPA just for public health reasons but isnt it usually RSV?
NZ Euro kid with the sniffles , sore throat(low grade fever, red tonsils no exudate), what organism is responsible
S. pyogenes
6 mo with wheeze, increased work of breathing etc, had sibling who was sick last week. On exam had diffuse crackles. Diagnosis?
VIral induced wheeze
<1 year pretty confident with bronchiolitis
Baby with stridor that goes away when they sleep
a. Laryngomalacia
b. Vascular ring
c. Subglottic stenosis
d. Croup
Baby with a arm lesions (chickenpox). When can she go back to kindy?
When they’ve dried
2 days antibiotics first
Wait 7 days
When they’ve dried
5yo Maori boy with viral sx and wheeze. No sx any other time.
Viral induced wheeze
Child had GTCS on waking. Has twitches in arms and legs occasionally. ?potentially had febrile seizure when younger. EEG showed generalised spike and wave when sleep deprived and with photostimulation. Diagnosis?
Juvenile myoclonic seizures
Something like this on newborn baby. Getting bigger with time, parents concerned. Treatment?
Observe, usually just regress. Only need surgery if obstructing visual field or something.
Baby who can turn over on tummy but needs help sitting up on it’s own, passes hand to hand, doesn’t have a pincer grip, no words but babbles, responds to name, holds bottle to feed
3 months
6 months
9 months
12 months
6 months
4 year old child with fever (39), looking toxic, respiratory distress and high pitched inspiratory stridor, what do you do first? He had already had neb adrenaline
IV hydrocortisone
Inhaled corticosteroids
Nebulised salbutamol
Inhaled adrenaline
Intubation (epiglottitis)
10 month old child recovering from viral gastro, is on formula + solids, gets diarrhoea 10 days later. What do you do?
- Lactose free milk
- Soy formula
- Gluten free diet
- Revert to clear fluids for 48 hrs
- Metronidazole
Lol i want to give him extensively hydrolysed formula!
Pregnant lady who has had varicella vaccines at pre-pregnancy check 6 months ago. Presents with vesicles on hands and feets. Causative pathogen?
- Coxsackie A16
- Syphilis
- Varicella Zoster
- Parvovirus
Coxsackie A16
Hand foot + mouth
What does this kid have
Meningococcal septicaemia
Kid with UTI, still febrile after 5/7 ABx, now has palpable painful flank mass
Renal U/S
CT abdo
Renal U/S
Child with egg allergy comes in with a fever 38.5 and coryzal symptoms. What would stop you giving them the vaccine
a) Egg allergy
c) Temp >38
c) Temp >38
Egg allergy no longer a contraindication for any vaccines. Mild URTI okay.
Kid with partial seizures. Having multiple attacks per day gazing off into the distance associated with hand movements. Tiredness after the event, jerking and lip smackin with chewing motions. What is the best medication?
a) Lamotrigine
b) Levetriracetam
c) Ethosuximide
d) Valproate
d) Valproate
Lady with a baby that was fine at birth, presents 3 days later with increasing jaundice, bilirubin 380 (normal <200), direct bilirubin 12 (normal<6). What is your initial management?
a) Formula supplement
b) Stop breastfeeding
c) Phototherapy
d) Exchange transfusion
e) Recheck bilirubin in 23 hours
This is physiological jaundice
Term baby born by elective caesar, birthweight 3.6 kgs, c section. APGAR scores 8 and 9 at 1 and 5 or 10 minutes. 4 hours later becomes breathless with low O2 sats, X-ray shows fluid in interlobar fissures
Transient tachypnea of the newborn
Meconium aspiration
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Transient tachypnea of the newborn
More common in C-section - retained fluid as not squeezed out by vagina lol
Enuresis at 4yo (he was rly young), never successfully toilet trained
Trial of enuresis alarm
Psych referral
Alarm usually only ok >5 year old, need maturity and understanding to respond.
