Paediatric Orthopaedics - The Big 3 Flashcards
What does DDH stand for?
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
Describe the epidemiology of DDH in terms of ethnicity, sex and which hip is more commonly affected?
- Different incidence in different parts of world, most prevalent in Eskimo’s and least in northern Europe
- Girls:boys 6:1
- Left hip more commonly affected than right
What are risk factors for DDH?
- First born
- Oligodydramnios
- Reduced fluid within the uterus
- Breech presentation
- Family history
- Other lower limb deformity
- High birth weight
What is oligodynamics?
- Reduced fluid within the uterus
What are the clinical features of DDH?
- Ortolani’s sign
- Barlow’s sign
- Piston motion sign
- Hamstring sign

What investigations are done for DDH?
X-ray is not done due to reducing x-ray exposure, and it would show things too late anyway due to femur not ossifying until 3 months
What does the treatment of DDH depend on?
Age of patient
What is the treatment for DDH?
- If <3 months
- 90% respond to splint
- 3 months to 1 year
- Closed reduction and spica cast
- >1 year
- Open reduction and capsule reefing
- >18 months
- Open reduction with femoral shortening with or without peri-acetabular osteomy
- >6 years and bilateral
- Leave alone
- >10 years and unilateral
- Leave alone
How does the prognosis of DDH with treatment change with age?
The older the child the poorer the result
Is any screening done for DDH in the UK?
Selective US screening is done in UK:
- Every baby examined at birth
- US may follow if indicated
What is the aetiology of perthes disease?
- Pathologically avascular necrosis of hip
- Possible relationships to
- Coagulation tendency
- Repeated minor trauma
- Familial
- Classically low social status
Describe the epidemiology of perthes disease in terms of sex and age?
- M>F
- Primary school age
What are the clinical features of perthes disease?
- Limp
- Knee pain on exercise
- Stiff hip joint
- Systemically well
What investigation is done for perthes disease?
- X-ray
- Four Waldenstrom stages

How is perthes disease staged on an x-ray?
Four Waldenstrom stages:
1) Initial stage
2) Fragmentation stage
3) Reossification stage
4) Healed stage

What impacts the prognosis of perthes disease?
- Younger age at presentation do better
- Proportion of head involved
- Herring grade
What is the treatment of perthes disease?
- Maintain hip motion
- Analgesia
- Restrict painful activity
- Consider osteotomy in selected groups of older children (>7 years)
Maintain hip motion
restrict painful activity
What does SUFE stand for?
Slipped upper femoral epithysis
Describe the epidemiology of SUFE in terms of sex and age?
- M>F
- Many overweight
- Age 9-14 years
How can SUFE be classed?
- Acute v chronic
- Magnitude of slip (angle or proportion)
- Stable v unstable
- Unstable is unable to weight bear (poor prognosis)
- Stable is able to bear weight (good prognosis)
What is the difference between stable and unstable SUFE?
- Stable v unstable
- Unstable is unable to weight bear (poor prognosis)
- Stable is able to bear weight (good prognosis)
How is the magnitude of SUFE classified?
Magnitude is classified by ratio of width of femur to amount of slip:
- Mild <1/3
- Moderate 1/3-1/2
- Severe >1/2
Describe the pathology of SUFE?
- Displacement through hypertrophic zone
- Metaphysis moves anterior and proximal
What are the clinical features of SUFE?
- Pain in hip or knee
- Externally rotated posture and gait
- Reduced internal rotation, especially in flexion
- Plain x-rays
- Best seen on lateral x-rays
What investigations are done for SUFE?
- X-ray
- Slip can be identified early using Trethowan;s sign on AP film
What is the treatment for SUFE?
- Operative
- Pinned in situ if stable
- Open reduction if severe unstable slips
- AVN high risk
What are possible complications of SUFE?
- Stable slips have low risk, unstable slips have high risk
- Chrondolysis
- Deformity
- Early OA
- Limb length discrepancy
- Impingement