Paediatric Respiratory 1 Flashcards
What is estimated tidal volume at rest?
6-7 mL/kg body weight
What happens to FEV1/FVC in restrictive and obstructive lung disease?
- Normal in restrictive, may be increased (normal 75-80%)
- Decreased if obstructive
Describe what happens to the flow-volume loop in restrictive and obstructive lung disease:
- Restrictive - flow less affected, narrow oblong. May be smaller overall
- Obstructive - volume less affected, concave expiratory loop
What diseases lead to decreased FRC?
- Alveolar interstitial diseases
- Thoracic deformities
- Restrictive lung diseases
examples: scoliosis, neuromuscular diseases
What diseases lead to increased FRC?
- Intrathoracic airway obstruction
- Obstructive lung diseases
- examples: bronchiolitis, asthma
Poiseuille’s law:
Resistance to laminar flow = ( 8 x length x viscosity ) / (pi x radius^4)
Describe the different types of sleep and what you might see on a PSG:
N1 - sleep transition
N2 - light sleep with spindles (look like fuzzy caterpillars) and K complexes (up then down waves)
N3 - slow wave and deep sleep, small EMG
REM - lots of eye movement, very small EMG
What medication(s) are used to treat periodic limb movement disorder?
- Often see less iron in basal ganglia
- Check ferritin, Fe supplement aim top 1/2 of normal range/above 50
- In adults use antiparkinsonian meds
What paO2 corresponds with sats of 50%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 97% on pulse oximetry?
50% = PaO2 27mHg 70% = PaO2 40mmHg 80% = PaO2 45mmHg 90% = PaO2 60mmHg 97% = PaO2 96mmHg
Which factors shift the oxygen dissociation curve to the right?
To the right = more free oxygen available e.g. for exercising muscles! Breaks Hb and O2 apart/decrease affinity.
- increased temperature
- increased PCO2
- decreased pH
- increased 2,3-diphosphoglycerate.
Which factors shift the oxygen dissociation curve to the left?
To the left = you want the Hb and O2 to stick together/increase affinity e.g. in lungs
- decreased temperature
- decreased PCO2
- increased pH
- decreased 2, 3 diphosophoglycerate
What should the PVR be in childhood (as % of systemic resistance)?
3 days after birth - 50%
2-3/12 after birth - 15%
Definition of pulmonary arterial hypertension:
- Mean PA pressure ≥25 mm Hg
WITH - Normal pulmonary capillary wedge pressure ≤15 mmHg (i.e. normal venous pressure)
- Increased PVR index ≥3 Wood units/m^2
What are the cells that react to lung inflammation and what chemicals do they produce?
- Alveolar macrophages
- Tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β
Where are the mutations causing cystic fibrosis and what are the most common ones?
- CFTR protein on Chromosome 7
- Commonest is deletion F508 (class 2, protein transport problems) In Australia/NZ - Gly551Asp/G551D (defective regulation of CFTR, class 3) - Gly542X (no CFTR, class 1)
How common is cystic fibrosis?
1/3500 live births in white populations
How common is meconium ileus in CF?
Some genetics seem to make it more likely
What are the diagnostic criteria for CF?
Typical clinical features (respiratory, GI, GU) / sibling with CF / positive newborn screening test
Lab evidence:
2X elevated sweat chloride (>60 mEq/L) obtained on separate days (NB: intermediate is 30-59, can still have CF) or 2 CF mutations or an abnormal nasal potential difference measurement
What is the screening test for CF in NZ?
Tier 1: Measurement of immunoreactive trypsin (IRT).
Tier 2: If the IRT level is in the highest 1%, this is followed by genetic analysis using a limited panel
of the most common CF genetic mutations in NZ.
What is Kartagener Triad?
- Situs inversus totalis (50% of patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia have it; 25% of patients with situs inversus have PCD)
- Chronic sinusitis
- Bronchiectasis
What is FVC 25-75% useful for?
- Indicator of mild airway obstruction
- Small airways disease
What genetic/syndromic anomalies are associated with choanal atresia?
- CHARGE syndrome
- Treacher-Collins
- Kallmann syndrome
- VA(C)TER(L) association
- Pfeiffer
What is ABPA associated with?