Otitis externa- Can’t visualise tympanic membrane. Rx
Give broad spectrum ABs ear drop
Oral amoxicillin
Urgent ENT referral
Warm saline wash
Give broad spectrum ABs ear drop
- Dehydrated kid post gastro, 2 year-old boy. BP 90/50, tachycardia (100), tachypnoea, sunken fontanelle and slightly reduced skin tugor. Was drinking normally but now not taking any oral fluids.
Oral rehydration solution +6
Oral rehydration with water
IV Saline 0.45% with dextrose
IV Saline: 0.9%
Saline: 0.9%
THIS IS RESUS, IV. He is not taking oral fluids!!!
Chick wanting to get pregnant in the near future. Non-smoker, drinks 2 standards per night. Best advice
- Stop drinking alcohol immediately
- stop as soon as you are confirmed pregnant
- cut down to 1/night
- have 2 alcohol free days/week
Stop drinking alcohol immediately
No safe limit.
Mother worried about SUDI. Best advice?
Don’t sleep with child in bed
Use humidifier in child’s room
Sleep monitor
Don’t sleep with child
Baby just born, APGAR of 3 at 1 minute, slow to start breathing. What is most important for resuscitation?
· Bag mask ventilation
· Nasal O2
· Intubate
· Suction mouth and nose
· Bag mask ventilation
In neonates born through clear amniotic fluid who do not start breathing after thorough drying and rubbing the back 2-3 times, suctioning of the mouth and nose should not be done routinely before initiating positive-pressure ventilation
6 week old Asian child. Previously well, now profuse vomiting after feeds. Lost 300 grams in last week. Hyponatraemic hypochloraemic metabolic alkalosis. Abdomen SNT, bowel sounds present. What’s the investigation
Abdomen USS
Abdominal xray
Abdo CT
This is highly suggestive of pyloric stenosis, which is diagnosed by USS
‘Ultrasonography of the upper abdomen demonstrates an elongated hypertrophic pylorus through which gastric contents cannot be demonstrated to pass through.’
Child gets meningitis from AOM. What’s the most likely organism?
Strep pneumoniae
Staph aureus
Haemophilus influenzae
Strep pneumoniae
8 year old boy comes in with fecal soiling. Previously toilet trained, now soiling at night time. No day-time incontinence. Examination shows left iliac fossa mobile mass. Teasing at school has become an issue. What is the best initial management?
Psych referral
High fibre diet
Do nothing
Stool evacuation and softening routine
Enuresis alarm
- Stool evac + Softening routine
Clean out: enema if >5 years, magnesium citrate, polyethylene glycol
He likely has constipation hence LLQ mass.
Kid with meningitis and high ICP, raised WBC predominantly lymphocytes, given antibiotics and fluids, what further treatment:
· IV Dexamethasone
· Paracetamol
· IV Morphine
· IV Phenytoin
· Rectal diazepam
IV Dexamethasone
Reduces swelling (raised ICP)
Kid eats prawns, develops wheezing and urticaria. After 15 minutes he has a rash and wheeze, O2 sats are 95%. What do you give?
· Nebulised adrenaline
· IV adrenaline
· IM adrenaline
· Subcut adrenaline
· Sublingual adrenaline
IM adrenaline for anaphylaxis
Wee boy 3 years old, presents with fluctuating diarrhoea and constipation. Normal weight gain until about 5 months ago (has lost 1kg since previous check). No blood or mucus. What initial investigation should you do?
· Stool culture
· Stool reducing substance
· Anti-TTG
re: coeliacs disease
Kid falls out of tree and has exposed brain and fractured arm. Brought in by ambulance with teacher. Able to talk initially and then starts deteriorating rapidly. Parents are not far from hospital, what do you do.
Call neuroreg
Wait for parents
Talk to head hospital chap
Obtain consent from teacher
4 year old child with breathlessness who’d had a VSD repair 3 month. Had no pulses palpable. Heart sounds cannot be heard. CRT 3 seconds. Seemed shocked. What do?