- Asthma or CF
How does monteleukast work?
- Block effects of cysLT1 receptor (leukotriene receptor antagonists)
Vocal cord dysfunction/paralysis on flow-volume loop…
Flattening of inspiratory curve
Tracheal stenosis on flow-volume loop…
Flattening of inspiration and expiration curve
What is omalizumab and what do you use it for?
- Humanized, monoclonal anti‐IgE antibody that binds specifically to circulating IgE molecules, thus interrupting the allergic cascade.
- > 12yo severe allergic asthma when all other avenues exhausted. Given by a subcut injection – may get site reactions.
- Well tolerated, but occasional anaphylaxis
How does carbon monoxide cause toxicity?
- Reversible binding of carbon monoxide to cytochrome A3.
- Binds to the usual OXYGEN site of Hb.
What is surfactant and which cells make it?
- Mixture of phospholipids + proteins
- Synthesized, packaged, secreted by alveolar type II pneumocytes (AEC2s) in distal air spaces
What does surfactant do?
- Decrease surface tension at end-expiration
- Prevent atelectasis and VQ mismatch
What is ivacaftor approved for?
- CF treatment - class 3 mutations
- Gly551Asp/G551D
What is surfactant mostly made of?
- Phosphatidycholine
When do you get false negatives on a sweat test?
- <75g sweat
- Malnutrition
- Mineralocorticoid use
- Adrenal insufficiency
- Fucosidosis
- G6PD deficiency
What are the wheezy viruses?
- Rhinovirus
- Increased risk of wheeze persisting at age 6
What is Orkambi and what is it for?
- CF with homozygous F508del mutation
- ivacaftor and lumacaftor
- corrector - protein folds properly then stays open
What is Pulmozyme?
- Pulmozyme - recombinant human deoxyribonuclease I - enzyme which selectively cleaves DNA
- dornase alfa
- Inhaled, anti-neutrophil, reduces gas trapping, improves airway clearance & CT findings by making the mucous less viscous.
What factors increase 2, 3 DPG?
- Hormones: thyroxine, HGH, adrenaline, testosterone
- High altitude (paO2 lower, need more to get oxygen off Hb to tissues)
Flattened expiratory curve in flow-volume loop:
Intrathoracic upper airway obstruction e.g. tracheomalacia
Flattened inspiratory curve in flow-volume loop:
Extrathoracic upper airway obstruction e.g. vocal cord paralysis or dysfunction
Flattened rectangular shape to all of flow-volume loop:
Fixed upper airway obstruction e.g. neck lump, tracheal stenosis or goitre
What is compliance and how does it vary in younger vs older children?
- Lung compliance is the change in lung volume per unit change in pressure
- Neonates have LOW lung compliance i.e. need high pressures to ventilate
- but HIGH chest wall compliance
What is the response to bronchodilator in asthma?
FEV1 increases by 15%
Decreased FEV1:FVC is…
- More likely obstructive
- Should also have decreased FEV1
- Decreased FEF 25-75% if small airways affected
Poor technique clues on flow-volume loop…
- Abnormal dips in expiratory curve
- early starts of inspiratory curve
Why are changes in FRC important?
- FRC maintains PAO2/PACO2 at more constant levels during inspiration and expiration
- decreased FRC -> decreased PAO2 in expiration as decreased volume, therefore hypoxemia
- compensate with increased PEEP and increased I-time in ventilation
- increased FRC - lungs are less compliant
What are signs/factors suggesting poor prognosis for CF?
- Poor nutritional status
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Burkholderia cepacia
- Diabetes
- Frequent exacerbations
- Female gender
What are the indications for lung transplant in CF?
- FEV1 <30% predicted
- Rapid decline in lung function
- Declining exercise tolerance
- Nutritional problems
- Life threatening complications
What are the features of diaphragmatic hernia?
- 1/2-3000
- Affects contralateral lung
- Long term nutritional problems
- 30-60% malrotation
- R side 12%/L side 88%
How does mepolizumab work?
Anti IL-5
What happens physiologically with sleep?
Decreased muscle tone -> 2X airway resistance, 1/2 VT
Sleep worsens all ventilatory issues (except laryngomalacia)