· Cold ice water face dunk
· Unilateral Carotid sinus massage
· IV Adenosine
· IV Atropine
· DC Cardioversion
· IV Amiodarone
Shock that mfer
Boy, aged 7, who began toilet training at 3. Still bed wetting at night, but no accidents during the day. Next step in management?
Enuresis alarm
nb desmopression is used short-term and can help with conditioning, but very high recurrence rate. carries risk.
Kid with viral gastro now profuse yellow diarrhoea what do you advise
Lactose free milk
formula feeds
Soy milk
Lactose free milk
Post-viral lactase deficiency
Young kid with otitis media, redness and bulging tympanic membrane, not resolving & paracetamol/analgaesics no longer helping. Bacterial otitis media? What abx?
Ciprofloxacin ear drops
Baby born at term, normal pregnancy and delivery, indrawing, nasal flaring, tachypnoea
Diaphragmatic hernia
Kid with a spot on the chin, mum said previous spots on back had disappeared leaving white zones behind? What should you do?
1) Skin biopsy
2) Cryotherapy
3) Corticosteorids
4) Reassurance
Reassurance = halo naevus
3 yo Kid with 3 week history of halitosis and unilateral nasal discharge
a. Tonsillitis
b. Chronic adenoiditis
c. Foreign body
d. Poor oral hygiene
e. Sinusitis
Foreign body
What vaccine do you give at 6 weeks? You explain the importance of having immunisations on time and you name one of them. Apparently one is more time sensitive than others. Which vax is most important?
a. HiB
b. Pertussis
c. Diphtheria
d. Polio
e. Measles
f. Varicella
g. Tetanus
Pertussis most important
Kid with varicella for 24 hours. Family has a domestic flight trip in 3 days
a. Advise family to cancel flight
b. Vaccinate family
c. Immunoglobulins
d. Oral acyclovir
e. No treatment needed
Advice to cancel - contagious until scabbed over completely.
6-week old with a flat occiput. Mum was a single working parent. Best management
a. Plagiocephaly helmet
b. Reassure as normal
c. Refer to social worker to check everything is okay at home
d. Advice mum to sleep baby prone
Silly kid decided to eat a battery from his granddad’s hearing aid. X-ray shows battery stuck in kid’s inferior oesophagus
a. immediate endoscopic removal
b. laparoscopic removal
c. ipecac syrup
d. check in 24 hours
immediate endoscopic removal
- 7 year old with a BMI of 19.5 on a BMI chart. Put him around 95-97th percentile
a. Adequate weight
b. Obese
c. Mild over weight
d. Under weight
e. BMI not indicated for paediatric use
Obese based on percentile
- Kid got 5 days of sore hip and knee with fever. Couldn’t weight bear. Marked limitation of hip movement
a. Septic arthritis
b. Rheumatic fever
c. Perthes
d. Transient synovitis
Septic arthritis
5-year-old Niuean kid with a sore tibia, fever/tibia felt hot, raised neutrophils, normal xray. What treatment?
a. Flucloxicillin
b. Vancomycin
Flucloxicillin - osteomyelitis
Lady worried about her 8 month old babies feeding. Says he isn’t gaining weight. And seems smaller than babies the same age. Weight 25th percentile, height and head circumference 50th percentile. What do you do?
a. Admit to hospital to observe feeding
b. Dismiss her concerns
c. Reassure
d. Social work referral to observe home environment
e. Reassess in 8 weeks
Reassess in 8 weeks
Kid fell off monkey bars and hit head. Remembers falling and hitting his head. GCS 15, vomited once and has a headache. Tenderness on frontal region.
a. Admit for neuro observation
b. CT head
c. Observe for 4 hours and D/C if neuro obs normal
d. D/c with information about head injuries
e. Skull x-ray
Observe for 4 hours and D/C if neuro obs normal
Kid with petechiae and bruises, otherwise well, what investigation is most appropriate?
a. Full blood count exam
b. Coagulation screen
c. Skeletal survey
FBC - platelets ?lymphoma/leukaemia